
Chapter 34: Leash(4)

Luke wanted to laugh out loud but he can't because the crown prince is observing him. He is probably looking for a weakness.

Luke thought that the crown prince will not find any information on his past because he was just a maid before, nothing else. Luke didn't do anything out of place until he came to this world.

And he was right.

The crown prince tried to gather information about him after they first met and all he saw was that he was a maid in the Viscellete estate. His date of birth and birthplace is unknown. It's like he just pops out of existence out of nowhere. And that is what making Lance uncomfortable.

'Just who is he? How does he know almost everything?'

Lance frowned, he feels like he is a naked soldier trying to fight a whole army. And it is not a good feeling.

But he decided to lay low and follow this bastard for a while. Everything this bastard says was surprisingly favorable to him, except the part where he knows that he was an illegitimate child.

Luke smiled and let Klein sit next to him.

"Your highness, this is Klein Schwarz, he is a genius inventor. He could've been famous by now if it wasn't for someone plagiarizing his work."

"Really?... Wait, do you mean-?"

"Yes your highness, he could create advanced weapons and equipment if there are proper tools and scraps. That is his talent."

Lance's eyes widened and looked at the stiff Klein with interest.

"Ho, so he can do anything?"

"Yes. He can do all unimaginable and unexplainable things. Won't the enemies be surprised if we suddenly show up with advanced weapons and armors?"

"Ho, I see what you're aiming for... You bastard."

Klein then saw the mischievous smiles on the crown prince and Luke's faces. He suddenly felt nervous. He then heard Luke speak.

"Actually, he is that good that I almost lost him to the other kingdoms."

The crown prince looked surprised.

"Wait, the three kingdoms already tried to reach out to him?"

"Yes, and they did that for the war that will soon be coming. And because of that, it is further proof that a war will really come out soon."

Luke and Lance's face turned serious. Klein's heart almost jumped out at the serious atmosphere covering the entire room. He then heard Lance's annoyed voice.

"Those bastards, they are planning to strike us after we just won from the war with Paliath. Such greedy and coward bastards."

Lance gritted his teeth then started to think. His eyes were cold. He then heard Luke's nonchalant voice.

"That is why I brought Klein here, your highness. Sir Klein could help our attack power to rise and strengthen our defenses."

Lance thought for a moment before asking Klein who was nervously looking at them.

"Doing all of the work on his own is going to be hard. What do you think? Sir Klein?"

Klein then nervously answered.

"W-well it will indeed be hard but, if you give me enough workers I might be able to pull it off."

The crown prince smiled. Great, everything is going smoothly so far.

"Great, I will handpick the best of the best inventors to help you. But the problem is, where to do it? It must not be here, there are too many eyes and ears around here."

Luke then saw Lance started to think deep. Luke also thinks for a moment before smiling. He got an idea.

"Your highness, what about Mount Ceb?"

The crown prince frowned.

"Mount Ceb? Aren't their monsters in there- oh..."

Lance stopped for a moment before looking at the smiling Luke with shock. Luke then answered.

"There are no more monsters in there, we already annihilated almost all of the monsters when they all invaded Ceb City. It is probably an empty mountain by now."

The crown prince made a very amused and shocked expression. Luke cannot know if the crown prince is currently laughing or frowning but he bet that the crown prince is happy.

"You smart bastard."

"Thank you, your highness. I feel honored that the future sun-"

"Oh for the love of god stop it already."

Luke zipped his mouth and smirked at Lance who is frowning at him. Lance sighed and asked the question that has been floating on his mind for a while.

"You. Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me? You could've just hidden in a corner before the war starts."

Luke frowned at the crown prince.

'Because all of you will die. The other princes are basically assholes so if they run the kingdom it will not be peaceful for me. And I will somehow feel guilty to not help you all since I know the future.'

But Luke can't say that so he just said whatever comes to his mind.

"I just wanted peace for the kingdom."

'So I could also live peacefully.'

The crown prince was stunned while looking at Luke's determined eyes. He then thought.

'Even though this person is an asshole, he truly wanted peace for the kingdom. He is dead serious about this.'

Lance was sure because he managed to survive until this day by observing people's faces and expressions.

When he was a child, people always approach him to gain his favor, and it's dangerous if he falls into their ploy so he learned to read people's faces and emotions. Reading their body language and reading their inner thoughts. And this man's gaze shows sincere determination to bring peace to this kingdom. He was sure of it.

Lance was somehow relieved and smiled at Luke. He somehow feels like he wasn't alone and has someone willing to protect the kingdom with him not because of fame and money, but because of peace. He feels like he could trust him a bit for now. But he still needs to be cautious because Luke still holds his weakness. He won't know when or where will this bastard leak his information, making Lance tense.

"I will gain ownership of Mount Ceb later and I'll call you when that happens. Here."

The crown prince threw a magic device on Luke's face and Luke caught it. It was a flat oblong-shaped device with buttons in it. Luke then smiled.

"I'll wait for your call later, your highness."

Lance frowned.

"Whatever, just leave."

Luke and Klein stood up and headed towards the door. Luke then said one last goodbye before leaving.

"See you later, your highness."

"Bastard, I don't want to see you ever again."

Luke chuckled and finally closed the door. He then saw Klein looking at him. Luke's face then turned serious.

"Sir Klein, I have something for you to do."

"W-what is it?"

Luke stared at Klein's nervous face and asked a question.

"Sir Klein, can you build a giant?"
