
Iam Dueling in Yu-Gi-Oh!!!

Su Yu, who created a trumpet/second account in the fully submersible trading card game "Yu-Gi-Oh: Link World", inexplicably transmigrated through game world, and even brought his own NPC template. Time went back to the time before game was launched, the player still had a month to come, the nameless Pharaoh was still sleeping in the body of the high school student Muto Yugi, and the Battle City with cross-generational significance had not yet started. When Game was officially launched, players logged in and found that there was a new NPC in the game that was not in the original anime. Su Yu: Do the players over there want to draw card packs? Fifty for one packs, five hundred for ten packs, fair price, no bullying! The players stared directly at the Pot of Greed marked as UR in the product list, their eyes were burning, and the same thoughts came to their minds invariably—just draw that card P.S: This is my first time translate a novel, please give me some support.... support for more chapter : pat r eon.co m/coolfauzi68 P.S.S: The picture is not mine (DIsclaimer) P.S.S.S: I'll upload 3/3 or more each day, as long as there's some generous people who donate.... Thanks

franfauzi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
93 Chs

Chapter 41 Membership

Elemental HERO Great Tornado, Fusion Summons!

The warrior who controlled the storm appeared in the center of the field, bringing a howling tornado. The dark storm visible to the naked eye shot straight into the sky, and the arena trembled under the gust of wind. The slender hero floated in the middle of the storm, his dark cloak fluttering in the wind.

[Elemental HERO Great Tornado, Attack Power 2800]

This is the last new hero fusion monster that Yu Yôu has in his hand. The fusion condition is "Elemental HERO" monster + wind attribute monster, so you can use the Bladedge to fuse with the wind attribute Avian.

"The attack power is 2800!? It's more than the Skull Archfiend!" Tang Zeli looked in disbelief.

"And the Great Tornado also has special abilities." Yu Yôu said, "When the summoning is successful, all the monsters on the opponent's field will have half their original attack power and defense power!"

Tang Zeli was even more astonished: "Such a powerful effect!?"

In the eyes of duelists of this era, the attack power of 2800 is already a powerful monster, not only that, but also has the terrifying special ability of "halving the attack power of the opponent's monster"... This kind of monster Isn't it invincible! ?

The hero of the storm raised his palm, and the tornado swept forward as if consciously. The demon's thunder was briefly dissipated by the gust of wind, and the bones of the demon were dragged into the middle of the storm.

The skeletal demon roared unwillingly, and released lightning with all his strength to hit the gust of wind that bound him, but it was useless. Its physical strength was rapidly weakened, and the thunder and lightning momentum it released was not as good as before.

[Skull Archfiend of Lightning, Attack Power 2500 → Attack Power 1250]

Some duelists in the audience began to wonder: "Wait a minute, shouldn't the president's Skull Archfiend of Lightning be able to roll dice when he receives the effect, and decide whether the activation is valid or invalid according to the rolled number?"

"That's right! It makes sense. Why didn't the special abilities of the skeleton demon be activated?"

"Is it a system bug..."

More than one duelist had such a question, and many people were surprised.

Or President Tang Zeli himself has a slightly stronger understanding of the duel rules. He gritted his teeth and said, " The effect of the Skull Archfiend of Lightning will only be activated when he is 'selected as the target of the effect', but the effect of the Great Tornado is to 'reduce the attack power of all the opponent's monsters'. There is no object selection, so the ability is not triggered?"

Yu Yôu chuckled: "That's right."

Simply put, the principle is this -

——My big tornado is not targeting anyone today, but all the monsters here, and I have to halve the attack power!

In fact, for later poker players, this is a common-sense rule. In Yu-Gi-Oh's rule system, there are many card effects that need to be activated by selecting specific objects. The effect that needs to be activated by the selected object.

However, in this era when duelists are still trying to adapt to the simple rules of "the superior summons requires sacrifices", the rules for selecting objects are too advanced and complicated, and most people really don't understand it.

President Tang Zeli is one of the few duelists who can understand this rule. But the more he could understand it, the more he admired the young man in front of him.

He actually even considered the weakness of the Skull Archfiend of Lightning!

This boy... Whether it is the use of cards, the choice of tactics, or the understanding and awareness of the duel monster game, he is terrifyingly strong!

Although the duel was not over yet, Tang Zeli found that he had actually accepted his defeat in his heart.

Or rather, he is now even vaguely looking forward to the way he will usher in defeat in the future.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and hummed: "Fusion Summoning... It can indeed summon powerful enough monsters in an instant, and it is a powerful move that can immediately dominate the duel.

But this method is also accompanied by certain restrictions, and your restrictions must have been taken into account, right? The fact that fusion monsters cannot attack during the turn they are summoned. "

Indeed, every time you play a card in this era, this rule will be extremely painful, especially his initial deck is still an Elemental HERO with fusion as the core...

But it doesn't matter.

He played the last card that will ended the duel: "Quick Attack Magic - Fusion Release!"

"Huh, it turns out that this trick is still hidden." Tang Zeli snorted.

"Release the fusion of Tornado on the field, and special summon the monsters used as fusion materials from the graveyard to return to the field!" As he spoke, two cards had popped out of Yu Yôu's graveyard, "Come back, Elemental HERO Avian, Elemental HERO Bladedge!"

[Elemental HERO Avian, Attack Power 1000]

[Elemental HERO Bladedge, attack power 2600]

Everyone knows what will happen next.

"Bladedge, attack the Skull Archfiend!" Yu Yôu gave the final order.

The golden metal hero charged at the demon. The engine on his back spewed golden flames, and his body turned into a long golden afterimage, like a sharp knife popping out of its scabbard.

The Bone Demon, whose attack power was halved to 1250, was powerless to stop the Bladedge's attack. The golden sword light slashed through the demon's body from top to bottom, the armor of the bones shattered with a mournful cry, and its body also cracked open with an unwilling roar.

[Tang Zeli, LP1000→LP0]

The audience fell into a strange silence once again.

Although I had foreseen the result that the president would lose more or less before... But seeing it with my own eyes is still a bit too shocking.

Because this is not just a simple loss of a duel, but the entire duel seems to be firmly in the hands of Yu Yôu.

Even Tang Zeli's summoning of his ace monster, the top rare card in the demon world, " Skull Archfiend of Lightning ", seems to be completely in vain.

The rhythm of the duel from beginning to end is in the hands of Yu Yôu. He defuses the opponent's attack lightly, sees through the opponent's tactics, and makes a beautiful counterattack... It seems that he is still at ease.

Where did such a powerful duelist come from? Why never heard of it before?

"It's me who lost." Tang Zeli stood up, "I lost completely, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with."

"I can join you now, right?" Yu Yôu smiled.

"If you still have this will, of course there is no problem. Rather, it is an honor for us in the 'Nightcrawler World' to have such a powerful duelist as you."

The strong are respected, and strength is the last word.

Seeing Yu Yôu's superb skills, Tang Zeli even felt that this overly handsome face became more pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you, President." Yu Yôu nodded and turned to the onlookers beside the ring, "Then please give me more advice in the future."

The room full of sturdy men gave a welcome cheer.
