
I wish for silence

Warning: Contains foul language, and other extreme depiction that might be offensive to readers. A post-apocalypse world overrun with vampires, witches, and werewolves. Jack a young human man in his 20s, is alone and has to survive in his new world form almost everything. With only his imaginary friend Kevin to keep him company he survives in this treacherous existence, but he soon begins to realise that he might have to be afraid of his imaginary friend as well. When his imaginary friend takes over his body trapping Jack in his mind for a while to do what had to be done.

Ronaldo_Kahmann · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Unspoken burdens

Kevin still in control of my body. After rubbing the werewolf blood all over my scars and letting it heal. He then scooped some up in a jar and then put it into my bag.

Things were silent for a while. When the adrenaline sank away I could feel myself getting more control. Slowly but surely I was getting control until I had full control over my body. Not like Kevin was fighting back or anything.

As soon as I got control over my body I got up from the rock that I was sitting on across the fire. It's night time.

"Shit its night," I say to myself.

I quickly began getting everything I had of worth and began to run to the nearest building I could find. Quickly extinguishing the fire before I go.

"Shit shit shit!" how could I forget that I had to be indoor before nightfall. Running to the nearest building I could see. I ran into it as fast as I could. I had to get away. I had to find a safe place to spend the night.

Looking around in the building for anyplace that I could hide I later ended finding my way into the ceiling. "The hord was coming." was the thought that rang in my head. "The children of the night. Vampires."

As I start to catch my breath I realized that I was still literally covered in werewolf blood.

"Shit shit shit." I begin to panic because they will surely find me this way. My hiding spot isn't even so good and I, I can't even think anymore.

"They can't smell werewolf blood. But they can smell fear, human blood, and a lot of other things human-related. They are creatures that are made to pray on humans anything else is merely a choice of diet." Kevin's voice echoed through my thoughts. How does he know this? What the hell is he?

"Swift" I heard one speed past nearby.

"They also have extremely good hearing so you might want to be more quiet." I immediately knew what he meant by being quieter. I had to calm myself down.

I then began to relax. Slowed my thoughts. Controlled my breathing. Vampires are much more dangerous then werewolves and just to be spotted by one will be a fatal mistake.

Slowly but surely I began to calm myself down. I'm used to doing so. Calming myself. I guess this thing with Kevin has got me a bit on the etch. Soon I felt my eyelids getting heavy my body becoming so relaxed that after a peaceful blink it was morning again.

I wasn't sure that it was morning only that it has been quiet for a good while. Either way, I think it is save to at least take a look. I make a whole for me to look out of and see the room underneath me. I look around for a while. There, a ray of light was shining on the floor. I then my way out of my hiding spot and then out of the building.

I felt great relief when the sun hit me face with its warm rays. Then I realized that Kevin hasn't said anything. He usually does but he has been quiet, very quiet. What do I even care? The thought of Kevin made confused about what to think. All that was clear was my emotions on this. I betrayed, scared, misused and disbelief.

Reason tried to push there way through trying to explain what was going on, but I couldn't entertain them. I had to make my way back to where I ran from in the first place. Not the hotel that I spent the previous night in. I had to go home. I just had to be with my kind at this moment.

I begin with my walk towards the compound. I planned out my way so that I can cross a river, on my way. I at least had to wash the blood off. Can be looking like a supernatural at human save house.