
I will find you ( the walking dead) on break for now.

Staring Akaze Saito, a son of one of the most deadliest drug smuggling group in the world that will used his skills to take down anyone and anything that's a threat to him to find his childhood friend Rosita. Rosita Espinosa a girl who was born in the slums of Mexico but taken in by the Saito clan. This is just a fanfic and I will change something's up but will follow on the plot. I like majority of the characters but I will create some drama will re-edit the beginning before start making new chapters

Suzumebachi_ · TV
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

Chapter 1

Author pov

"Mr Saito, the plane will be leaving in 30 minutes. We need to hurry because traffic is getting heavy." The elderly man, with wrinkled hands and a stooped back, eagerly grabbed Akaze's heavy suitcase and swiftly loaded it into the trunk of his old station wagon.

Akaze pushed open the glass doors of the hotel and stepped into the bright sunlight. He closed his eyes and let the warmth seep into his skin, his wavy black hair dancing in the hot breeze. "I'm so tired," he muttered to myself.

" Tired of what? Doing absolutely nothing," A mocking voice appeared behind him.

He scoffed and pivoted to face the only woman in existence who had the power to irritate him so deeply. "Shut up, Rosita."As she sauntered towards him, a mischievous smirk played across her face. Her light brown eyes locked onto his dark orbs, each daring the other to look away first. " You shouldn't be mean to the person who does all of your work and you need to stop being lazy before your father finds out." she places her palms on his tie to fix him properly, " And you need to grow up, I can't always be by your side, Akaze."

He looks down at her, "Huh? You promised me when we were kids we would always be together. You are my best friend. "

Hearing the word ' friend' made her heart clench but she used her poker face to mask her feelings and gave him a half smile, " Yeah I will but someday you will find someone and... you need to be there for them." she softly said as she looks at his perfectly fixed tie because she didn't dare to look into his eyes.

He laughed out loud, " And who is this person I will be with?" he sightly pushed her hands away and held her wrist to guide her to the car, " I don't like people, I can only deal with you, Rose." he showed his pearly white teeth to her and Rosita couldn't say anything back but reply to smile by showing off hers.

" We need to hurry, sir" The older man lightly pushes both Akaze and Rosita into the vehicle.

Akaze pov

Ten minutes had passed already and they were on the highway headed to the private jet, Akaze lay his head against the window to look out at the view " I really don't want to see that man." he murmured.

Rosita faced him and understood his reasoning but there was nothing she could do to ease his aggravation, " I know Akaze but he wants to see you and you his son."

( I wish I wasn't. )

" I suppose. What does he want this time?" he asked her a question as he kept his sights out the window.

The girl places her hand on top of his, "I'm not for sure but he was eager to see you. Maybe he wants to know all the details about the drug smuggling in South Korea, you know they have strict laws against it and you pulled it off without moving a finger."

A small smile crept up on him as he turned his head to see the girl, " Because I had you by my side. We did it together. "

A deep crimson flush spread over her cheeks, and she hastily averted her gaze, hoping to hide her embarrassment from him. She could feel the heat radiating from her face, like hot coals glowing beneath her skin. Her heart raced and she fidgeted nervously, trying to compose herself before he noticed her blushing. "Yeah.." she whispered to herself but she never removed her hand from his, she slightly squeezed his hand.

The car was quiet and they both were in each other presence until Akaze was wobbling in his seat, Rosita paid attention to him wondering what was happening, "Are you okay?" she gripped his hand tight and used her free hand to check his face.

He slightly shook his head, " I don't know what's going on. I think something is about to happen."

" Gut intuition?" she questioned him as she scanned the roads, " Do you feel like we are about to be attacked?" she went under the seat and pulled out her pistol.

( Is it that? I don't know.)

Akaze straightened his back on the seat as she went along with Rose to scan the surroundings of the highway, " How far are we from the jet?" He asked the driver.

The driver looked at the GPS, " 5 minutes sir. Is there a problem ?" the driver became uneasy seeing his bosses being on guard.

" I don't know yet," Akaze answers him.

The driver looked on his side and the passenger side to see what was going on, " I don't see…..SIR BUCKLED YOUR SEAT!" the driver suddenly shouted and Akaze quickly reached over to Rosita's side to buckle her seat belt.

"AKAZE, SEAT…" Unfortunately, Rosita couldn't finish her sentence as the car went into a huge impact by crashing into a commercial truck.

