
Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi

https://www.patreon.com/NableTheNoble Support me if you like my story. Based on the world of Naruto; Shou is reincarnated into the world of shinobi. He and his brother Haku lived peacefully in the snowy village. Albeit they are poor like everyone else, but they are happy. Shou discovered he could control body of water with his thoughts and will; and decides to warn Haku realizing his brother is the same Haku that ends up accompanying Zabuza and served him as a 'tool'. He does not want to believe it but the puzzles pieced too perfectly with the settings he was born into. He loved his family and brother very much and does not want their peace interrupted. Especially knowing Haku's fate he does not want his brother to experience such things. However, fate is unkind. Despite Shou's warning to prevent tragedy, fate played a cruel joke on all of them in different ways. Shou had no choice but to embark the path of Shinobi along with his brother Haku - raised as tools and subordinate of Zabuza. [Naruto fell for MC. No, MC does not like him that way so it is not and cannot be BL. Thanks].

nablethenoble · Cómic
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41 Chs

Visit to Konoha! (2)

Naruto show them around the village and even visit the carved heads of Hokages on the rock.

"What a magnificent view". Chojuro imagined if Mei-sama face is carved into a rock like this for everyone in Kirigakure to see, it will definitely raise her prestige! It's just there's no place suitable for this back in Kiri.

'One day, my face will be carved alongside them as well!'. Naruto exclaimed proudly.

Chojuro raised his eyebrows, not believing this brat could do it.

"I want to see you on there too Naruto". Shou replied.

"Your dream is really big. You need to work harder to become a kage. It's not easy". Haku added.

'Nn! I will definitely, become the best ninja in Konoha. No, the entire world!'.

"You might become the new God of Shinobi like 1st Hokage you know?". Shou said causally with a little laugh.

'1st Hokage? Is he strong?'. Naruto act clueless.

"Are you really from Konoha??". Chojuro can't believe Naruto didn't know about the LEGEND even though he is living here.

'Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage is the one who established the first Shinobi village and ended the warring state period. So the Uchiha and Senju clan back then...'. Chojuro ranted history to Naruto. But clearly Naruto is not listening and picked his nose, not understanding nor care for their story of establishing the village.

Seeing this, Shou had to interrupt Chojuro because Naruto is not listening to those stuffs.

"Naruto-kun. Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage caught all tailed beast by himself! Well, except 1 tail. You know tailed beast right? They are powerful beasts made of chakra and one of them could destroy a whole village! But Hashirama subdued all of them and passed them onto the other 4 Shinobi villages as a sign of friendship. That's how powerful he is".

'Tailed beast...'. Naruto is visibly startled when Shou starts to tell on them, especially in the word 'destroy a whole village'.

Ah... Did I...

Shou sees it on Naruto's expression. Did he reminds him of Kurama inside of him? Shou starts to feel really bad.

"So... Not just Hokage! You can be a God of Shinobi Better than Hashirama!". Shou pretend to say it with spirit but sees Naruto had already lost his mood. But Naruto kept his smile.

'Nn! I will be even stronger than 1st Hokage!'.

"Hahahaha. That's impossible!". Chojuro actually laughed hearing these two. That's too unreasonable of a dream. He thought Shou is more mature for his age but he's wrong and Shou actually had such a crazy imagination. To be better than Hashirama!? In what world?!

Shou puffed his cheeks hearing Chojuro laughing, feeling a little annoyed seeing this guy dismissing Naruto.

'Naruto will definitely be one. I know the future alright!'. Shou said it seriously, but know no one actually believe it.

"Yeah! I will definitely become God of Shinobi!". Naruto added a higher level of difficulty to be above Hokage.

"If he really becomes one, I will call him master and kowtow to him! Pfft". Chojuro continued mocking them.

'Heh. Chojuro-san, you will regret your words. Haku, you hear what he says right?'.

Haku laughed a little.


Pfft. Chojuro continued laughing.

'Naruto-kun, don't mind people that don't believe in you'. Shou side eyed Chojuro.

'I believe in you, and you should believe in yourself. So, do your best to reach your dream okay?'.

"Yeah! I will".

Naruto had a genuine smile hearing Shou's words. He also side eyed Chojuro. Yeah, those people don't believe in him, he will prove them wrong!

Naruto showed them around a little more and suddenly met Kiba, Hinata and Shinno walking together.

Those three look curiously at Chojuro and the siblings.

