

Henya slowed down after a while and continued to advance. She entered the part of the palace set up for diplomatic affairs. He eliminated the room names one by one, and when he saw his target, he moved forward. As he grabbed the handle of the door, he heard some inaccurate noises. This caused him to pause and turn curiously toward the sound.

"Don't make a sound, it won't be good if we get noticed-"

"But, MNH, ah, ah"

His eyes widened and he moved towards the sound with curiosity. Did he hear right? Was this what he thought?

It's a long-known fact. Even if it's rumored. Still, he pretended not to know, even if they all believed it with maximum cooperation.

About the Emperor's bodyguard and his secretary having an affair!

When two men became gossiped about like this, no one liked it and denied it. But they both pretended they hadn't heard and were ignorant and allowed the situation to escalate.

But something was wrong here, obviously, he could hear a female voice from inside as well.

Cheat ?!

Curiously, he put his ear to the door and squinted his eyes.

"Oh, baby, yeah, fast, faster"

Even if the sentence cannot be pronounced correctly because of excitement, it is indeed a female voice!

Weren't the secretary and bodyguard male? How can a woman be? Or someone else?

Curiously, he lowered the doorknob. God bless the emperor, as he was a total showman, the movement was smooth and the door was opened without making any noise or creaking.

And through the gap came the shocking scene inside.

Startled, she swallowed her little tongue and suppressed her scream.

How could it be?!

He took a woman between two men and... It was the kind of scene that was indescribable.

He closed his eyes and cursed.

These perverts! They were seriously playing like that!

And what's more, if it's such an official space, they dare to do it without taking it seriously!

Shaking his head, he stepped back.

This was the fault of the emperor, who had never taken official business seriously.

He left with a smattering of enthusiasm. He didn't want to stay there any longer.

When Ran saw her with no energy, she wondered what had caused this abnormal appearance and moved forward.

Henya was too immersed to see her, and her face was changing from shape to shape.

"What happened ?" Ani was frightened by the sound and staggered. As she lost her balance, a strong arm reached out and grabbed her waist.

Henya couldn't get out of the scene he'd just seen, and suddenly his strong arm wrapped around her waist froze in the presence of the other person's warm body pressed against her chest, and the hot breath blasting her neck.

He lifted the press stiffly and held his breath.

Ran lowered his head and stared at his strange demeanor as if he had seen an interesting phenomenon.

"Ran!" She came to her senses suddenly, ignoring the private and alien feelings that the person holding her brought her, and she called out.

"Oh my god! The secretary and the bodyguard-" Ran quickly slammed the excited yelling at the person's lips, preventing him from yelling anymore.

Then, as if he knew what to say, his face darkened even more and he showed an ugly expression. "So? Did you check it out too?"

As Henya got used to the warmth of the hand covering her mouth, she reflexively nodded at the question she heard. But she soon suppressed the urge to flee, seeing the horrifying expression of the person in front of her. The man was still holding her in his stance, and he struggled frantically to get out of his arms. Anyway! He can't stay any longer!

But no, what was coming was the future. No matter how hard he tries to escape, it's useless.

If something tended to get worse, it would go away. And the worst that could happen.

Ran effortlessly grabbed her by the waist and lifted her into the air. Even more unsteadily, he threw her over his shoulder. He got a big smack on his ass when he wanted to shout and protest with a tearful expression!





"Ran, Ran please stop!" They were outside, and even those maids were focused on him, forgetting the emperor and his gossip. His whole face turned red and he fluttered. It seemed impossible to get rid of, as long as he struggled, the strength in his waist continued to tighten.


"Ran! I'm wrong!"

His voice sounded like he had pressed a pause button.

Feeling victimized, Henya protested. "But, how do I know, they were doing this in the palace, what's more, they were completely naked and did not even take any precautions!"


She was completely silent, biting her lip as a heavier slap fell. Her eyes got wet and she started to cry, felt unfair. Sobs escaped his mouth as he tried to contain himself, causing Ran to lower his hand.

Finally, thinking he was feeling a little heavy, he lowered his hand and stroked her bottom.

This move made Henya feel even more unfair, eventually causing her to stop herself and cry out loud.

In a rush, Ran didn't know how to calm her down.

"Okay, don't cry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"You hit me, was-" His petite body trembled and he looked even more pathetic as he cried. Raniel felt his heart accusing him of this scene.

"Henya, okay, it's over, it's over" tricked a child like a consolation. It took a while to settle down.


Still, Raniel felt uncomfortable. Even if he didn't hear the rest of the sentence, it wasn't hard to guess what it was, he had come across a similar scene himself.

A truly shocking scene.