The air was thick and heavy, filled with the sharp, acrid smell of metal and smoke. But amidst these harsh scents, there was a familiar perfume that Akaze couldn't ignore - the sweet, alluring scent of Rosita's perfume. It wrapped around her like a warm embrace, bringing back memories of happier times. The delicate notes of jasmine and vanilla danced in the air, a reminder of the love they once shared. Despite the chaos surrounding them, this nostalgic scent brought a sense of calm to Akaze's racing mind. Her arms wrapped around him, preventing him from moving in the crash.

( Before the car crash she must have had me in a death grip preventing me from flying out of the windshield. I can always count on her for her quick thinking.)

As seconds passed Akaze's sights were getting better and he was checking around him and he saw people running away on foot and others trying to drive their vehicles through the disasters on the highway. " What the fuck is going on?" he whisper to himself and slowly was pulling Rosita's arms from his waist, " I got to get her out of here," as he was about to wake her up he saw the driver and how a pole was impaled into his skull spilling out his brain matter on the car seat.

( I haven't seen Brain in a while and it will always be disgusting.)

Akaze shook the thoughts out of his head and was slightly shaking Rose's body while he scanned outside of the car, he could see people trampling over others as their screams grew louder by the second, " Come on, Rose." his patience was running out so he did the unthinkable thing that can cost him his life, " Yeah, I'm totally going to get killed by her, " he raised his hand and used his whole force to backhand her and she instantly open her eyes as she gasped for air and gripped on his throat trying to kill him from reaction. Akaze was holding her wrist trying to calm the crazy Latina down but once she realized it was Akaze she loosened her grip.

" What the hell, Akaze?! I thought …" Akaze placed his hand over her mouth to shut her up," Hush Rose, and listen. " he whispered and Rosita followed what he said and heard the screams outside, " I don't know what's happening but we need to leave and grabbed your gun and we will run to the plane, " the woman nodded her head she unbuckled her seatbelt and picked up her pistol from the floor and Akaze opened his door and grabbed Rosita hand so she can come out his way, " the driver said the plane five minutes ahead so we head north now!" they both ran on the highway seeing people fighting each other trying to escape the highway.

" What's going on Akaze? What happened? why are people fighting amongst themselves?" she shot him question after question trying to get an understanding of the situation.

" I have no clue but it's not our problem. " he tightened his grip on her so she wouldn't fall behind.

As they were almost off the highway they saw a few people walking funny with red coloring around their mouths attacking people.


The two adults both saw the wobbling people feasting on a person and they shrieked in terror trying to escape their fangs.

"Are they eating her?" Rosita questioned Akaze and herself.

They stopped their movements to look around and could see small groups of people eating others. Akaze wrapped his arms around Rose's waist to make sure she was close to him as he gripped his gun tight ready to kill anyone close to them, " It's too many by the end of the highway, I will hold them back while you run ahead in front of me to the plane." he told her his plan and she automatically shut it down.

" As if, Akaze! We are in this together and I'm not leaving you with these weirdos." She put her foot down. Rosita always listens to Akaze's plans and barely rejects them but this time is the first time in a long time she argues back with him, " Together or nothing." She glares at him to let him know she is serious.

Akaze let go of her waist and held the grip of the gun with both of his hands, " I will be right behind you. We only have a clip in each gun and we cannot waste it until we reach the plane. I will use my clip to cover behind us and you cover in front of us, " he broke it down to her. She nodded her head and followed suit. Both of them were running paying attention to the people around them making sure none of them were close to them.

" Two on the right, " Rosita shouted and Akaze aimed his pistol at the two people with human flesh in their mouths as they were running to them and quickly shot them in the head to put them down.

"Are we close? " Akaze questioned her as he saw they finally made it to the end of the highway.

" Yes! I see the jet. " Rosita pulled out her pistol to shoot the people in front of them to have a clear route to the jet.

" Okay, now full speed ahead, I'm right behind you, " Akaze yelled and Rosita looked to the side of her to see if he was really behind her and he was there by her side, " Come on, Rose." he grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him to the private jet.

Once they made it there, Rosita was watching the area hearing the screams of people close to them, Akaze banged on the door to let the people know he was there, " Open up!" He constantly yelled to get someone's attention from anyone inside but no luck.

" Where are they?!" Rosita was getting angry and she gripped the pistol tight as she scanned the area, " The screams are getting closer we need to leave. "

Akaze let out a loud sigh as he kicked the door, "Fuck!"

" Akaze ?" Rosita looked at him wondering what was their next move.

