
I woke up in Genshin Impact

When people in the real world suddenly travel into the game, they are still the popular game Genshin Impact! Requested by the security system to help the game eliminate computer viruses, he created a legend in the world of the game

Ye_Fan_8598 · Juegos
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28 Chs

Goodbye, Liyue......

After the battle, facing the early morning sunshine, Ningguang Keqing Beidou and I met up. We didn't say anything, but their eyes were full of excitement and gratitude. Keqing even shed tears. Because the city was destroyed, Ningguang organized citizens to repair it together. I watched the characters in the game organize themselves spontaneously without any code, divide labor and cooperate, and build their homes step by step without frustration or complaints. , there was only joy and laughter for the rest of my life, and I was filled with emotion. I thought to myself, "This place... is more than just a game for me...". I walked around the city, but no matter how many times, people's laughter and laughter always infected me. I should have left Liyue immediately after the battle, but people's enthusiasm and my unknown feelings I have been unable to leave here, but the system cannot understand human emotions. On the third night of my stay in Liyue, the system appeared and asked me to get up immediately and go to the third country, Inazuma! After being reminded, I planned to set off, but as soon as I went out, I saw Keqing on the street. She ran over to me immediately after seeing me, "Good evening! Caesar, are you out for a walk?", I was a little embarrassed to tell her. I was leaving, so I lied to her and said, "Yes, come out for a walk.", "Ah... By the way, when will you leave here? I don't mean anything else! Are you just not a traveler? I think Are you sure you won't stay here for too long?" Keqing asked cautiously. When she asked me this question, I finally made up my mind to leave here. I was shaken again. I thought again about the things I saw these days that were not in the game. What the characters would do, and the "realism" of the game I experienced, I said in a strange way, "I'm not in a hurry, I plan to rest for a few more days." As soon as I finished speaking, I heard the system roaring in my ears, and I I kept apologizing to the system and saying that I was confused for a moment. I was just about to explain to Keqing when I heard her excitedly say "Great!", "Ahem, um, you can rest as long as you want, but Well, in order to thank you for saving Liyue, we have a party in the two queens, just for you. If you are not in a hurry to leave, the two queens can come to me!" After finishing speaking, Keqing left without waiting for my answer, and the systematic roaring in my ears became even louder. . . Finally, I agreed with the system to go to Inazuam immediately after the party. Before the party, I started wandering around the city again. During this time, the residents had almost repaired the broken city, and the city returned to the lively appearance in the game. Even because the characters had self-awareness, the atmosphere in the city became more lively. Got it! "It would be nice if there weren't games here...", I sighed and went back to the hotel where I was staying. On the day of the party, I met Keqing downstairs in my hotel. She said she was here to remind me that today was the day of the party. Then she took me to the largest square in the city. As soon as I arrived, I found almost all these things about me. Everyone I met while wandering around Tiancheng City came, which means that the entire Liyue residents came to attend this party held for me. At this moment, my eyes couldn't help but moisten... In reality, it is impossible for anyone to hold a special party For my party, Keqing saw me covering my face and thought I was embarrassed. She smiled and pulled me to the main seat to sit down. She and Ningguang, the two top managers of Liyue, sat next to me. "This period is one of the most difficult days for us in Liyue. Countless monsters are constantly killing our compatriots. When we were at our most desperate, this traveler, Caesar! took the initiative to help us completely eliminate the monsters. , and also helped us kill Osial. For this, I want him to express my most loyal gratitude!" Ningguang finished speaking and drank the wine in the bowl. Keqing and Beidou both expressed their gratitude to me, and then the whole The residents of Liyue raised their glasses to thank me! I smiled and toasted to everyone. This dinner was very happy. I experienced the feeling of being appreciated and admired by others that I couldn't experience in reality. It was also the first time that I knew that I was not useless and that I could do something for others. What, even if they are just characters in the game. At the end of the dinner, Ningguang, Keqing, and Beidou all came to me and said, "You are leaving soon, right Caesar?" Ningguang asked me, "Yes, I might be leaving tonight... ", I was a little reluctant, "Well, I wish you a safe journey! Let's have a chance to get together in the future!", Beidou patted me on the shoulder and said, "Get together... I also hope... ...", I thought in my heart, but on the surface I still smiled and agreed. "Oh, right! I almost forgot, this is for you!", Keqing took a bracelet and handed it to me, "What is this?", I looked at the bracelet, the workmanship was very exquisite, the emerald green bracelet was inlaid with With a golden snake pattern, there is a thread on each side of the bracelet, and the petals of all Liyue's flowers are interspersed on the thread. "This is a souvenir we gave you. I hope you won't dislike it. We hope you can come back here if you have time after your trip. This bracelet reminds you that Liyue can be your support in this world!" , Ningguang said solemnly, I was moved again. In reality, how can I rely on myself when I live alone! I actually found my first support in the game! With tears in my eyes, I solemnly thanked them, "You're welcome, compared to what you did, we can only be considered careless." Keqing said, I put the bracelet on my right hand, in front of them Summoning the wind elemental armor in front of me, they all nodded to me, and I walked to the center of the dinner. Under the gaze of everyone in Liyue, I said loudly, "Everyone, thank you very much for letting me rely on you in this world!" , after saying that, I gathered the power of the wind element and jumped into the air, then accelerated and flew in the direction of Inazuma, leaving behind clouds like exploding fireworks, "Goodbye! Caesar!", Ningguang and the others said to me shouted. I looked back at them and said, "Bye, Liyue..."