Moreover, he did not want a child-like Henya to see such a dirty memory.

"You treat me like a child, I'm 17 years old!" Henya complained.

You can't blame Ran for that. They had grown up together. Ran was always the one playing the big brother role and Henya was the mischievous little brother.

Ran finally patted his head helplessly, thinking that this boy would take him away from the heart. The brown hair was soft like cotton candy in her hand and dispersed obediently. He squinted his eyes easily, lowered his head, wiped the tears from the corners of the boy's eyes, and spoke softly.

"Stay away from them"

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stop himself.


About half an hour after Yanzhing opened his eyes and did some internal reasoning, he had come to his senses with the movement in the bed.

He was stunned when he lowered his head and found a "beauty" lying on the pillow.

His black hair was piled in waves on the bed, he had fallen into a deep sleep with his eyes closed. The long lashes were quite dense despite being a man, he was breathing slowly with red lips parted, and the corner of his eye was red as if he had cried. There was a victimized image. This picture was such a visual shock that it made you forget for a moment that yesterday this man had wildly entered into him and even played madly just to hear his moaning.

He felt guilty under the guise of a miserable and weak appearance as if he had been wronged.

He felt as embarrassed as possible as the person in the bed also acted as if he was disturbed and groaned in pain.

How could he do such a vile thing? Even though she knows she's in a male body! How could she humiliate him? He was ashamed of himself…for a moment. Wait, his back hurts a lot... his hips as well. And the culprit was tiredly "unconscious" in bed with a "weak" expression. Is this normal?

Just as he was about to doubt and question, the lashes parted, trembling like butterfly wings.

He swallowed involuntarily.

He seemed to have forgotten everything when the red-eyed person gave him a hazy look. Her eyes widened as Anyin regained consciousness and fell asleep. He groaned in pain as he suddenly wanted to stand up, and blinked as he tried to hold back his groan in embarrassment. She secretly rubbed her waist as if no one knew, and her expression faded as if in pain.

She thought she was doing everything in secret, but she pursed her lips in pain, unaware that his expression was being reflected in someone's eyes, or even looking quite into the eye.

Yanzhing's eyes darkened. How could he be such a vile person? Enough to doubt him!

Sitting on the bed, Anyin lowered her head, and her face instantly turned red, seeing the intense marks on her sore dome.

Yanjin "..."

He couldn't remember doing such a thing, though.

Did he play so wildly at that moment that he forgot? Look at the expression of the person in front of you! He looked like he was in pain if he was breathing.

He took a deep breath and gathered his usual courage.

There is no cure for something that happened to the dead.

The arrow was out of the bow and could not be undone.

If so, he would take responsibility! No longer caring! Even if it's a man! He had agreed to live by accepting some things he couldn't change.

Gathering courage, he opened his mouth and let those words out of his mouth.

"I'll take responsibility" he mocked at the shocked expression of the person in front of him as he looked them in the eye.

He may want to take responsibility, but what about Anyin? He hadn't thought about the acceptance part.

Anyone, who thought that everything was under control until now, was surprised by this sentence. Responsibility? His white cheeks quickly turned red and he bowed to the minister in shame. He paused as he averted his gaze and looked at the person's face.

Regret? No, maybe he was hesitant. Even if this was something he didn't expect, he couldn't just throw the opportunity away! So he quickly shook his head.

His expression looks like he's afraid of missing something. This amused Yanzhing.

"So…" he paused. "I can give you the title of queen for now, but... for now you have to keep disguising"

He reached out, took her hand, and whispered. "I am doing you an injustice." Yanzhing truly felt as bad as he could get.

For Anyin, she was happy as if the best thing that could happen had happened to her right now. At that moment, he knew not to restrain himself!

Dressing up as a girl? This was no problem! The main problem is the "harem" of the emperor and a few things to be decided. First of all, even if she was the main wife, she could not tolerate the presence of another person. Moreover, a normal man like Yanzhing would be inclined toward a woman. So he must make her fall in love with him and turn him into a homosexual like himself! But even after that, it's dangerous! In order not to look at other men, she should always try to keep her eyes on her!

And there is something else, like that the main problem. Matter of position in bed... the morning phenomenon happened naturally and he was the one who took the initiative. Yanzhing, who could not even answer at all, was at the bottom. OK then? Later? It was quite confusing...


Since ancient times, emperors have suffered from beauty. And beauty has always confused their minds. The fact that even if the gender changed, the fact that the event would not change made even Yazhing speechless for a moment. He squinted his eyes and sensed something wrong, but as he looked at Anyin, he couldn't seem to tell what was wrong.

He might finally give up and let it go.

He looked outside the window, faced with the dark air and the fact that everyone was asleep at this time.

