

A 17-year-old girl, Yona Yamamoto, is a big otaku who only sees manga, anime, and otome games in her life. her world revolves around these things, what would happen when she would experience the anime life in reality? when she would be transported to the Diabolik lovers world as Cordelia? would she be happy about it or sad? is she destined to change the original story? Find out how Yona survives as Cordelia? Would she save everyone ??

Ryoukardo · Cómic
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43 Chs


Yona POV

I screamed in pain while trying my best not to cry, it was hurting like anything. I had thought it wouldn't hurt this much, but this? Was horrible.

My throat was sore from screaming while I was now tearing up, Beatrix by my side was trying to make me calm down by her soothing words.

But it was not working, Beatrix had a sad face, at the end she knew how much it did hurt at the birth time.

I was amazed now knowing that dear Beatrix had suffered this much pain, and not once but twice. She was truly a strong women.

The situation had started from the morning, me knowing that I was Labour had sent me the chills. I had called for Beatrix or more of screamed for her.

While she knew that we both have bonded so much in this much time that I was totally reliable on her in this hard time. With that she had changed her room for me, and taken the empty room beside my room.

I had thanked her the whole time for changing the rooms. About the kids, their were very excited about their siblings, to meet them was a dream to them now.

Back to the morning situation, I had called for Beatrix, she came running. I told her about that my water broke. She had simply nodded her head and rushed out the room.

While she was gone, I was whimpering in pain. She rushed back with 3 maids trailing behind her. One maid had a big bowl and the tools and the second had clothes, it was not clear enough for me to see what clothes? But maybe the babies clothes.

And the last maid had a big water jar in her hand. They rushed me to sit up. The blankets were removed and I was left uncovered with my bloody dress.

Beatrix rushed to my side and spoke, " Cordelia, we should call for Karl, for support". Just as I heard his name I said "NO, never. I would die in Labour but won't call for that jerk".

The maids had a look which clearly said what the heck?, as Beatrix noticed this, she spoke with a sight," Cordelia, you shouldn't speak about Karl like that, what if he heard you?".

"I don't care Beatrix and-Ahh!!", I breathing in between speaking and screaming as I was about to continue, I spoke again, " I'm fine just with you by my side not him I need, that jerk is not needed ".

Beatrix knew I was stubborn but this much, she didn't. She sighed and pressed my hand tightly to calm me and sooth my pain.

As my screams were all being heard around the mansion, Shuu and Reiji heard them and came to check why was I screaming.

They both stood at the door in their night wear, with a sleepy look. Beatrix looked at them. Shuu spoke, " mother, why is mother Cordelia screaming? ".

Reiji also nodded his head. Beatrix sighed and spoke," you both come here".

The boys came to Beatrix and she put both her hands on their shoulder and spoke, " Both of you see, mother Cordelia is giving brother to your siblings and for that to happened you both have to support her in place of Father,ok?".

At that both of them nodded their heads with eyes filled with determination. They both came on two sides where I was lying, Shuu on right and Reiji on left.

They both handle my hands strongly in a supportive way. Beatrix smiled at the sight of this and came to my side support me too.

While I have changed the course of the story, I had also gained trusted people by my side. With that I tried my hardest to push while the three of them spoke calming and supportive words to help me.

I pushed and pushed, hearing Beatrix scream just a little more, my eyes were getting lousy and were turning down but I kept them open. My energy was also gone after 20 mins of push I was this exhausted.

My body was numb and the pain was continuously coming through but the though of seeing the 3 dare devils, thinking of them, their suffering and their pain made me push for the last time.

And then I heard a child's scream, no 3 screams that's when I closed my eyes, to relief myself that it was over now then opened them again through it was all hazy. All the pain had paid off. My boys were born but I was exhausted totally I didn't even realize that Beatrix was talking to me.

I heard bearly, "Cordelia you have 3 boys, 3 beautiful boys".

Before I closed my eyes and felt to a deep slumber.

Beatrix POV

While the 3 boys were in my arms safe and sound sleeping, I moved them to the crib near Cordelia's bed. Cordelia had closed her eyes and then the room had went silent. I gave a soft smile at this. She had worked hard and it had paid off now.

After the boys came out she was so exhausted that just after seeing them she fell to sleep. While I got the 3 boys cleaned up and dressed with the help of the 3 maids and made them to sleep in the crib. While the boys looked at the babies were a amusement and curiosity.

They did had helped me calm the 3 new born babies as they were away from their mom. I had smiled at this, I remember it was the same for me too. Shuu was the most clingy one who didn't left me at all. Didn't went in anyone's hands.

And Reiji was like that too but he did went to others. And now the 3 boys were behaving like that too but my two boys had handled it and helped me.

