
I was transmitted to another world as renekton from league of legends

Ana a normal woman become's the powerful shuriman warrior renekton in the world of legends of the champions Note : for the overlord tag nazarick currently exists in the world but will appear later on the story.

eondreamsi · Otras
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11 Chs

Bear meat

"Wow, it's been three whole days since I turned into this... um, monster," I chuckled to myself, the words sounding kinda funny. Hardly recognize my own voice!

Getting used to this o

New body now. First off, no need for food anymore. I mean, I can eat if I want, but it's not like I'm starving.

And sleep? Nah, not really a thing anymore. Closing my eyes is more of a choice than a must-do.

Strength? Got it in heaps. I can lift boulders heavier than a truck without breaking a sweat.

Then there's this odd double-edged blade that showed up with me. I Gave it a spin, but it made quite a fuss. I Figured I'll hold off on playing with it for now. I've got Got the feeling it's got a whole lot of power, but I'll need some practice before it's safe to handle. I have to take it easy for the time being.

"Now what should i do..."

I can just continue on living with no problems as i really don't require anything for survival but

What about my family ?

Will i stay like this here forever ?

What happened? What was that headache?

And who does this body belong to?

There is many questions in my mind but the most important thing is can i return back? Will i stay like this ?

As Ana pondered her newfound existence, her heightened monster senses caught a significant disturbance. It was the unmistakable presence of a massive, crimson-furred bear, standing at nearly four meters in height. Hunger radiated from its formidable form, driving it to seek sustenance in this moment.

Ana's gaze met the bear's fierce, hungry eyes. In her previous human form, encountering such a creature would likely have led her to lose consciousness out of sheer fear. Yet now, an unexpected serenity washed over her. It was a peculiar calmness that settled within her, a stark contrast to the terror that might have gripped her before.

The crimson bear thundered forth, its roar echoing through the air, a declaration of its fierce intent. Ana held her ground, her gaze fixed on the approaching creature.

With astonishing speed, the bear charged, a force of nature in motion. Yet, through her newfound monster senses, Ana perceived its movements differently. To her, it seemed as though the bear moved in a deliberate, almost languid manner, as if the world around them had slipped into a surreal slow motion. This contrast between her perception and reality created a strange sense of detachment,

As the bear thundered towards her, Ana's lips curved into a confident smile."will you stop coming to me please? i am really strong now you know !!!"

As the bear closed the distance, Ana stood her ground. With swift precision, she swung her fist towards the creature's head, the impact resounding through the air. The force of her blow sent the bear crashing to the ground,

The Bear's head Scattered to pieces with blood staining everywhere

"Oww" said ana with disgust as she looked at her blood stained monster fist " maybe i should have used the blade?!"

she remarked, a hint of frustration coloring her tone.

Ana glanced at the fallen bear, her gaze assessing.

"Well, it's not the worst option. Maybe I'll have another go at it," she mused, a hint of anticipation in her eyes. Her monstrous jaw parted, revealing a glint of desire for a meal of bear meat.

The anticipation of satisfying her newfound appetite danced in her eyes, a testament to the changes she had undergone.

"But first i have to to cook it as it didn't taste good raw"

Said ana with cheerful words as she moved her huge crocodile tail,

Unaware of her own strength, she swung her massive crocodile tail playfully, sending leaves and twigs scattering into the air. With an unintentional force, the tail collided with a towering tree, the trunk shuddering before succumbing to its colossal might.

Ana's wide eyes widened even further in astonishment as the tree crashed down with a resounding thud.

A sharp intake of breath escaped her lips, a mixture of surprise and mild fright. "Whew, that surprised me!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with a buoyant tone that betrayed her initial shock.