Finally, with a sigh, he pulled my covers off and said, "Let's keep sleeping, you must be very tired."

Annin nodded. He got into the bed and stood on the bed as hard as a board. His heartbeats could still be felt in his ears.

He was still hesitant, but he held out his hands, thinking that he had won the first battle. He hugged the man's waist and approached him. When Yanzhing felt a weight on his shoulder, he already found himself in the arms of a graceful body.

He made her feel as shy and comfortable as possible. She didn't stop him from hugging her and fell asleep sniffing the soft scent that hit her nose.

Anyin looked at the person in her arms, lowered her head and kissed his hair, then closed her eyes as well.


They woke up before the sun came up because their sleep was long.

Shame on wasting a day, Yanzhing relaxed his muscles and got out of bed. He turned the press and, after a glance at the still-sleeping person, proceeded to the door and gave the order to the maid. "Get cold water ready" Anyway, the biological response is what a man goes through almost every morning without exception, so it's best to get up early and take a cold shower in the bathroom rather than wait and turn it all bullshit.

The girl backed away quickly, her walking a little awkward, and it made another sense when it was reflected in Yanzhing's eyes.

Yanzhing "..."

He swears he wouldn't even pay attention to such a thing beforehand. But after what happened yesterday! He couldn't see the world normally anymore.

He covered his head with his hand and decided not to think in embarrassment.

He walked into the bathroom and looked at the tub of cold water the maid had prepared. He trembled suddenly. Taking a cold shower wasn't something she was used to, but... it was something she had to get used to.

He resolutely took off his clothes, and the intense pink spots on his chest were reflected in his eyes.

Yanzhing "..."

He was really quiet now.

She wasn't even a woman, what did the man want from her poor breasts yesterday morning? In particular, the nipples of her right breast were tender, sore, and red as if blood had still pooled.

There were intense traces of love on his collarbone, on his legs if he looked a little more carefully, and even on his neck, which he couldn't see.

He pursed his lips nervously.

This is not like him.

He was a person who had been trained to be strong since his childhood and had managed to come this far with only his talent by fighting for survival. He was the one who would rule the entire demon world. How can he suffer from emotional states? How could he let this matter cloud and confuse his mind?

His face and his eyes quickly turned cold and expressionless.

If the whole world had heard that the great and feared heir was single, of course, they wouldn't believe it. In this world, women and even men come running to her, even though she's dressed as a man, and it's no surprise that beauty comes out of her bed every day. He was already used to it and resisted.

The only difference was that he had never been in a relationship with any of them.

And if it had been heard that the heir was single, people would have laughed at him until they fell on their asses.

What's more, she wasn't single anymore but if they only knew that she was celibate like this... and don't be ecstatic yesterday!

The domineering and feared prince is ruined at the hands of a man who looks feminine and weak.

And he's still a man disguised as a girl, his powers destroyed.

She was completely helpless in front of that man.

Now that the first step has been taken, it is no longer a problem. Her previous resistance was purely to hide her habit of life and most importantly her gender.

So the fact that the fiction was a harem wasn't a problem as long as it wasn't deprived of its rights. After all, which power holder didn't have a harem during this period?

But here he is, resisting it to the end. Surprisingly, he was loyal and preferred to value emotions.

And more.

This fictional shift to the harem means a completely brainless plot that thinks with the lower body.

That was the thing he hated most.


When he came to the main room to run the official business and see what was going on, he stopped there, seeing his secretary doing the official business and his so-called bodyguard, who was looking at this secretary with passion. His face turned green as if he remembered the most ridiculous scenes.

These two guys!

These two were truly abnormal, and the most problematic was that they could not wholeheartedly accept that they were gay. For this reason, they dragged a female maid with them on their first bed trip. But the maid part never changed. The two became one and had a history of relationships with almost all the servants in the palace. The reason was quite strange... The two of them felt each other more in a woman! Their maniacal perversion eventually drove them to seek a narrower hole... and eventually, the two went so far as to feel each other in the emperor's poor hole...

He took a few steps back and closed his eyes on the verge of deep breaths to steady his gagging stomach.

It's his own business who does what, and it's none of his business. But when it comes to her ass, it's different! Why did everyone seem to have a problem with his ass??

He caught the two of them with an artificial cough.

He needs to get rid of these two. If it can't change the way the editing works, it's best to send it out forever.

Finally, he opened his mouth to spoil the soggy love-smelling atmosphere.

Yanzhing thought of someone's weak body and gave an order. "Tell the cook to make a soothing soup and then take it to the person in my room after making it," he spoke, looking at the secretary.


Reluctantly, the secretary backed away in obedience.

