
I woke up in Genshin Impact

When people in the real world suddenly travel into the game, they are still the popular game Genshin Impact! Requested by the security system to help the game eliminate computer viruses, he created a legend in the world of the game

Ye_Fan_8598 · Juegos
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28 Chs

The fight against the Knight

After disabling my space perception ability, I turned my head to face the direction

of the virus entity. I raised my swords above my head and gathered the power of

the space armor. The starry sky appeared around the sword body again. I swung

my swords down, and a line of light appeared in front of me. Space crack, I took a

deep breath and walked into the space crack. On the side of the Necromancer

Knight, the Necromancer Knight noticed when I switched the space armor, "It

seems that this person is really difficult to deal with!", and they disappeared

instantly. I came to the place where the Necromancer Knight was just before he

disappeared through the space crack, but I didn't see anything. I was a little

strange. After looking around for a while, I found that there was really no one. I

decided to use my space perception again, but this time The moment I raised my

swords above my head, my peripheral vision saw the sharp sword thrust towards

me from the left side! I immediately changed the direction of my sword swing to

catch the sword. I immediately jumped back to distance myself from the person

who ambushed me, and then I saw clearly that the person who ambushed me

was the Necromancer Knight! "Are you the little follower of the security system?"

the Necromancer Knight said in a disdainful tone. I was a little surprised that the

virus entity could actually speak! But then I thought about him saying that I was a

follower of the system? ! "How the hell can you speak! If I didn't like this game, I

wouldn't have anything to do with this system, okay?!" I yelled angrily, "Traveler,

don't let him disturb your mood... ." The system's chat box popped up and said. I

took a deep breath, got into position, and stared at the knight in front of me, the

lion that came out from behind him, and Falcon who had regained his physical

form. "It seems that the knight in this cave can also run around freely. In the

space." I thought in my heart, but I provoked them, "It seems that you are very

confident in yourself. You dare to confront me without calling in a few helpers?"

The Necromancer Knight disagreed, "Don't You take yourself too seriously, you

don't have the strength!", "How will you know if you don't try?". After finishing

speaking, I waved the sword in my left hand, and a crack in space appeared. I

jumped into the crack and appeared from behind the knight in an instant. The

sword in my right hand slashed directly at the knight's head! But the knight

reacted quickly, lowered his head, and then also used his sword to create a crack

and hid in it. At this time, the lion rushed towards me. I swung the sword with my

left hand again to create a crack, passed it and came behind the lion. The sword

in my right hand was behind me. The moment it came out of the crack, it directly

cut the lion's hind legs. The lion roared and retreated. Falcon also launched a

wind bomb at me at this time, but how could I be afraid of this subordinate's

defeat? The system gave me this The space armor can not only create cracks to

allow me to teleport freely, but can also teleport away enemy attacks! I calmly

crossed my swords and slashed out in front of me. A crack in space suddenly

appeared in front of me, sending all Falcon's wind bombs to other places.

However, it still takes a lot of energy to maintain this crack, and so did I. I felt it on

my first try, so I went directly through the crack to Falcon's chest. The two swords

merged and struck out with a slash of the color of the galaxy. Accompanied by the

sword energy, Falcon's chest was injured and he retreated. I wanted to pursue

him. But the lion suddenly used its claws to attack me with six wind blades. I cut a

crack in space and passed through it to avoid the blow. Just when I came out of

the crack, the knight suddenly appeared, and the tip of the sword stabbed directly

at my forehead! I was startled and raised his sword with both swords. Although

my forehead was still scratched, but it was no big problem. I retreated again and

looked at the knight, lion and Falcon. We both stared at each other. This time it

was the knight who took the initiative to attack. He opened a rift in space in front of

me with a swing of his sword. He struck my head with his sword again. I didn't

dodge. I caught the sword with my left hand, and then swung the knight's sword

to the right. I moved my whole body to the left, retracted the sword in my left hand,

and took the opportunity to slash the knight's waist armor with the sword in my

right hand! The Necromancer Knight obviously underestimated my strength. After

being struck by my sword, he froze on the spot and stroked the broken armor with

his hand. This was Lion and Falcon attacking again, because they were both

wounded by me. I could only use the wind element to attack me on the spot. I

turned around and created a space rift to teleport between them. One piece

pierced Falcon including the crystal in its heart. Falcon directly dissipated. I

turned around and blocked the lion's claws with a sword. , the other one directly

cut off its claws, and then the sword that originally blocked its claws also

penetrated the lion's chest, shattering the virus crystals in the lion's body, and the

lion also dissipated, but I found that The knight just watched me kill the lion and

Falcon quietly. I turned to face him, "What's wrong? You saw your men being

killed by me and you didn't come to protect them? Are you frightened by me?