"Oi. Naruto, who are they". They sees the Kirigakure headbands. A lot of foreign ninjas had come into their villages the past few days. But isn't Kirigakure and Konoha weren't allies?

'Kiba! They are from Kirigakure! These two are Shou and Haku. And that guy is blue four eyes'.

Blue four eyes?! Chojuro is speechless in his heart.

"Ehem. Its Chojuro. We are representing Kirigakure on a diplomatic mission. Naruto is showing us around. I also sees some other ninjas from other villages... Is there anything going on?". Chojuro had to add and ask while at it.

'We are having a Chunin exam next week'. Kiba replied shortly.

Shou furrowed his eyebrow. Orochimaru will infiltrate Konoha then...

Kiba looked at Shou and Haku with round eyes, he blushed a little seeing them. Hinata hide behind Kiba, shy seeing Naruto as her heart beats faster and her breath becomes irregular. But then she sees Haku and Shou and she feels... afriad that they would snatch Naruto. Naruto don't like them, right? It's like when she sees Sakura being with Naruto...

Shinno had his face hidden so no one knows what he thought.

Kiba quickly pull Naruto and whispered to him;

'They are so cute!'.

"Hehe. Right right?... Eh. You dirty dog!".

'HAAA!? What did you say!?'. Kiba felt mad that Naruto suddenly called him a dog.

Shinno pulled Kiba and dragged him away from Naruto.

"We will take our leave". Shinno who barely speaks had to speak and ended their short meeting since Kiba is causing trouble.

'Naruto, what did he say to you?'. Shou wondered seeing them leave abruptly.

"Nothing! He's saying nonsense!".

Shou shrugs it off since he said it's nothing. As they finish the tour, Shou invited him to dinner and ask him for a recommendation.

Naruto naturally recommended ramen again.

Well, they eventually settled on eating barbeque. Meat is more expensive in Kirigakure compared to in Konoha; although seafood is definitely cheaper back in Kiri.

So meat is definitely what they should eat here!

Naruto joined them and is still happy to eat lots of meat.

"Thank you for showing us around. See you later".

'Ano. How long are you staying here?'. Naruto fiddled his fingers, seemingly shy asking such a question.

"Mmm. Another day or two?". Shou look at Chojuro for confirmation.

'We had travelled for days non-stop coming here... I think staying for another 2 days would be fine as a break'. Chojuro made a decision. He also wants to take this time as a break since he's been working non stop as Mizukage assistant. There's barely chance for holiday, not even weekends, so why not. And perhaps Mei also send him here for a short vacation.

'Yay! Shou-chan, I want to fight you again! Let's fight tomorrow!'.

Shou scratched his cheek.

"Emm... I don't think that's okay...".

'Why not?'. Naruto don't really understand and felt quite sad hearing Shou's reply.

"Well. We are on a diplomatic mission and, I am afraid they might misunderstand if I am to fight you". Not to mention Mei had emphasised not to cause trouble.

Shou had already sensed the Shinobis presumably ANBU monitoring his movements. Their number even grow twice the amount when Naruto starts to give them a tour.

He don't want to cause trouble for Mei.

"Eh. But it's just for sparring??".

'Shinobi should hide their skills from other villages. It's common sense to hide your skill as much as possible and if Shou had to fight you he would have to reveal his techniques and others would know his weakness and strength'. Chojuro added.

Naruto scratched his head, not understanding why such a thing matters.

Shou guessed Naruto just wants to spend time with him, perhaps.

"Naruto-kun, emm... I can't fight you, but I can train with you. How about we train together tomorrow? I haven't trained for awhile since I am busy travelling here".

Naruto's eyes shines bright hearing it.


Naruto's smile widen. They promised to meet at the training ground. Chojuro thought it's fine, as long as Shou does not fight him and just train alongside him. At least the people monitoring them won't think they are harming Naruto.

At Hiruzen office, he was informed of Naruto leading Chojuro and others on a tour. He knows about Shou and Haku as reported by Kakashi during their mission in the Land of Waves. From his report, Shou had saved Tazuna by 'betraying' Zabuza in short. So he was not warry of them since their character at least have a backing.

But he still use his Telescope technique to spy on them. It seems that they are good friends, he concluded. He don't put much more thoughts into them after minutes of spying. He sighed a little. He did feel bad about Naruto's upbringing.

Minato, I am sorry for not taking care of your child as you wished me to. You would understand my reasons, right?