Finally, he lifted his head and looked at the man's face. Then he shuddered again.   These two maniacs... had gone so far as to think about his poor hole!

Worse still was after taking part in the emperor's harem. The two said they were in love with the emperor and became enemies. Later, after the two got into a fight over the emperor's butt. Because of this, the palace business was even more disrupted and the entire empire collapsed in a butt fight.

He couldn't help twitching his lips at the thought of that.

Huge kingdom!

It collapsed because of the butt fight between two idiots!

I'm afraid it must have been the most absurd story of destruction ever written.

Unfortunately, it didn't stop there.

The emperor in his body now was like an end-of-dinner dessert.

Of course, neither man could win her.

The most absurd must have happened after the kingdom fell.

The main character Anyin couldn't handle the destruction of such a prosperous kingdom he created because of these 3 idiots and sold all three of them.

The former emperor, who was a slave, was sent as a prostitute to the military camp of the enemy country.

Then... there must have been predictable content that she was referred to as a beauty for whom the generals were dying to die. Military affairs were disrupted and the whole army experienced a similar war... No, this nonsense did not end here either! After traveling all over the world in this way, the emperor and collapsed empires were left behind, whose asses turned into a black hole. Like the savior, Anyin came to the rescue of all, united all the kingdoms, and eventually became the sole empress and the first person and woman to unify the continent.

Oh yes, at that time the poor emperor and his ruined ass were still traveling like a fool and trying all the goodies.


Another ironic thing is that Anyin's giving is perceived as a reward, not a punishment.

Finally, ex-emperor Shen appeared in front of the main character and said, "I want to join your harem"

Shen Yanzhing "..." Why did this nonsense suddenly start to creep into his mind?

And the stupid emperor who wants to join the harem of the main character ??

This IQ-humiliating plot turned into an even worse conspiracy...

Anyin, that smart and beautiful, bright and gorgeous woman, Anyin... revealed that she was a man in the final finale... when she was busting the emperor's ass.

That's where Anyin started going crazy.

Yes! Anyin accepted the emperor as the first and only person in his harem, and... happy ending... I'd like to say but it's not. The Emperor was pregnant... That's how he learned that men in this world can get pregnant in this world...

Anyway, former emperor Shen was pregnant and the problem was that even the father of her child was unknown.

This result made the two of them worse.

The clever and beautiful Anyin became stupid and ugly, and when the child was born, this fiction evolved into something other than tragedy. Anyone, who did not accept the child, came to her senses in the last lines of the last part of the fiction. Before that, it was as if he had lost his brain and found it at the last moment. Finally, she couldn't let go of her pent-up anger and imprisoned the man with the boy.

As the imprisoned Shen gets into his bad moments, meanwhile, his bodyguard and secretary, who are using him as a tool, finally confess to each other, ending the cold war and admitting that they are using Shen to make each other jealous. Since then, the two have had a happy ending.

Shen Yanzing "..."

"Happy ending... fuck your mom."

The two disappeared from fiction from this moment on, and the plot focused entirely on Shen and Anyin.

Meanwhile, Anyin, whom he thought had made up his mind and read with hope, finally had a priest invited and had a paternity test done.

The child... belonged to the whole world... It was declared a god-blessed child, and thus Anyin pardoned Shen for finally having a part of her offspring as well. The boy grew up, went down in history as a holy man who in future generations was called the father of the whole world, and took over the next world empire from Anyin.

When the boy became emperor, Anyin and Shen broke up and began touring the world. Afterward, they had "sweet" (!) moments full of "romantic" (!) and "comedy" (!) Shen and Anyin, who greeted the father of the child in the places they passed by, and Anyin, who was jealous of him.

Yanzhing: nausea

It was a twisted story and I was vomiting blood as I read it. His only hope was that he would recover until the end, but he was completely ruined!

And the final...

There is something strange about this that Anyin was suddenly found dead one night. She had committed suicide, and the letter by the bed was a summary of her feelings, not just Anyin's.

"Happy ending, fuck your mom"

He thought they felt the same, but then it turned out when the author wrote the extra chapter...

Okay, well, his heart is too weak to talk about it. He didn't want to remember that...

But words suddenly appeared in his mind.

---Anyin committed suicide and proved to her lover how she loved him to the point of sacrificing his life. Hearing this, Shen shed tears of happiness and eventually concluded their unofficial marriage by marrying a corpse. On the wedding night, Shen hugged Anyin's stinky corpse after doing the indescribable kind of thing, then hugged her and whispered. "You are the best miracle I have ever met in my life"

- Happy ending.

"Happy ending.. your mother..."

No, he can't take that sentence anymore!

—To be continued