The man didn't say anything he was thinking of a way out of this mess and as silence engulfed them they both heard another noise apart from death screaming it was a snarling noise and it kept getting closer to the two. The both of them were on high alert holding their pistol close to them ready to shoot down anything. They gave each other a look as they walked slowly to be near each other and soon the noise came out of the tall bushes and it was one of those weirdos they saw on the highway.

" Great our flight attendant is one of them, " Akaze sarcastically murmured to himself as he shot it in the head. When the body fell to the ground Akaze went to his body and grabbed the keys to the jet, "We're leaving." he looked at Rosita before opening the door.

" Do you know how to fly this ?" she asked him with a worried tone.

" Sort of,"

" Sort of you don't know but you will find out ?" she raised one of her brows.

He turned to her as the door opened," Exactly. "

Rosita sighed as she looked outside before entering "I'm going to die today aren't I? I know I wasn't a good role model but can you please spare me lord." she prayed to herself but Akaze still heard her.

" Come on, girl!" he yelled at her foolishly and she shut the door.

He went into the cockpit and started the jet, "See " and without looking to see if anyone was around them he started moving the jet not caring for other lives. Rosita sat next to him and relaxed in the seat.

"Let go home, Akaze." she breathlessly said as her chest heaved up and down.

Akaze took the wheels off the jet and was going into the sky and as he was flying it people from the ground were shooting at them trying to bring it down, " Of course. Nothing ever goes my way. " Akaze clenched his teeth as he speeds up the jet.

Rosita looked at the side of the jet and could see it was catching fire, " Akaze, we have trouble. " she warned him and he aggressively shook his head.

" FUCK!" he put the jet on autopilot and got out of the cockpit to head to his private room and grabbed the two bags full of guns and a parachute.

( I always tell these idiots to make sure it's more parachutes but they never listen to me and now look at the shit we are in now. )

Akaze threw the bags on the floor and gave Rosita the parachute. The jet won't last long but at least we are somewhat far from that place. Take a bag of the guns and use the parachute."

Akaze was about to head back to the cockpit but Rosita grabbed his arm to stop him, " Where's yours?"

Akaze didn't turn his head around because he knew he couldn't lie to her in her face, " I have one but you need to jump first, Rose." he tried to get away from her hold but she used her strength to make him stop again.

" Lair…" she softly said, " I'm not leaving you!" she raised her voice at him.

Akaze shook his head, " Only temporarily. I will find you, I promise you but you have to go now. I will make sure to jump when the jet is above water."

Tears started to form in her eyes, " Please don't," she pleaded with him as her voice cracked.

Once he heard her about to break down he felt like utter crap for causing her pain, " I will find you, Rose" he finally face her and hugged her small body close to his, " Always and forever ever since we were kids," he buried his face into her hair to smell her scent, " Stay away from others and beware of your surrounding at all times. I will find you, Rose." he let go and he saw her tears falling down her face.

She slightly shook her head as she put on the parachute, " Remember, I'm the one who taught you how to fight…" She let out a chuckle as she grabbed the duffle bag full of guns," If you die on me I will bring you back alive and kill you myself, Akaze. "

Akaze smiled at her comment, " Same goes for you."

Rosita went to the exit door but was hesitant at first, she wanted to say something but she doesn't know if it was a good time to say it, " Screw it," she whisper and dropped the bag, and went back to Akaze.

" Rose, you have to …" she silences him with her lips as she kisses him passionately to show him how much he means to her. This took Akaze off guard but he reciprocated her actions and held her waist as he deepened the kiss. She broke it off and gazed into his dark eyes again.

" I love you, I always had ever since I was 11 years old. Don't die on me and find me as soon as possible. " She pecked his lips one final time and picked up the bag " I won't say goodbye so see you later, " She opened the door and jumped out.

A smile slowly creeps on Akaze's face as he touches his lips, " She loves me?" he asks himself as he goes back into the cockpit. Akaze saw that the jet couldn't hold any longer so he took the jet off autopilot and aim it down so it would be closer to the land and the body of water, "Jumping out of the jet without a parachute it's a 50/50 chance that I will make it out alive." as the jet was descending Akaze ran to the exit and grabbed the other duffle bag of gun and peak out the exit door, " Come on Akaze you been through more crazy shit than this. Just last week you took out the highest member of the top cartel group, this right here ain't nothing," Akaze was trying to build himself some confidence before he jumped and closed his eyes for a brief second to see Rosita's face again that will forever be engraved in his memory, " I will survive because of you." he jumped out and used his strength to throw the bag closer to the land as he falls in the river.