
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Cómic
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85 Chs

Licks the god to be good in Greece (edited)

A wooden boat shot out of the ocean and crashed into the sandy beach. The impact was so powerful that the boat shattered upon hitting the sand, and a figure tumbled out from the wreckage.

"Cough, cough! Lord Poseidon, could you be a bit gentler next time?" Cyd stood up, supporting himself on his knees, and sighed in exasperation.

If not for his strong luck or perhaps Poseidon's genuine intent to fulfill his wish to leave the island quickly, he might have ended up as a corpse washed ashore.

"Well... Lord Poseidon, I offer you my highest respect," Cyd said, brushing off the sand and bowing towards the sea. "Thank you. From here, I'll walk my own path."

Despite his words, Cyd was genuinely at a loss. Where should he go? After all, he wasn't from this era. In his fifteen years, he had only seen the island's animals, the two demonesses, and the pitiful person he left behind who shared his fate. He couldn't even predict the current time period, but he knew one thing for sure.

"Prometheus," Cyd whispered the name. The god who stole fire for humanity and was punished by Zeus to have his liver eaten daily by an eagle had not yet been freed. Cyd had overheard this from Stheno. This meant Heracles hadn't rescued him yet, so Cyd was likely living in the same era as the legendary hero. Of course, it would be better if Heracles wasn't born yet to avoid any interaction with him.

Greek Myth Survival Rule Number One: Never, ever get involved with demigod heroes! You might end up cursed or worse, especially since many demigods had Zeus as their father, which could incur Hera's wrath.

But first, he needed to meet Prometheus, the god with foresight and wisdom rivaling Athena's. Of course, Cyd had no intention of rescuing him and risking Zeus's wrath, violating his survival rule.

"But before that, there's a more pressing issue," Cyd scratched his head. "Where exactly am I? And how do I get to the Caucasus Mountains?"

It was already a blessing that Poseidon helped him reach the mainland. Asking for more favors from the gods could lead to their displeasure. So he refrained from asking too much, but it was embarrassing not knowing his current location.


"Stop that," Cyd took a step forward, continuing to scratch his head.


"What... a horse?" Cyd turned around, annoyed, only to see a majestic white horse with intelligent eyes nudging him gently.

"You want to help me?" Cyd asked uncertainly, pointing at himself.

The white horse nodded with a sense of understanding, prancing around him playfully.

"Did Lord Poseidon send you?" Cyd glanced at the calm sea, but it remained peaceful.

The horse flicked its tail and nudged Cyd from behind, urging him to move forward.

"I see..." Cyd wasn't stupid. This horse was probably sent by Poseidon, though he wasn't sure why...

"Lord Poseidon truly is a... benevolent god," Cyd chuckled, petting the horse's head. "Alright, take me to the Caucasus Mountains."

Indeed... being a sycophant had its perks!

The horse lowered itself, allowing Cyd, who wasn't very tall, to mount it easily.

"Good horse," Cyd said, pushing himself onto the horse's back and pointing forward, "Let's go!"

The horse shook its head and started walking in the opposite direction at a leisurely pace.

"Uh..." Cyd awkwardly leaned forward, wrapping his arms around the horse's neck.

Perhaps because Cyd didn't rush it, the horse maintained a moderate speed, unlike Poseidon's earlier fish-driven propulsion. Occasionally, they encountered hunters who were captivated by Cyd's white hair and skin but respectfully avoided them upon seeing the white horse.

However, not everyone had respect, such as bandits.

"Hey, kid, hand over the horse and all your valuables," a burly bandit brandishing a menacing weapon emerged, eyeing Cyd with greed. "Your hair and skin could fetch a good price."

"Ugh..." Cyd shrank back. Though he had hunting experience on the island, it was limited to small animals. He had no real combat experience.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you scared, kid? Look at him shaking!" the bandit leader laughed, clutching his stomach.


With a splatter of blood and brain matter, the headless bandit collapsed.

The other bandits stood dumbfounded, staring at the white horse that had raised its hoof high.

The horse disdainfully stomped on the bandit's corpse. It was Poseidon's horse, and Cyd was Poseidon's devotee. No bandit could harm him.

"What a gruesome sight," Cyd muttered, covering his mouth instinctively.

The horse blinked and turned its gaze to the remaining bandits, who had yet to react.

No mercy. They dared to threaten Poseidon's devotee and Poseidon's horse. They must die.

"Run... run!" one bandit finally shouted, and the rest scattered in all directions.

The horse snorted disdainfully and charged at an incredible speed, catching the nearest bandit and delivering a deadly kick to the chest, sending him flying into a tree and making a splash sound as his blood flew on his comrades.

The remaining bandits, instead of mourning their comrade, ran even faster.

But none escaped. The horse caught up with each one, granting them all a fatal kick.

Cyd swallowed hard.

A divine horse... did all this in seconds how am I supposed to survive this era!