
Ice Wizard in Harry Potter

A Wizard blessed by winter, Nathaniel WinterHeart, after being summoned by the Great Wizard of Light, Albus Dumbledore, decides to embark on an adventure at the greatest wizarding school that exists, Hogwarts. Holding the position of Teacher of the Charms subject after the tragic death of Ravenclaw House Head, Flitwick..

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37 Chs

Special Chapter : Between Dimensions - Octavius' Journey to another Hogwarts

Thank you very much for your support :

Max, TheRavenbrand, Romulus Vi Britannia, David, The Last Guardin, Ivy, OCBR, Thy Thots Slayer, Hugo and Alexander.

To all our readers: Happy New Year!


In the quiet of Nathaniel's office, in one of the most discreet corners of Hogwarts, a sudden and uncontrolled magical disturbance shook the place. 

Strange," Nathaniel thought as he felt the ripple of temporal magic and cast a few protective spells around the place.

The crack of the air was followed by a shower of bright sparks.

When clarity returned, Octavius found himself disorientated and perplexed, realising that he had unwittingly travelled elsewhere when a portal key malfunctioned.

"Where am I?" asked Octavius, blinking his eyes as he tried to orient himself in the strange surroundings.

Before he could realise where he was, a voice rang out behind him. 

"Very odd time for a visit, don't you think?" Nathaniel, who had made his presence known, asked.

'A barrier?' Octavius thought as he saw a translucent wall between him and the blue-eyed, grey-haired man.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"Hogwarts," Nathaniel replied calmly, seeing that the young man shouldn't be a danger to him while he was inside the barrier. "Wasn't that your destination?" the professor asked curiously.

"Hogwarts? I was already at Hogwarts, I was supposed to go somewhere else," the wizard in Slytherin robes explained,

"Your robes are?" Nathaniel asked again.

"I'm from Slytherin, Octavius Black," the boy introduced himself.

"Black? Very strange, there shouldn't be another Black," Nathaniel commented.

"What do you mean?" Octavius was now worried about where the Portkey had sent him.

Octavius explained his situation to the man who appeared to be a teacher.

"Your situation is very complicated, you know that?" Nathaniel's head was spinning as he tried to solve the problem he had been given.

"Not only have I travelled to another Hogwarts, I've travelled years ahead of my time," the Slytherin sighed. "An adventure was truly waiting for me."

Nathaniel was fascinated by the complexity of the Portkey that had led Octavius there.

As a teacher of spells and a specialist in enchantments, this was a rare situation to study.

To make matters worse, Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, was out of town and wouldn't be back until next month.

"All right, get out of the barrier," Nathaniel waved his wand and released the barrier holding Octavius.

"Nothing like a breath of fresh air," the young man joked, relatively calm about the situation.

Knock... Knock... knock...

A few knocks sounded on the office door.

"Come in," Nathaniel asked, nothing else would be as strange as the Slytherin boy who travelled through space-time.

Two young wizards walked through the door, Melissa Carter, a Hogwarts newcomer whose enthusiasm for magic and spells was infectious, and Lorenzo, a second-year student fascinated by magical creatures.

Realising that Octavius was an unusual visitor, Lorenzo and Melissa were curious.

"Good evening Professor," they both greeted Nathaniel.

"What can I do for you at this hour?" he asked.

"We'd like to discuss some class business, we didn't know you were busy," Melissa replied quickly, explaining why they were there, looking at Octavius curiously as she hadn't seen the Slytherin in the castle before.

"Who is he?" Lorenzo asked about the boy, to the delight of Melissa, who was also curious.

"Him?" Nathaniel thought as he looked at the young man. "An exchange student I invited to spend some time at Hogwarts," he explained, making up a back story for Octavius.

"Exchange student? From where?" the first year asked curiously.

Octavius turned to Nathaniel, who had made up the exchange story.

But the teacher didn't look like he was going to act.

"Far, far away," Octavius said, sounding mysterious.

"Hmm, far away, huh," Lorenzo wasn't convinced, but since the other party wouldn't reveal where he was from, he wasn't going to pry.