He inhaled a puff of smoke while watching Naruto excited and happy hanging out with them. At least, he can see Naruto does not seem lonely anymore and had made a real friend now, even if they are from a different village.

Seeing them, he had a thought for a second about harmony between Shinobi villages. That thought quickly dispersed as it's impossible to achieve.

Putting that aside, as for the Uchiha kid... He sees he had opened up to team 7 a little since the mission to Land of Waves and it's a progress. He thought about Itachi and his promise to keep Sasuke safe. He tried his best, he thought. He let out a puff of smoke from his pipe. He had so much in his hands that at times he felt like he can't keep up with everything all at once.


Early morning Shou went out to meet Naruto.

He waited for half and hour and no sight of him is seen.

Did he oversleep? That actually sounds like him. Shou meditated under a big tree while waiting.

"Shou-chan! I overslept!". Naruto come in quickly and apologised right after. He smiled silly making Shou wait.

'I just arrived too, it's okay'. Shou doesn't mind really.

"Naruto-kun... I just remembered something. So, you are going to try the Chunin exam?".

'Right! It's next week! Kakashi-sensei signed us up for it! That's why I want to fight you before. I want to train to pass the Chunin exam!'.

"I see". Right, Sasuke also gets a cursed seal at that time and eventually Hiruzen died.

Well, he hopes them the best.

"Alright. Naruto lets train hard!". Shou give him a little motivated smile.

Shou lets Naruto clones fight his water clones.

'Naruto, your taijutsu improved a lot'. Shou is quite impressed. It's close to Sasuke's level from back then.

"Hehe. I fought with Iruka sensei and Kakashi sensei! I improved a lot right?".

Poor Kakashi. He was pestered by Naruto and is eventually forced to fight close to hundred of clones. Even he gets drained from such a thing.

"I am going to train chakra control with the tree over there. I don't have enough chakra to keep making clones like you. Sorry Naruto".

'Its okay! I wish I could fight you for real again though...'.

Shou scratched his cheek. Well, for starter, he don't think Naruto can defeat him if he fights 'for real'. As for pure taijutsu battle, if it's one on one Shou is confident he can win. But if it's one versus hundred Naruto clones he would lose definitely. But if it's him using Demonic Ice Mirror Naruto stands zero chance; he's not being arrogant but he can't see how Naruto can deal with his ice mirror for now. He lacks the speed to react and lack power to destroy his mirrors all at once or speed to kite him making him only use one or two demonic mirror at a time.

Also; those people are monitoring them and he don't want to injure Naruto or anything.

Shou went to walk along the side of the tree and hang upside down. Switch it up to only use one finger to stick on the tree, use only one leg, raise the heel a little, ECT.

The ANBUs watching from the bushes had sweat dropping down their neck. This amount of chakra control at that age, what crazy talent.

Naruto is quite impressed but does not understand its implication since it does not seem that powerful.


Shou had to come down and meditate to rest and restore his chakra after some times training. His chakra control had been trained because even with mediocre things like making ice sculptures since childhood and making ice creams.

Closing his eyes, he calms his mind and rest his body, letting his spirit and body recovers.

"Ahh... I am beat...". Naruto had used all of his chakra with all his clones and went to lay against the tree next to Shou.

Shou opened one eye to see him drenched in sweat and seems really tired.

'Proper rest is important to be strong too. Don't train too much'.

"Kakashi-sensei also said so... Ha...".

Shou continue to meditate while Naruto lay against the tree to rest.

Few minutes passed.



Shou opened his eyes and sees Naruto's head had swayed and landed on his shoulder. He's so tired it seems, to a point that he can even take a nap here.


The weather is quite warm.

Shou use his Ice Release; a very weakened version of Frost Mist technique in a small area around them. The Frost Mist technique is simply Hidden Mist technique with Ice Release nature change, nothing that complicated.

The breeze becomes cold and comfortable.

Well, Shou continued his meditation, letting Naruto rest on his shoulder.

"He released a jutsu around themselves... But the chakra amount is really miniscule". A Hyuga ANBU noticed the change and used his Byakugan to observe.

'I will go check'. His teammate flickered quickly and stood right behind the tree where Shou and Naruto was laying against on.

Shou ignored him since he don't do anything to harm Naruto. As for the matter of ice release, to be fair, Kakashi knows so Hiruzen knows. So ANBU could access their information if need be. And this kind of technique being exposed does not matter.

