
I will find you ( the walking dead) on break for now.

Staring Akaze Saito, a son of one of the most deadliest drug smuggling group in the world that will used his skills to take down anyone and anything that's a threat to him to find his childhood friend Rosita. Rosita Espinosa a girl who was born in the slums of Mexico but taken in by the Saito clan. This is just a fanfic and I will change something's up but will follow on the plot. I like majority of the characters but I will create some drama will re-edit the beginning before start making new chapters

Suzumebachi_ · TV
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

Akaze pov

Akaze slouched back in his passenger seat with a grumpy look on his face as the Asian man was speeding on the road as if he was in a fast and furious movie with Rick and the rest following them from behind. Glenn turned to see Akaze's face and wanted to lift his spirit.

" Akaze, the world is ending cheer up and enjoy life before it's your last breath," Glenn spoke with excitement as he was nodding his head back and forth like he was in a rave.

( Enjoy life my ass. How on earth am I supposed to be 'happy' when the love of my life is out there somewhere or…. Probably… dead. I know it sucks for me to think that but the city was overrun with those stupid dead monsters.)

" I suppose…" Akaze lied straight through his teeth. Akaze never was the type to really open up his feelings and he would rather get tortured to death than tell another person his deep thoughts. " how your camp is and who is the leader ?" Akaze changed the subject before Glenn would even try to pry into his business.

" The camp is great, we have a few people and we don't really have a leader but I would guess Shane and Dale? They both always speak up about what's best for the camp but they do tend to bump heads a lot," Glenn answers.

" Damn must be a pain then," Akaze lightly chuckled and Glenn followed on and chuckle right along aside him.

" Sometimes I would think they are a married couple going through the divorce stage," Glenn said.

" And those are the people who would always be together," Akaze chuckled turning into a laugh as he pushed the seat back laying down and looking up at the car ceiling.

(Maybe I should take his advice and enjoy life while I can but it will never be the same as how I was with you.)

Akaze turns his head to look at the ash-grey sky.

( We might not see each other as soon as we thought but I will see you one day, Rosita.)

" It's been a while since I saw another Asian. I shall call you my brother." Glenn put up his fist that was close to Akaze waiting for Akaze to complete the fist bump, Akaze chuckled at his statement and fist hit back

"Brotherhood," he murmured.


Akaze pov

The road trip was quick and the group arrived at the campsite Glenn mentioned but the one thing Akaze thought about when he got there was will the walkers come here due to hearing the alarm sound from the car that the Asians were driving in.

( I'm probably overthinking it.)

When Akaze got out of the car following Glenn's lead, a muscular with a pushed-back hairstyle came rushing near them yelling out some crap while disarming the alarm but Akaze didn't really pay no mind since he was blocking him out. Sound started coming into his ear when the older gentleman came down the RV panicking to Glenn while telling Shane to back off them with a concerned look attached to his face.

( I'm assuming this is Shane and Dale.)

As Dale was talking to Glenn, Shane came near Akaze and was looking at him in his eyes to intimidate him but it wasn't working, Akaze was facing him head-on with dead fish eyes showing the muscular man that he was messing with the wrong person. The showdown stopped when Glenn and Dale came in between them.

" A man saved us with a sheriff's outfit. He is the same just like you" Glenn pointed his finger at Akaze, " We met him with a kid and Akaze helped us out. We all just trying to survive and they are both good people."

Akaze's forehead creased when he heard Glenn speaking highly of him and cringed at the word 'good'. That word with Akaze in the same sentence doesn't make sense at all.

Shane finally backed down and his eyebrows furrowed together, " Another sheriff?"

Before any of the men could say something the truck finally made it here and everyone ran out of the truck to greet their family. Akaze saw all the happy faces the people were making and it was making him uncomfortable and not because he was salty at the fact he couldn't greet Rosita. It was something way before that, it was from his childhood of not having a close relationship with his father. He always wondered how would his life change if his father had ever been a real father to him but all Akaze could do was wonder about that, Akaze was out of his deep thoughts when he saw a funny look on Shane's face as soon Rick stepped out of the truck, a little boy ran up to Rick calling him dad as a thin woman followed behind the boy.

( He found his family? That's good but why does Shane look uncomfortable for some reason?)

Akaze didn't say anything because it wasn't his business but that didn't mean he could watch this drama from behind the scenes since he didn't have anything else better to do. Akaze was heading to one of the big logs to sit on and little Andrew was trailing right behind him tugging on his shirt, " You were awesome out there," his eyes gleamed with fire and Akaze just patted the top of his head.

"Let's wash this gross blood off us, " Akaze changed his plans to wash up and help Andrew out.

" I like that idea so much because I stink like my classmate. I swear his whole family didn't believe in soap and water," Andrew held his nose so he wouldn't smell the awful smell anymore and the two rushed to the lake.


Akaze and Andrew had been in the lake longer than they expected since the two weren't washing up anymore. Andrew decided to start a water fight with Akaze and since the Japanese man would never back down from a fight he we along with him and started splashing water on the little boy to put him in his place.

" I am Saito Akaze, the most feared man in the underworld. Did you realize what you just started?" Akaze flexed his muscles to show the little boy the glory of what is like to be him and Andrew just scoffed at him.

" Most feared my dust. You complain so much I can't believe people take you seriously, '' Andrew made his remark at Akaze and the Japanese male dramatically crutched his chest acting like that insult hurt his feelings.

As the two were having fun, the blonde girl came up to them disturbing their fun, " Sorry to stop you boys bonding time but I have clean clothes for you two. My name is Amy," the blonde-haired girl stared at the two with an amusing look on her face.

Andrew nudged Akaze's ribs and gave him a look trying to have Akaze say something back to her, "Umm, thank you…" Akaze was unsure what to say.

Amy's smile grew wider, " I see you're not a big talker, well come on out lunch is almost ready."

Akaze was about to come out but he remembered he was naked so he didn't move further, " Umm, you can drop it on the ground, we are both naked." he pointed at himself and Andrew and Amy chuckled at his response.

"Okay shy boy, I will leave it here but hurry and introduce yourself to the group. You two are one of us now, " she was still smiling as he was leaving and when her figure was no longer in their sights Andrew started to burst out laughing at Akaze.

" Wow, now I know how to shut you up. I will just bring a pretty girl around. It's crazy how you forgot about your lover already, " Andrew was getting out of the lake and Akaze scoffed at him.

" As if! I was shy because I was naked and I will never leave my Rosita for a random I don't even know," Akaze followed the boy's movements and was drying himself with a towel.

" I don't know anything about love but what if you don't see her again? You should move on, it's been a month." Andrew causal said.

Although Andrew was just a kid most of the time he would say logical stuff that a kid his age wouldn't even be saying. Akaze knew the boy was right but in his heart, he believed he would see her again and he wouldn't dare taint their promise and move on with another girl. He would never forgive himself to leave behind the person who completes him.

( This boy always knows what to say to get under my skin. Little brat.)

Andrew didn't even notice Akaze was glaring at him because the boy was skipping to grab some lunch and try to make new friends with the kids.

" He seems happy and these people look like good people. Maybe I should leave before he gets too attached to me," he mumbled to himself but that was a lie. Akaze wanted to leave because he might get too attached to the little boy, whom he somewhat grew fond of but if he stayed here any longer he might never see the love of his life anymore if he left him here he might regret leaving the boy by himself.