As both the boys were tired, I had sent them for the night to sleep at the end they were awake since the dawn.

With that I sat the side of the bed and waited for Karl as I had gotten the message that he would visit them.

As I waited I wanted to get over with this quickly and if Cordelia knew that Karl visited it was bad but if he came at the time when she wakes up, it would be complicated.

I sighed, through I never understood how Cordelia's undying love for Karl ended to such hatred.

As I was busy with my thoughts I heard a knock on the door, and their he was, Lord Karl. He looked towards me and give me a soft smile, I smiled back.

Through what ever had he done, I still loved him. He walked towards bear the bed side, and spoke, "How is she?".

I smiled and spoke," She is fine, just tried and more tired as she had to birth 3 kids". As I spoke Karl's eyes widened.

He stuttered, " not.. one but..three." I nodded my head at this, it seems that he is very happy and that's what I thought but.. I didn't knew that he had evil intentions.

As that he moved towards the bed, I was surprised, I thought he would want to see the kids first but this, to see Cordelia first.

He sat down on the other side of the bed, took her hand in his and kissed the back of it with a warm smile on his face. I was left shocked and speechless. He had never done anything like that to anyone, nor me, or Christa or Cordelia.

The warm smile was the first seen by me. What was happening? Was Karl in love with Cordelia? That's what my mind but my heart refused to accept it. I told him to see the kids. I was astounded when I heard a chuckle from his mouth after seeing them. I was surprised like anything.

Karl POV

I was surprised when I heard 3 kids, when I took in the information I was so happy, for my plan those two boys and one from Cordelia and one from Beatrix would have been fine but this!

I got more Adam's to choose from, The eve and Adam plan, would be successful with more Adam's to choose from.

I was planning for this plan for so many years now, to create a unbeatable generation of our species with the mix of Adam and the Eve.

But from how Cordelia has changed, has also made changes to my plan and my pride too.

She was a women who died on me, but now she avoids me and ignores me, how could she change like this, my plan. Through I, myself knew my plan was failing and I was falling too for her.

Her ignorance was a bliss for me, a women who seeked my attention like anything, could do anything for me was now ignoring me, was cold to me. This was making me crave her attention but whenever I tried to meet her or talk to her, she would simply give an excuse to not meet me.

( this thing is true through, that if a women runs after a man, he won't even give her a dam, but when that same women decided to ignore him and be cold, that man runs after her like anything: fact 😉)

When she had told me not to come to be with her at the labour, my heart was pumping like anything.

While just after few mins of her going in Labour I got to know that, I started pacing around in my office with worry.

That's when I realized, why was I worried for her? Why?

With that I heard a knock and was informed that its done, the birth of the child. In that moment relief washed over me knowing that she was fine.

With that I decided to visit her to see if she is ok and also to visit the child. As I reached the door, their I saw Beatrix sitting near Cordelia. I knocked over the door.

She seemed to be in some though, I knocked again, through this time she responed to my arrival and smiled at me.

It was surprising, but I moved to towards her and asked if Cordelia was fine, thats when i found out I had 3 kids.

I smiled in heart and soul and moved towards the bed were she was lying, she looked so beautiful even in this condition.

I sat at the side of the bed, took her delicate hands in my and kissed the back of her hand. I, myself didn't knew what was this feeling? But it was good.

As I was distracted with Cordelia, Beatrix motioned for me to see the kids. I got up and when to the crib where my 3 kids were sleeping soundly.

As I looked at the 3, I chuckled. They looked just like us, Cordelia and me, the first child had red hair, with skin like snow, second had purple hair just like Cordelia's and third had mushy orange hair.

They all looked so like Cordelia and I'm sure they will be like Cordelia. As I was busy looking at them, I heard a knock, we both, Beatrix and I turned around and saw the butler standing there.

I frowned, why was he here? Was there a problem?

Before I could ask anything, he walked towards me, I had a confused look, then he whispered in my ear, I nodded my head and spoke," you go on, I will come after you".

The butler nodded at this and went out of the door, Beatrix looked at me with a concerned expression, I returned it with a smile and said," it seems like work has came up, I have to go, take care of Cordelia".

With that Beatrix nodded her head, and I followed the door back to my office, thinking about this feeling, through I had made my mind to make Cordelia look at me.

Beatrix POV

As Karl excited the door, I sighed of relief but this feeling of surprise and shock was too overwhelming for my tired body.

With all the things today, I was tired with that I sat on my rocking chair o the Side of the bed. As I was relaxing, slowly-slowly my eyes started to shut and then I felt to sleep.

Author note: sorry was long and took time to complete and thank you for reading, may tell me through comments about the chapter. 😊