The air here... Is cold? Rather, it's not too cold and it's just right. It's so comfortable in fact...

The ANBU flickered away after staying for minutes. Confirming nothing is wrong he gets back to his Hyuga teammate.

"What do you think?".

'Its just comfortable because it's cold even though the weather is quite warm. But it's not cold like from a breeze... rather... it's like the temperature itself dropped a few Celcius'. He replied giving his opinion.

"He and his brother can use ice release. I think that's what it is. He cooled the air down for that boy... What a sweet kid. His chakra control is insane though... For him to maintain it at constant low chakra level, how much did he train? Or is it talent?". He used his Byakugan to observe the chakra flow closely.

Not much can move an ANBU's heart, but seeing such a nice gesture he felt his heart touched a little. Not to mention, Shou is from a foreign village and they even had a conflict with each other before. In this ninja world where ninjas from opposing villages are warry and might even hate each other and wanted to see each other at their lowest, seeing such friendship makes his ANBU heart moved.

'I see. Yeah, its quite sweet wasn't it. Wait. He's a boy?'.

"Well, the document says he's a guy. And... I confirmed it".

'Oh'. He accepts it since his team says so. Although Shou is cute, observing closely, his way of moving are more towards being a boy. Like, he keeps his legs and arms more open compared to some girls who likes to keep them closer, generally speaking but of course that is not always a reliable indicator anyways.

Wait. Hold up. Wtf did his teammate just say?

He dazed a little and decides to ignore that and pretend he didn't hear it. It's as if he heard something illegal.


Naruto is awake and feeling comfortable more than usual. He keeps his eyes closed and wanted to just sleep. But why his pillow is moving a little here and there?

He opened his eyes and sees the surrounding; he's still in the training field.

He raise his head, quite confused and turned to see his pillow which turned out to be Shou. He's still closing his eyes mediating right next to him. Naruto felt embarassed as his whole face turned red, realising it.

Shou opened his eyes and turned to see him.

"Good morning". He made a little joke just because.

'M-morning... sorry...'. Naruto turned his head sideways while scratching his cheek.

"Hihi. It's nothing. You seems too tired".

Naruto noticed the air is cold and comfy around. He sees from Shou one hand, his palm is facing upward and a hint of white misty air is released constantly.

'Eh. Why it's cold here?' Naruto ask, not really understanding.

"I chilled it a little since it's quite hot".

'Wow...'. Naruto is amazed at first, but then...

He's not sure how to say it. He don't know, really.

'Hey? You are going to keep training?'.

"Uh...". Naruto is still in a daze. It's like, he can't process things that are completely new to him.

"Yeah! I am going become stronger!". He said it like an automated response and stood up. He used his shadow clones and do multiple stuffs as usual.

Eventually afternoon passes.

"Naruto-kun, I think I had enough training for today. I am quite tired already. See you later Naruto". Shou stood up and stretched his body left and right.


Shou is about to leave but he remembered something.

"Oh right. Naruto, you want to come to have dinner with us at our place? I forgot about it yesterday. I will make ice cream. Want to come?".

Naruto eyes shines bright.

'I would love to!'.

"See you later then".

Shou left after saying his goodbye.

Naruto continued to train for another hour until he realised he's quite hungry and haven't had lunch yet.

He returned to his home tired with grumbling stomach. He pour some water into the water heater and heat it up. Meanwhile, he opened his cupboard and took an instant noodle out. Pouring the hot water and seasonings, he let noodle cooks for 3 minutes.


With a pair of chopstick he picked the noodles up and blow it before putting it into his mouth.


He only starts to work as genin ninja for 2 months or so. He had to save up a little and can't always eat at Ichiraku.

He looked at the clock, wondering when dinner is. He don't know why but his heart feels heavy, but he wish the time goes faster.


Naruto come to the address. He ranged the doorbell with a little anticipation.

Haku opened the door and sees Naruto outside and invited him in.

"Naruto, it's a little too early. We are still preparing things. You can wait with Chojuro-san and watch TV with him".

Naruto nods and sat at the sofa next to Chojuro while Haku went back into the kitchen. Chojuro nods at him to recognise his existence.

'Chojuro-san, don't you think you should help a little?'. Shou complained from the kitchen.

"I am your superior~". Chojuro smirked saying that.

Shou shook his head at this abusive superior who used their subordinates to do chores for them.

