
I will finally embark on the road of no return called hero

(hey this story isn't mine just translating) This is a time when gods did exist, yes this is ...... Greece! God wilfully squandered his rights, as long as good-looking men and women regardless. This is Greece!

sliver_203 · Cómic
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85 Chs

chapter 35

Finally, under Meleager's insistence, Cyd was compelled to travel with him.

"I didn't do this for praise. I did it to take down the demon pig," Cyd remarked. The truth was that he did it to avoid offending Artemis.

This sincerity moved Meleager. On the journey back, Meleager began to recount Cyd's deeds, spreading tales of the Hero of Pure White. As a prince, his words carried significant weight, thus solidifying Cyd's heroic reputation.

Little did Meleager know that his actions thwarted Artemis's plan to unleash a boar on Calydon, inadvertently saving the city from a potential disaster. Tragically, Meleager would later be killed by his own mother, a fate Cyd would only learn of much later.

"What? I'll become famous because of this fellow? I must kill him! He's already dead!" Cyd thought, exasperated. But that was a concern for another time. Presently, he faced a more immediate dilemma.

"Do you want to come to Arcadia with me?" Atalanta asked, her tone somewhat awkward.

It sounded like a good offer, but Atalanta was the princess of Arcadia, and Cyd worried about getting entangled in political trouble. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Although Cyd was in deep trouble now, he wasn't one to give up easily. Rejecting her outright might upset her, so he needed to be tactful.

"Sorry, I..."

An arrow whizzed past Cyd's face, embedding itself in a tree.

"I didn't hear you clearly," Atalanta said emotionlessly, drawing another arrow and nocking it on her bow.

"Ata, please listen to me!" Cyd raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm listening," Atalanta replied, narrowing her eyes and aiming the bow at Cyd's kidneys.

"I have something I must do," Cyd explained, glancing at his left wrist. "I need to get the blessings of the thirteen gods. So far, I have three. I need ten more before I can rest."

Atalanta opened her eyes wide. "You're not lying?"

"I swear to the gods," Cyd replied, lowering his hands. "This quest is my burden."

"How long will it take?" Atalanta lowered her bow.

"I wish I knew. I might die before I finish," Cyd said with a grim smile.

"That's not allowed," Atalanta said, clenching her fist. "You made a promise to me. If you break it—"

Before Cyd could react, Atalanta grabbed his collar and pulled him close. "Even if you go to the Underworld, I will hunt you down!"

"Don't worry. I won't break my promise," Cyd said, hooking his pinky with hers. "This is our agreement."

Atalanta blushed, then headbutted Cyd. "Remember that!" She ran off into the jungle, resembling a wounded lioness.

"Of course, I remember. After all, it's our agreement..." Cyd muttered, touching his forehead.

"An agreement with little Ata, huh?"

Without warning, Artemis's weight pressed down on Cyd. He froze as he felt her soft touch.

"You must make an agreement with me too," she said, intertwining her fingers with Cyd's and mimicking the pinky promise.

"Artemis-sama, are you serious?" Cyd stammered, fearing to move.

"I'm very serious!" Artemis pouted, wrapping her arms around Cyd's neck and shaking him. Her long white hair flew around them wildly.

Should I resist? But what if I anger Artemis?

Cyd remained silent, feeling trapped.

Seeing Cyd's lack of reaction, Artemis grew even more frustrated. "I'm angry. I'll curse you!"

"What?! I didn't do anything!" Cyd protested.

"Exactly! You did nothing!" Artemis retorted, knocking on Cyd's head with her fist. "You and Ata weren't like this!"

But I can't treat you the same way! Cyd thought in anguish.

"I'll curse you to... um..." Artemis hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

"Is there a way to redeem myself?" Cyd asked, desperate.

"Okay!" Artemis's eyes lit up. She didn't really want to curse him. "I want... um..."

Clearly, Artemis had no specific demand in mind.

"Perhaps you should make him bring you a treasure as a sign of his loyalty," suggested Athena, who appeared in a flowing Greek gown, casually plucking arrows from a tree. She smiled kindly, adding, "But it shouldn't be too easy to obtain, otherwise it wouldn't be a real punishment."

Cyd's face fell. He had expected something like this.

"But I don't have any treasure..." Artemis said, pouting again.

Athena stepped forward, her smile growing more mischievous. "How about the Golden Fleece?"

Artemis's eyes sparkled at the idea. "Yes! Bring me the Golden Fleece, Cyd!"

Seeing Athena's nod and the rising corners of her mouth, Cyd sighed in resignation. This was all part of her plan.

"Athena!" he groaned internally, realizing he had been outmaneuvered.