
I.. Am God?

Check out my new novel! I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence! Theme: World Creation, Gods, Mixed Matthias died and became something that he least expected. "I.. Am God?" Join Matthias as he travel through galaxies and create all things. ––––––––––––––––– What would you do if you suddenly gained a power that no mortal man could hope to achieve? What would you do if all creation suddenly bowed to your power and glory that only lofty Emperors could have? Heaven and Hell submits to your power, The Immortal Realm fears your existence, The Mortal realm bows before your presence. Would you like for all the realms to bow and praise even your shadow? All gods to bow before you? The Earthly Kings and Heavenly Rulers to sonorously chant your glorious name? Or would you like to live the life of mortal men that are doomed to die? Understand poverty and loftiness? Powerfulness and powerlessness? Comprehend knowledge that arrogant gods wouldn't be able to? Or would you like both? Join him as he tries to live a life of a True God, Ruler of Creation. "Are gods the greatest existence in all of the cosmos? No. Why? Gods are only worshipped by mortals who couldn't reach their power. Gods will be powerless in front of true power. They would be powerless in front of me." (Author's note: MC is not arrogant, portrays himself as a  little bit naive, only becomes arrogant if needed, lives countless types of lives, from urban to fantasy. Not Harem, although he would have wives in some worlds, but he does not entertain the idea of harem. Sorry harem lovers who expected that a god would become a man of a 20,000 women harem. Characters aren't that important except for those who have been to more than one world with him, and expect heartlessness in some occasions.) Disclaimer: The author does not assume/own the rights to the photo cover and would comply with the owner if ever he/she wants the author to take down the cover. You could contact me in my socmed account. Twitter: @WashingDishes07 Discord: MattWashingDishes#4663 Facebook: WashingDishes07

WashingDishes_07 · Fantasía
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264 Chs

A New Race and Descension

He raised up his hand, summoning his authority upon creation. When he created the world, there was nothing, only void. But now, with the land, sea, and sky in existence, there came chaos.

The lands shook and the oceans rose. The sky darkened as a huge storm approached. Spirit Energy gathered around the surroundings madly. Chaos ensued.

After a while, a huge continent as large as the first appeared before his eyes. He created extreme deserts, tundras, forests, swamps, and mountains that are a little less suitable for inhabitation.

He also created beasts that are appropriate to those areas. He made them a little more powerful than the beasts of the first continent for the orcs to go against.

And now, he waved his hand and summoned seven orc groups that had a hundred orcs in every group. He called them Horde from a game he used to love when he was living on Earth.

These seven hordes have fifty adult orcs and fifty orc children. The orcs were to tend to the young and fight against the beast and return food.

Matthias also placed iron mines near the orcish settlements so that when the right time comes, they can be armed and geared up as they warred against each other to try and dominate the other.

After all that, he will let the orcs decide what path they will take. 

After doing all that, Matthias returned to the first continent. He then faced Shyra. "I want to descend." Matthias suddenly spoke.

"As a Divinity?" Shyra asked with her head facing him.

"No, not yet. I want to descend as a normal person and join in the fun." Matthias smiled and looked at the far horizon as he reminisced about the past. "When I was alive, I wanted to become a general that led an army of tens of hundreds of thousands."

Matthias faced her again and said with fervor, "This world still has no formations of sorts, so I want to apply the formations that I learned when I read about the battles All Under Heaven."

"You will spend a long time establishing your influence and power in that world that you need to accomplish what you want." Shyra warned.

"And establish it for a long time I'll do." Matthias smiled.

He waved his hand and appeared in an unsuspicious corner in the Kingdom of Yale.

He walked around and discovered that he arrived in a marketplace in the City of Thale, north of Yale.

The City of Thale is the kingdom's first line of defense against the Kingdom of Sanster. It encompasses Fort Ivanhell, a fort that was created by Asher Yale, the current ruler of the Kingdom of Yale.

Fort Ivanhell is situated in the middle of a mountain valley. With its strategic point, even though Yale is the smallest and weakest Kingdom between the three, they held on and successfully defended the kingdom against Sanster's assault.

The Kingdom is composed of commoners and only commoners. The Kingdom of Yale was once a Dukedom under Augustus Sanster.

When the Empire broke down, seven dukedoms decided to seize the rule. Augustus Sanster led his army north to capture the capital and fight against other competitors.

Asher Yale took this opportunity of the Dukedom having little to no soldiers and led the oppressed commoners to rebel and seize the dukedom from Augustus' control.

With his wise mind, he assumed leadership and taught the commoners how to manage the dukedom. With his knowledge, he trained soldiers and used every resource he could get to forge and make weapons and armor, bows and arrows, and any defense equipment.

The siege of the capital took seven months to complete. After seven months, Augustus barely won and captured the capital.

He was confused at first at why there were no reinforcements that came to their aid in those seven months. When he discovered that the commoners rebelled, he was flustered and furious.

He tried to lead an attack against them, but when he discovered his exhausted troops and sparse equipment, he could do nothing but rest for a period of time, making way for Asher Yale to develop his military.

Asher Yale extended the reach of his domain southward and opened lands for irrigation and livestock.

He also solidified his authority by garnering the favor of the people and giving out sufficient remuneration.

With that, he had enough authority to construct a fort in the valley to prevent attacks from the enemies.

After seven months of resting, Augustus Sanster led his army of 5,000 strong to retake the dukedom. When he arrived in the valley and saw Fort Ivanhell standing, he couldn't help but curse and launch a direct attack on the fort without siege equipment. It resulted obviously in a defeat for Sanster's army with huge losses.

With that accomplishment, the Sanster Kingdom treated the south with utmost cautiousness. The Sansters don't know what was happening beyond the fort and if the army of Yale could threaten them, but they are sure that as long as Fort Ivanhell is standing, the Kingdom of Yale is as good as impenetrable.

With that in mind, a stalemate began between the three, all of which were apprehensive about their enemies' might 

Going back to Matthias, from the east of the kingdom, he made his way towards the Whitesky Palace, the ruling domain of the old dukedom and the current kingdom of Yale.

Standing at 300 feet high, the Whitesky Palace was adorned with white marble on the outside. A towering spiral cloud snaked to the top of the tower. Walls of white hard stone protected the perimeter of the tower. With its heavenly appearance is where it got its name.

He walked towards the gate. In front stood two guards. One of the guards stopped him and asked in their language, "Elt an sugwei (What do you want)?"

"I came to see King Asher. I want to present something that could solidify his rule." Matthias smiled and answered using the same language, but the archaic version from thousands of years ago.

The guards were a little confused by the archaic language but they guessed what he meant. Upon entering the palace, Matthias saw children were being taught how to read and write there.

"To ensure their safety if ever the Fort is breached, the young ones are to enter the Whitesky Palace for refuge." One of the guards said.

Matthias nodded as an answer.