
Ichor: Blood Magic Sovereign

A primordial vampire wreaks havoc across modern day Asia. Beset by the catastrophe, Muchen has to sacrifice himself to save his family. In an attempt to reincarnate, the magus ends up lost in time, his soul stranded all the way back in 1410, amidst the brightest pyres of the Inquisition. (read more...) ~ A slumbering immortal awakes deep in the Himalayas, sowing lethal nightmares across the mortal realms. Millions perish throughout India and China in mere hours, even as national armies struggle fruitlessly to contain its hunger. Ancient paragons of magic descend from isolation, and shapeshifter beasts rise up to defend their tribal courts, all in vain. Werewolves and vampires put their eternal conflicts aside and unite, not in an effort to win — but to live. Muchen Feng is an old mage caught up in an aftershock of the creature’s awakening. Despite his best efforts, he fails to hold on to what he cherishes most. Unwilling to resign to his fate, Muchen seeks a path to the past, and tries to reincarnate. Born anew, he shall rewrite all wrongs and erase his regret at the source. Alas, his plan goes awry and the ritual is interrupted just as success is within reach. His soul is nearly torn asunder, and he forfeits control over his own fate. Adrift in time and on the brink of collapse, he finds refuge in the Dream realms, but that shelter is far from flawless. Unable to halt his soul’s decay, he resigns himself to chance. Centuries earlier, in the savage Maltese Archipelago, a sickly infant is abandoned at the Valetta port. Taking pity on the dying boy, a kind soul takes him to a monastery. That pity however is misplaced, for within that frail body linger the last embers of a drifter from the future.

RavenCorella · Fantasía
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74 Chs


There wasn't much information in his dream library about the Blood Geas, but he did have a rudimentary understanding of it. Essentially, someone who drank blood from an immortal would be beholden to their master's whims. In turn, they themselves would be quasi-immortal, in a sense that they would not age so long as they continuously drank the blood.

Their body would also be enhanced to resist most diseases, while also receiving a substantial boost to their physique. Blood thralls were much more resilient, nimble and strong when compared to your average human.

This may sound like an excellent deal, and it was for this reason precisely that large temples made sure to include this in their teachings. Many mages were drawn to the offer of immortality without considering the drawbacks, and there were many.

For one, the blood was more addictive than any drug on the market. Secondly, your supply option was usually limited to your master, who didn't simply hand his blood over for nothing. Thus, you became their slave in perpetuity even if you somehow managed to resist the Geas itself — a nigh irresistible form of mind control.

Along with the original curse and taint, the blood thrall became bound to the intent and whims of their master. They could not disagree with them, not to mention resist physically should it come down to it. Even the thought of rebellion simply did not occur, because only love for the master existed.

It was such a thorough brainwashing that even aged mages fell prey to it and turned against their own kin or organizations. As a result, there was a zero tolerance policy for blood thralls. Either their masters were found and killed to free them, or the spy was exiled or executed.

Thankfully for Leonardo, the Blood Geas had no chance to be reinforced in his case. Not if he had a say in it.

As he stared blankly at the sun and thought over the information he had on vampires, he realized his master was a bit careless in letting him go. Furthermore, she ordered him to do something that completely went against his nature.

Yukiko was his reverse scale, and she managed to tick that on day one. This snapped him back to a momentary state of clarity. Now, he just had to cling to that for as long as he could.

The mind control would be reinforced when he was in her presence or if he drank her blood again, so he had to make the most out of it before that. Otherwise, he'd be thoroughly brainwashed into eternal servitude and lose everything.

'She seemed weak and starving, and it's already dawn. I can make use of that.'

Clenching his fist with rage and determination, he shot the cellar another glare and then walked off.

Vampires turned to ash when exposed to sunlight, so before night fell, he had to make adequate preparations.

'However… I can't kill her.'

Stopping in his tracks, he mulled over how to handle the situation.

The vampire didn't drain him dead, and even used her blood to save him. Realistically, she could have waited for nightfall then go on a rampage. This would be optimal, yet she showed leniency.

Furthermore, her blood proved to be an omnipotent weapon against the cursed plague, something he could definitely use. However, harnessing the vampire's curse would not be easy by any means.

He could use small doses of flux to purge the virus, but that would enslave a large portion of the Maltese to the whims of the creature. Not to mention the addiction and clearly supernatural physical enhancement.

'I'm putting the horse before the cart here,' Leo sneered in self derision, 'I need to find a way to capture her first.'

Luckily, there was one such method. Staking a vampire's heart with wood was a sure way to disable them. It didn't kill them, but rather paralyzed them. It reduced them to helpless husks and prevented their ability to use blood.

'However, she won't be able to produce more flux this way.'

Scratching his head as he wandered around, he couldn't help but curse.

'Fuck, this is going to be difficult.'

He had to trap the beast and ensure its cooperation without putting himself or anyone in the orphanage in danger. Furthermore, he had to avoid succumbing to the Blood Geas. Asking nicely wouldn't work, so he had to defeat her first.

Even if weakened, the vampire was a powerful immortal beast. A single strike could pulverize his chest or burst his head like a melon.

He had to approach this with great caution, while also moving quickly to avoid raising suspicion.

'Time is ticking. I need to return soon.'

Coming to Yukiko's room, he sighed regretfully then knocked.

He considered asking Bruno or Anabella to be the sacrificial bait, but neither were supernaturally aware and might freak out. He had no time to explain from scratch, nor the desire to do so.

Yukiko was the only one who could play part in his plan, something he hated deeply. She was the one person he didn't want endangered at all costs, yet now he had to willingly put her in harm's way.

"Hey, big brother. What's up?" The door opened and Yuki perked over, before beaming with excitement, "You look great! Are you cured already?"

Stifling the deep pain in his heart, he forced a short smile on his face. Patting her head, he forced his emotions under control and asked seriously.

"I need you to trust me," he began grimly, "There is no time to explain, but I need your help."

"Anything." Yukiko replied immediately and with conviction, no sign of doubt in her voice.

He knew she meant it, and that thought only served to hurt even more. He would breach that trust today and cast her into the fire, and even if she survived — that trust may never be regained.

Somehow, the 'greater good' didn't serve as a consolation excuse. At most, he could hope that his plan went accordingly. Whether she even survived would be up in the air, and Leonardo knew just how fickle fate was.

"Alright, I need you to come with me. Whatever happens, don't panic. I'm going to be with you."