Octavius' presence at Hogwarts added a new dynamic to the school's already magical atmosphere. 

Nathaniel used the same exchange excuse to explain Octavius' presence to the other teachers and students who questioned him.

During Octavius' arrival at Hogwarts, a strange friendship blossomed between him and his two young friends.

Lorenzo was eager to hear about the magical and exotic creatures Octavius had encountered on his travels, while Melissa sought to absorb all the teachings about spells and enchantments that he could share.

Octavius, being a very handsome young man, attracted the attention of the young witches at Hogwarts, much as he had in his own dimension. 

However, he decided to refrain from interacting with such girls, he already had too many waiting for him at home and the longing for them was already blossoming in his heart.

"Who is she?" Octavius, who was in the library with Lorenzo and Melissa, asked when he spotted a brown-haired girl carrying a lot of books.

"Her? She's Hermione Granger, a Gryffindor," Lorenzo replied quickly, a little afraid that Hermione would be attracted to Octavius like the other girls at school.

Younger, but identical to one of the girls I dreamed about a while ago," he thought, remembering the dream in which three girls came into his office to thank him.

Melissa, standing next to him, was jealous of the attention Octavius was paying to Hermione.

"We can get back to studying," she said to the two boys as they returned to their books.

"Yes... yes, of course," Lorenzo replied ungraciously.

The days passed quickly, full of discoveries and adventures. 

Octavius charmed his new friends with his vast experience and knowledge. 

Meanwhile, Lorenzo introduced Octavius to some of the castle's hidden treasures, such as the Forbidden Forest, where magical creatures lived. 

Unknown to the young Italian wizard, Octavius had already ventured into the forest a few times himself.

But in the forest of his reality.

Melissa, for her part, longed to hone her magical skills, and with Octavius as her mentor, she immersed herself in the study of spells and incantations.

But all was not well. One afternoon, while exploring the grounds of Hogwarts, they were confronted with an unexpected incident. A gang of Cornish imps, known for their mischievous nature, invaded the room they were in and caused magical havoc.

The imps bumped into objects, triggering a series of unusual events. Books flew off shelves, chairs danced and magical objects rattled as the little creatures wreaked havoc.

After a concerted effort and a few moments of perseverance, the goblins finally calmed down and returned to the depths of Hogwarts. The classroom, which had previously been in disarray, returned to its calm state.

Over the next few days, Octavius continued to share his knowledge of advanced magic with Melissa, guiding her through more complex spells and encouraging her to explore her magical potential.

Meanwhile, in his office, Nathaniel worked tirelessly on a spell that would allow Octavius to return to his original time and dimension. 

He was getting closer and closer to the solution.

During Octavius' time at Hogwarts, he also met the other two girls who had appeared in his dream.

'Luna Lovegood and Daphne Greengrass', he remembered their names.

He knew that Luna must be related to Pandora and Daphne, but he still didn't know anything about her other than that she was from the Greengrass family, a family he'd had little contact with until now.

"I thought you were hiding from me, boy," Nathaniel snapped Octavius back to reality, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"What is it, Professor? What do you need?" Octavius greeted the blue-eyed wizard.

"I think it's time to go home, boy," Nathaniel announced.

"Did you make it?" asked an excited Octavius.

"Yeah, I kind of made it," Nathaniel explained. "Time to say goodbye."

Octavius, Nathaniel, Melissa and Lorenzo were in a classroom.

Melissa was very sad to see her new mentor leave and Lorenzo was sad to see a new friend leave.

When it was time to say goodbye, Nathaniel conjured a portal to take Octavius back to his home dimension. As he prepared to step through the portal, Octavius looked back and smiled at his new friends, thanking them for their hospitality, shared wisdom and unforgettable adventures.

"See you soon, Lorenzo! Keep exploring and protecting the magical creatures. And you, Melissa, never stop believing in the power of magic. See you later, Nathaniel, and thank you for everything!" Octavius said goodbye with a glint of gratitude in his eyes.


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