
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Cómic
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85 Chs

chapter 38

Tonight, the diligent Medea stayed up late, as usual, studying her magic potions. She yawned, pushing the book in front of her aside, and rested her head on the table.

"Father has been so temperamental lately," she murmured.

Medea understood why, even though her father tried to keep it hidden. She had heard the troubling rumors: Jason and his band of heroes were coming for the Golden Fleece and were almost there. She wished she could ease her father's worries, but as a delicate young girl with no physical strength, her talents lay only in magic, making small toys, and brewing potions.

Looking out the window at the bright moonlight, Medea sighed.

"Hey there, young lady. Need some help?" a voice chirped from the window's edge.

"Ahhh!" Medea screamed, falling off her chair and knocking various books to the floor.

"My little princess, your reaction to me like I'm a monster is quite sad," Cyd said, climbing into her room. He glanced around at the bottles and books, nodding. "You really excel at magic, don't you?"

"What do you want?" Medea demanded, trembling, clutching a potion bottle for defense.

"Relax, I've dealt with the guards. We can talk," Cyd said with a reassuring smile that made Medea's heart race with fear.

"How did you get past them so quickly?" Medea asked, astonished.

"I have an exceptional companion," Cyd replied, nodding towards Medusa, who sat bored on the steps outside.

"Why did you crawl in through the window?" Medea asked, still suspicious. "You're with those heroes who want the Golden Fleece, aren't you? I won't betray my father for you."

"I'm not with Jason!" Cyd said quickly, knocking the potion from her hand. "You're so protective, it's almost touching."

"What do you mean by that?" Medea glared at him. "Is there something wrong with loving my father?"

Cyd hesitated, recalling Medea's future betrayal of her family for Jason, which led to her dark transformation. He had to tread carefully, for the Medea he saw now was still innocent.

"Who are you?" Medea asked, hugging a pile of scattered books to her chest.

"Sorry, I can't say," Cyd replied, bowing and reaching out a hand. "But I promise I won't harm you."

"I can't resist you anyway," Medea sighed, reluctantly handing over a book. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to help you," Cyd said, stepping back to give her space.

"Help me? Is that you climbed through the window," Medea said, rolling her eyes.

"It's about the Golden Fleece."

Medea's face hardened, but Cyd continued.

"It's not just a treasure; it lures heroes like Jason to you," Cyd explained. "And they won't give up easily."

"They won't take it," Medea insisted. "Father will never allow it."

"Exactly, so they'll try to steal it. I want to work with you to prevent that," Cyd said, raising his hand to stop her from grabbing her magic wand.

"They can't steal it," Medea whispered, hiding the wand behind her back.

"True, they can't. But what if a demigod hero comes? Hercules, for example," Cyd said. "He can overcome your father's trials, and he's not above taking what he wants by force."

Medea looked worried but didn't trust him yet.

"So, what's your plan?" Medea asked, pursing her lips.

"Let's get rid of the Golden Fleece," Cyd suggested, placing a potion bottle on her table. "Give it to Jason."

"Careful!" Medea exclaimed, catching the potion. "Are you trying to help Jason or not?"

"Not really," Cyd admitted. "I just want to throw a wrench in the works."

"Father won't let go of the Golden Fleece, and Jason can't pass his trials," Medea said slowly.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure Jason gets the Golden Fleece, but I need your help," Cyd said with a sly smile.

Medea thought for a moment, then nodded. "Alright, what do you need me to do?"