
I Will Break This Curse

Frank, the sole son of a poor man, destined to be among the lower society forever, dragging his sorry self across the broken earth, would find purpose in the hidden cracks of society. Chaos broke the earth further. Monsters ravaging cities, gods controlling the sheep, magic flowing through the very air, laws becoming meaningless. But one truth still rang law... one undeniable truth... power. Through pain and manipulation, frank, would arrive at the peak... and break past it.

That_one_guy_1358 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

What do I live for?

Walking down the cobblestone path Frank tried to keep as much energy so he doesn't get too tired. The stone wall was about five minutes walking distance away. The walk was rather uneventful which was good for him. His mind wondered about where he was and what his goals were but up until now he had been living like a robot.

Starting his day working, working until some time in the afternoon, heading home to relax, eat his first meal of the day, and go to bed. Sure it was unhealthy but it was what he had to do to survive. Looking ahead he saw a tall stone gate splitting the stone path in half. He could also see people guarding the walls. 

They looked relaxed, casually talking and playing board games. Hopefully they wouldn't question a young man who looks like he just went though hell. Walking forward towards the gates he could see the soldiers standing up to intercept him.

"Good morning, sir, how's your day?" The first soldier asked. Looking Frank up and down checking for any threats. 

"You know to be honest it's been a really shitty day. One moment I'm at work coming home and the next moment I'm being attacked by a goblin. Barely got out of there with my life. I just wanna go home and relax." Frank said to the guard. He tried to be as calm and least threatening that he could be. 

"Got it. Do you know how you got out there? Because I don't have you on the list for people who have passed through here." The guard replied slowly. 

"No idea man. The last thing I remember is walking home and then everything going black. Sorry but that's all I remember." Frank said as he scratched his head. 

"Hmm... Alright go on inside, but make sure to not cause any trouble. Could I get your name so I can just have it on record?"

"Thank you so much, my name is Frank. Oh also do you know where I could find some nice food I'm low on money but I haven't eaten all day." Frank asked.

"Try the adventurers building. They serve cheap food and drink and you can earn money that way too. Here, since you have gone through so much take this. It should have about 25 silvers or its equivalent in it." Throwing a small leather pouch at Frank the soldier stepped aside and let him pass.

"Thanks, have a good one," Frank said while walking into the small city. The smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, almost making Frank trip over his own feet. Trying to find some decent food was his first goal. 

Heading through the gates the first thing he saw was a giant castle floating in the sky. He hadn't seen it before because the clouds were covering it from outsiders view. Surrounding the small city was a translucent cone that covered all the way from the depths of the slums to the peak of the castle. 

Looking around he tried to find somewhere to bunker down until he could get more information. He didn't know anything from the world he was in to if a whole civilization just popping up out of nowhere was normal here. An adventurers building makes it sound like a magic world but he didn't know if that was normal.

The currency too, it seems like copper, silver, and possibly gold and higher are the main currency in coin form. He needs a way to make money because 25 silver may not last him enough to live comfortably... or at all... for long term. 

Walking along the cobblestone path past the gate Frank could see more people walking around, trading, and doing other daily tasks. Spotting a building with a book engraved on a sign he walked over to the front door and looked inside. He could see a counter with a bunch of books, maps, and weirdly enough scrolls. 

Deciding to walk inside the store, Frank tried to look as if he wasn't completely lost. The building was on the smaller side, made of wood with a stone floor. It had a desk surrounded by book cases and display cases full of different parchments and papers. "Hello sir, how may I help you?" A young man at the desk asked.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could purchase a map for the surrounding area. If it's more detailed the better, although my coin is rather limited," Frank asked.

"Yeah of course. We have general maps of the surrounding territories, kingdoms, and empires available. Each will cost about 10-20 coppers depending on the level of detail."

"Oh then that's perfect. I'll buy one of the kingdoms nearby." Handing over 15 coppers Frank looked at the map.

"Do you know how to read? If not the map comes with insignias of the kingdoms as well." The shopkeeper said.

"Thank you sir, have a nice day," Frank said while walking towards the door. Next he had to find some food because the smell of that bread had made his stomach start to ache. The street was filled with people from all different backgrounds. Some who were rich, some who were your average joe, and some poor and struggling. 