Hahahaha!" I said mockingly. "No," and then the knight slowly said, "I admit, I did

underestimate you at first, but I won't do it now! You will be completely obliterated

by me!" At this time, the lions scattered on the ground And Falcon's crystal

shards were suddenly sucked away by the knight! The knight absorbed these

fragments, and blood-red stripes and petals appeared on the originally silver

armor! It looked elegant and breathtaking. I was shocked and took a step back.

There was a bloody light surrounding the knight. When the light dissipated, blood-

red vine stripes appeared on the knight's sword, and the armor on his body was

even covered with such stripes! I took a stance and stared at the knight. He

suddenly swung his sword. This time was different. There was no space crack,

but there was a blood-red sword energy. I rolled to the right to avoid it, and then I

slashed out the moment I stood up. The space rift was directly transmitted to the

knight's face and he slashed me with his sword. However, the knight reacted very

quickly. He grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands and blocked my sword. I

was shocked when the knight kicked me in the waist. , the force of this kick was

not weak, I was kicked back two steps, the knight raised his sword to stab me

again, I kept blocking the knight's attacks, but the knight's speed was getting

faster and faster, I knew I couldn't keep up. I got on, so I gathered my strength

directly behind me to create a space crack, and passed through this crack to

distance myself from the knight. The knight wanted to catch up again, but this

time I didn't give him a chance, so I rushed forward too! The moment he raised his

sword, I also raised the sword in my left hand, seemingly slashing to create a

crack in space, but the crack appeared in front of me before I swung my sword

down, and the knight was stunned for a moment. , I seized the opportunity to pass

through the crack and appear behind the knight. The sword raised in my left hand

cut down the moment I appeared behind the knight, adding new wounds to the

knight again! The knight wanted to turn around, but as soon as he turned around,

I appeared on the other side with another sword! The knight couldn't see my

movement trajectory at all, and it took him almost ten more blows than me before

he finally couldn't stand it anymore. He swung his sword and created a space

crack and escaped from the cave to the ground. I followed him immediately. On

the ground, I and I He started fighting again, and this time the knight also used his

space ability to fight me. The battlefield between me and him kept shifting. After

the sword was slashed, he appeared in the forest, and the sword was teleported

to the mountain peak. His battle is inseparable, but he is a computer program and

will not get tired, but I will! Even with the support given to me by the system, I

couldn't beat the computer program in terms of endurance, so I took the initiative

to distance myself and take a breather. During this period, he and I were injured to

varying degrees, and his ability to shuttle through the cracks in space was not

good enough. More than me, I knew I had to end the battle quickly or else he

would exhaust all my energy. At this time, the knight once again created a space

rift and rushed towards me. I also created a space-time rift to distance myself

from him, but this time I Several cracks were created between me and him. When

I passed through the first one, I immediately passed through the second one. In

the process, my speed continued to increase. The knight was struck by my sword

before he could react. On the abdomen, this sword was so powerful that it directly

cut the knights away. I used this move again, creating multiple cracks in a straight

line. By passing through the cracks, I continued to accelerate and increase the

power of the sword. The knight was hit several times by me. After falling, his

armor showed signs of breaking. I took advantage of the victory and pursued it. I

put the swords on my chest to gather energy, then raised them above my head. I

stretched the swords and moved downwards, and my body squatted down. Until

the space crack that opened completely enveloped me, and then I disappeared

along with the space crack. The knight was a little strange when he saw this, but

he quickly reacted. Space cracks suddenly began to appear around him, and the

cracks continued to increase, completely surrounding him. He got up, and he

wanted to create a space crack to escape, but I suddenly appeared from one of

the cracks and cut him on the back with a sword, interrupting him. Then I quickly

entered another space crack, and I kept going in different space cracks.

Appeared, and every time he appeared, he would hit the knight with his sword.

The knight could not defend himself at all. And every time he wanted to create a

space rift to escape, he would be interrupted by my sword. He wanted to attack

me with sword wave, but he didn't know that I will appear from witch crack,

his armor finally couldn't hold it any longer. Countless cracks appeared on the

armor, and there was still the blood-red garbled code under the cracks. I entered

the space crack, emerged from the crack above his head, and appeared in front of

me. Several cracks were created in the space between me and him again. By

accelerating through the cracks, I cut his body in half with a sword. His body fell

down. After it dissipated, I picked up his crystal and pierced it with my sword. , his

crystal also dissipated.