
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Cómic
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85 Chs

chapter 4 edited

As a stone-cold killer—no, wait—as a hunter raised in the mountains with a beast-like view on life and death, Atalanta believed fighting for food was natural. Survival was the most important thing.

But she wasn't a beast. As a hunter, she needed to maintain her weapons, buy essential medicines, and, of course, wear clothes.

"Gold coins, huh..." Atalanta tossed a coin in the air, glancing oddly at Cyd, who was busy with his offerings. "You're really trading a gold coin for boar meat without the hide? Are you serious?"

Trading a gold coin for a not-so-large boar—was he really serious?

"You can't find a better deal," Cyd clapped his hands together. "Oh gods, forgive me, but this is all I could find. Please make do."

"It's rare to see someone so earnest in offering sacrifices to the gods. Aren't men usually fond of offering defeated enemies as tribute?" Atalanta raised an eyebrow.

"Well, the horse is here," Cyd said, petting the head of the white horse that had nudged him.

"Torture? How boring," Cyd turned to Atalanta. "If you have the power to kill in one strike, why waste time?"

"Fair point," Atalanta nodded. She despised hunters who were brutal and inefficient.

"Meh, I'm just a weakling and always will be. Even if I tortured someone, it would only end up with me being tortured," Cyd yawned.

"Weakling?" Atalanta tilted her head. "But you do look pretty frail, probably not as strong as me."

Cyd's mouth twitched.

"I'm not looking to be a hero or dream of beating dragons to marry princesses," Cyd spread his arms. "I just want to live peacefully and die in peace."

"That has nothing to do with me. If that's all, I'm leaving," Atalanta said, picking up the boar hide and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Hey, how much is this boar hide worth?" Cyd asked, watching her leave.

"Even if you want it back, I won't give it to you," Atalanta paused. "Unless you can take it from me, weakling."

"How about a trade?" Cyd raised a finger. "I need to get to the Caucasus Mountains, but I'd probably starve along the way since I can only catch rabbits..."

"Do you know how far the Caucasus Mountains are from here?" Atalanta rolled her eyes.

"With this horse, distance isn't an issue," Cyd patted the white horse's head. "Poseidon's divine horse will get me there."

The white horse proudly raised its head.

"You're lucky, but I won't accompany you to the Caucasus Mountains," Atalanta cut in before Cyd could say something stupid.


Sure, for a moment, he had thought about having Atalanta help him hunt on the way, but considering survival rules, it wasn't a good idea.

"Don't worry. I just want you to buy some supplies for me," Cyd shrugged. "Rope, a sickle, and maybe a bow or crossbow."

Atalanta frowned. What Cyd needed wasn't rare, even the crossbow. But...

"If you bring them back, all this is yours," Cyd tossed his pouch of coins.

"Deal, but that's too much money," Atalanta nodded.

"Money..." Cyd tossed the pouch towards Atalanta without hesitation. "Without life to enjoy it, it's just soulless metal."

"Aren't you afraid I'll run away?" Atalanta weighed the pouch, smiling with interest. "Even if I cheat you, you can't beat me."

"Then I'd have no choice but to brave the Caucasus Mountains," Cyd leaned against the white horse with a carefree grin.

A naive, but decent guy.

Atalanta tossed the pouch back and leapt into a tree with the grace of a panther.

"Wait here." She vanished from Cyd's sight after leaving these words.

"Is the average physical fitness in this era so high?" Cyd compared himself to the tree's height, then tried to jump, eyes wide with amazement.

Atalanta had leapt up the tree as easily as stepping up a stair, while he couldn't even touch the lowest branch.

The white horse nudged Cyd's head as if to comfort him.

"At least I won't deal with monsters anymore," Cyd sat on the ground, chewing a piece of grass. "Even after fifteen years, I'm still an oddball. Forget about hair and skin color, heroes of war and all that—ugh, my head hurts! Gods, please don't let me meet any more heroes, especially demigods."

Cyd scratched his snowy hair in frustration.

"What... are you doing?"

Without any warning, a hand gently smoothed his messy hair.

"Your hair is all tangled."


The hand felt nice, but Cyd didn't dare move. Anyone who could bypass Poseidon's divine horse and sneak up behind him had to be a god!

"There, all done!"

The god behind him clapped her hands in satisfaction, having neatly fixed Cyd's hair.

"As long as you're happy..."

Cyd stiffly glanced at the white horse, which was now peacefully eating grass with a golden-antlered deer.

Buddy, you're mixing with the wrong crowd!

Oh, right. In Greek mythology, cross-species [love] was as common as breathing.

"Your skin is so white, and your hair too, hmm..." She leaned closer, her white hair cascading over Cyd's vision, a light fragrance filling his nose, his head seemingly touching something soft.

Don't move!!!

"I see... you have a blessing on you, but... it seems more than just a blessing."

Cyd's heart skipped a beat. Had those two cursed him with something strange?

Sensing his panic, she gently patted his head.

"Don't worry, I've removed the tracking spell."

More than a curse! Those two were really planning to keep tabs on him forever!

If not for this kind goddess, he might've been snatched back in his sleep.

"Thank you so mu—"

Turning around to thank his savior, Cyd's words caught in his throat at the sight of a blindingly white expanse.

"Hehe, that tickles..."

The goddess didn't mind his rudeness, instead hugging Cyd's head with a laugh.

I feel mostly doomed...