
The Banana Sorcerer is born

Chapter 164: The Banana Sorcerer is born

[Race: Incubus]

"Hmm." Michu looked at himself while caressing his chin.

He looked... handsome!

His skin became pale, and horns appeared on his head... The brown hair became more soft and lush, which would only happen if he applied his hair cosmetics! It looked better than with those on Earth anyway!

"My chin... feels different too." It was looking oval... and Michu needed some time to adjust!

He caressed and caressed while admiring his change, "This game is amazing."

Michu called out KongFu!

The old god's eyes widened in shock, "M-Monke?" His successor hadn't changed into the monkey yet, but the plan was to become The Monkey God naturally!

KongFu wasn't sure whether Michu could become Monkey now because the incubus bloodline was strong!

And Michu received it from the succubus princess, no less!

He scratched his monkey head and fell onto his ass, "This is bad..."