Naruto stood from the sofa and peeked his head to the kitchen. He sees they were busy.

"Hmm? Naruto-kun? What is it?". Haku noticed him peeking.

'Ano. I want to help too'. Naruto scratch his cheek.

Haku just smiles. Naruto is 2x better than a certain person with glasses, he thought.

'You can help peel these potatoes and cut these vegies over there. I already washed them'.

Haku pointed it and went to continue his work.

Naruto held the peeler and tried to peel the potatoes. But he seems to peel too much and he works quite slow. But they don't mind.

Shou looked at Naruto trying. As far as he remember, Naruto don't really cook for himself a proper meal.

Haku turned to see how Naruto chopped the vegies.

'Naruto-kun, you should cut that into thin slices'. Haku said shortly and turns his head back.

"Oh". Naruto stopped for awhile, looking at his chunky handiwork.

Shou stopped cleaning the few fishes halfway and went to help him.

"Naruto, for this vege people usually cut it this thin. As for this leaves you roll it up first and then...".

Shou pointed out and make examples for him for each of the things in the basket. Naruto nods in understanding and visibly his speed picked up and done things faster.

Well, Naruto never cooked complex stuffs and no one taught him to begin with so Shou is patient and tell him things one by one.

"Right. Naruto come over here". Shou went to show Naruto how to clean and prepare the fishes properly.

"You find their hole here, then cut it open, then...".

Naruto absorbed everything quick and so Shou let him do it. Naruto probably lived off instant noodles or Ichiraku mostly.

Well, everything seems to be close to done fast.

Lets make ice cream then! He blended some strawberry with the milk and strain it to remove the solid matters.

Adding some condensed milk, cream and a little hint of salt; Shou blended everything by spinning chakra with his hand.

Adding ice nature transformation slowly but consistently the liquid turned into a soft ice cream within minutes.

No matter how many times he done this, it always feel satisfying. He taste tested and wow he had to say he really could open an ice cream shop someday.

"Naruto, here, taste this". Shou went to take a spoonful and hover it to Naruto. Naruto opened his mouth and took a little spoonful of it.

'Suge! So good!'.


They went to serve food on the table. Chojuro shamelessly sat down first and had already plated a whole meal with rice and side dishes ready.


Naruto ate everything heartily.

"You should eat your fruit and vege too if you want to become hokage". Shou jokingly said.

"Nn!". Naruto nods and pick the veges as well. Shou had to blink twice seeing it. He's only joking really. Naruto seems serious for some reason.

"Everything is really good!". Naruto exclaimed.

Shou just smiles. Well, once Naruto have enough money he would start to get proper meals. He really shouldn't just eat ramen. Perhaps the reason he's strong and well in the future despite his unhealthy diet is because 9 tails and his Uzumaki bloodline keep him healthy. But that can't do. Shou shook his head in his mind.


Naruto returned back home after a full meal, and a nice dessert too. Seeing his empty home, his heart gets heavy again.

He lay down on his bed. Rolling around a few times.


Why it feels heavy...


His eyes get teary unexpectedly. It's been a long time since he cried. But... It's not because of sadness.

He wiped it quickly, holding his chest. He don't understand much. He could say he's happy. But feel sad at the same time.


[Root base]

Just what are Kirigakure scheming? They wanted explanation on possible culprit that caused Yagura to be controlled and Sanbi to be released. But is it really someone with Sharingan, or it's made up by them?

Danzo tapped his desk. But from the Mizukage's letter, they are not demanding anything from Konoha and only ask for cooperation.


Danzo reads the report on Shou, seemingly purposefully getting close to Naruto, who is the 9 tails jinchuriki.

Do they know he is the 9 tails jinchuriki? How? Is it spies? Are they planning to do something with him?

Danzo squinted his eyes. He is a master at manipulating human hearts. He had let the villagers know Naruto is the 9 tails jinchuriki to make the village stay connected and strong when there's a common enemy they could pint on.

And as a master at manipulating emotions, he is warry at Shou acts of kindness. Is it genuine, or is he trying to use the darkness inside the jinchuriki to scheme against Konoha?

But Danzo can't do anything since they are basically envoys forming diplomacy with them. As for sending his root member to annilihate them secretly just to be safe, he had seen the report from Kakashi. Troublesome kekkei genkai, even Kakashi with Sharingan cannot see their max speed.

So he cannot act rashly...
