
Exploration [2]

'These bamboos are illusions...'

I moved forwards as a set of bamboo shots disappeared and the illusory bamboo reappeared at the position I prevailed in previously.

"Well, are you the one that cast this illusionary spell?"

"No, it was my mother. She said that 'Retrieve it at the right time...' I wonder how useful that thing really would be to face such dangerous things."

"Are you going to claim some kind of inheritance, but the countess of Malaki family is still alive to my knowledge?"

The girl gave me a blank look before walking again and her soft words fell on the space once more, "I am an illegitimate daughter...however, the count hid that fact from the noble society to keep his honor."

"Is that so."

I waited for more of the story but the latter didn't speak, 'Then that means her mother...is probably dead either by the count's hand or naturally.'

After a few dozen minutes.

Only silence prevailed between us till the time we arrived at a huge-looking cave and that too was in the midst of this bamboo forest, "Is that the place?"

"Yep, according to my knowledge, there is a monster sealed up in the depth of the cave. If you are afraid, stay here, I will go and retrieve the item."

"Afraid? Who, me? Quickly wrap this up, I am dying of hunger here."

My smugness knows no bounds and I just displayed it. Unexpectedly only a smile was returned from her for my words, "Then you better keep up, Mr. Barave man."

"You can feel it, right?"

"Yea, what's this spine-chilling energy for?"

"It's the demon's energy we are going to confront."

'Demonic energy!? This feels so surreal from what the game designers had described in words.'

The moment I entered the cave the air around us changed it's not like I can see the air, I am just telling it from my observation.

"From here onwards I will take the lead since I am having the sword for now. It's a straight path right?"

"Yep, don't worry I will watch your back and front too."


With that being decided I strode along the dark cave walls surrounding us, and the torch Bryna had prepared beforehand illuminated the path ahead for us.

"I think, we are here...is that it? I mean, the monster."

"Yea, that's the monster."

Before my eyes were a red giant however its head was of a bat with wings spread on the back, all in all, it was a gruesome red monster that looked a bit too disgusting just to look at.

"Hey, don't you think it's too much for us to take upon that guy."

"Who said we are going to fight the monster? Don't you see the chains that had bound its hands and legs?"

"So what are we exactly here for?"

Without halting her steps Bryna sneakily and carefully closed the distance between her and the monster as she spoke, "You see the necklace hung on its sword, I will just grab it and run back. In case, if it woke up there will be monsters probably attacking us. You get what I meant to say?"

"Yes." I nodded my head and halted in my tracks just letting Bryna stride on her path then looked around and indeed there were statutes of gargoyles at either side, 'So that was the monster she spoke about, huh.'


They were thin build, less intelligent possessing monsters even so the threat origins from their wings and the mobility to move in the air freely make gargoyles fearsome monsters to tend to.

'In any case, I pray that my new spells will give me the upper hand against the monsters.'

I stood in my comfortable position as the sword rose within my hands to counterattack either of the monsters that may attack us.

'Good..she is going to grab it, please do without waking him up.'

The moment felt like an eternity.

I stared at the front, Bryna was squatting very low and her hands were just in reach for the necklace which hung from the hilt of the sword in the possession of the demon.

"Got it!"

"Bounce back!"

I and Bryna said simultaneously as she leaped from her previous location by her very fast speed, but at that precise, another roar rang out in the space, "Theif bastards!!! Give me back what's mine!!!"

"Force Shield!"

"Gravity Pull"

Covering myself with the shield I slashed the gargoyle that came for me from the right and the left side's gravity was increased by 10 times from my spell which made the monster unable to flap its wings and lash out against me, "Hiyaah!"

The sword wasn't all favorable, the monster was knowledgeable enough to use its wings for a good cause, 'My shield is going to disappear soon..!'

As I panicky tried to defend against the upcoming attack a shadow passed through the side with only an inch left to graze my neck, "As excepted your hands are quick!"

I said in the direction of Bryna as she had already finished launching her next 2 consecutive arrows at the gargoyle without leaving a rest, I used the opportunity to stab at the heart of the monster quickly.


Parallel to me Bryna also launched her arrow that was covered with flames and directly incarnated the gargoyle that just got out of the gravity spell.

"Good work."

"It couldn't be possible without you, thanks young master Ares."

"I am feeling goosebumps, stop that."

"I thought I will be grateful for once, guess shouldn't have."

"Just give me the reward, I will be satisfied with that."

"Wait, you thief bastards!! If you don't beg on your knees now at once, I will incarnate not only you but your entire family!"

"What should we do about him?" Bryna spoke as she rechecked if the monsters were truly dead.

"Just leave him what could he possibly do--" My word was stopped at once as I stared at the unbelievable thing before my eyes.

'Is that...a game's window screen!'

[System... synchronized!]

"Hey, Ares!"

[You have acquired EXP for killing gargoyles!]

[Current Level: 1]

[Note: For more information please player stats.]

With this, it's 10 chapters~ Won't you have a good opinion of the book by now my lovely reader~! please try reviewing it!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Stylish_Demoncreators' thoughts