However there was one type of person that stood out to Frank the most. The people who were wearing armor like steel and shields, with swords in their hand. Then there were some people with large staffs in hand and robes that went down to their feet. These types of people walked around with a confidence and purpose that Frank didn't understand.

What was the point of wearing all of that inside the city? Were they just showing off or did they actually serve a purpose? Frank just thought that all of this was useless. "What are you looking at?" One of the knights questioned. 

"Oh nothing sir, just your choice of... apparel... looked interesting." Frank said to the knight. The knight began walking towards the young man with a hand on his sword. 

"Excuse me?! This "apparel" is the city lords select armor. ALL of his guards wear this on the shift!" The knight said slightly enraged. "Your just a stupid COMMONER, not even awakened by the looks of it!" 

Frank, stunned by the knights short temper, stopped for a moment "What did you just say about me..." He trailed off as the knight started berating him.

"Worthless pieces of TRASH, did you hear me that time, TRASH should just go fuck off into the dark corner that you lot came out of." The knight continued talking shit to him. But Frank couldn't hear him. From the depths of his mind came a dark thought, memories of his father, of how he just murdered a bunch of people out of nowhere. Wondering why he did that... was it his fault...

Was it his mothers... She cheated on him. No his mother didn't do anything wrong. Her lover? He just wanted some fun... The stress that got to his father... the superiors and co-workers that he complained about when he got home... no... it was none of their faults. It was his fathers fault.

His father just wasn't strong enough. Strong enough to show the world that he was right. He was the one at fault... he would show everyone. He would show everyone what it meant to be right... to be strong.

-User has created a new skill-


Vampiric Vines:

Strength: Medium Novice

Mana cost: 5

The ability to control all plants around you (Non-sentient) to become vampiric and devour the blood of targets. Any extra blood extracted shall heal the user of injuries.


His thought slowly turned to the people who had looked down upon him his whole life. His neighbors were just rich because they were lucky... why couldn't he be as lucky. He had so much bad luck in his life. Everyone had looked down upon him like he was a piece of trash. 

He wondered what their mouths would do after he tried to killed them. Would they still flap with insults or would they beg for mercy. Well... there was only one way to find out. 

"Heh, Guys I think I broke the poor little guy. Check this out." Hitting Franks cheek hard enough to make it red. 

"Hark stop it. Leave him alone, he's probably scared out of his mind" A man dressed in one of those robes said. "Here let me heal him so he doesn't report you. He can't get you in trouble if he doesn't have any proof." 

"What did you call me..." Frank said as he slowly looked the knight in the eyes.

"I called you a TRASH COMMONER, a loser who probably hasn't awakened yet,"

Just then the mage came just beside the knight. Pushing him away he replied "I'm sorry Hark is an idio-"

"Vampiric Vines,"

"I'm sorry?" The mage said confused. But before he could react his staff which he was holding suddenly grew impossibly fast. It grew and grew until it appeared in front of the knight and the mage. Piercing their skin the mage let go of the staff.

Working its way through their skin like a snake chasing a mouse, the wooden staff... no you couldn't call it a staff now... the Vampiric Vines dug into the flesh of the two. Consuming a large amount of blood to continue growing. 

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH, PLEASE, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" the two begged. The rest of their whole party just watched as two of their close friends were attacked by the living branch. 

The small bruises on Franks body started to heal slowly. Walking towards the thinning bodies of the two he said "Come."

-User has created a new skill-


Parasitic Host:

Strength: Utility

Mana cost: 10 (Only on entry and exit)

Allows the user to hold summons, controlled beings, and certain skills to exist in their soul container. Example: the guide. *WARNING* Any being stronger than the user will slowly drain the users mana. 


"Parasitic Host" As he said that the vine slowly crawled to his outstretched hand. Breaking through his skin the vine slowly crawled into his veins. All the way to his heart when a hole opened up. "My soul... Live there... come when I call you." 

His body had never felt better. All of that fresh blood had flowed into Franks body, nourishing his muscles and his veins. Something inside of him changed "Magic?" He closed his eyes to try and focus on it, but couldn't. Opening his eyes and looking over all he could see was a ball of rock flying at his head.

"Shit." Frank said as he tried to dodge, but he failed. Then everything was dark again.