
I Was Reincarnated With Gacha Skills In Another World

When game designer Ryo Tanaka died saving a young child, he awoke as Lucas in a fantasy world with an unexpected surprise. Equipped with a unique Gacha System that only he possesses, Lucas can randomly obtain completely useless powers, items, or skills. Joining eccentric adventurers and exploring a world filled with monsters, conspiracies, and chaotic guilds, Lucas must rely on his wit and a bit of gacha luck to survive. But can he uncover the truth behind his reincarnation, or will he be trapped in this unpredictable game forever?

Yuhi99 · Fantasía
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39 Chs

ARC 3: The Abyssal Rebellion

After defeating Morrigan and her cult, Lucas and his team returned to Eldoria as heroes who had saved the city from destruction. However, after such an intense battle, they decided to take a moment to relax and enjoy their victory. The Silver Chalice Inn became the team's gathering place, where they decided to celebrate their success.In the middle of the bustling inn, Lucas, Finn, Evelyn, and Kael sat around a large wooden table. Food and drinks were served, and the atmosphere around them was full of excitement."Finally, we can breathe a little easier." Finn raised his beer mug with a relieved smile."I don't think we've had a chance to just sit and drink like this in a long time." Lucas chuckled, raising his mug as well."Yeah, I almost forgot what it was like to relax without having to think about cults or dark creatures threatening the world." Finn looked at Lucas with narrowed eyes."That's because your little brain probably can't process more than one thing at a time." Evelyn smiled sarcastically, enjoying a bowl of warm soup.Finn feigned offense and glared at Evelyn."Well, at least I know how to spell my name without misspelling it, Evelyn." Evelyn rolled her eyes and sighed.Lucas laughed out loud, followed by Kael who joined in the laughter."Oh, come on, you two. It's really nice to see you back to normal after all the drama and threats of world destruction.""Hey, I know you both enjoy the view when we argue, but at least you could pretend to defend me a little?" Finn looked at Lucas and Kael with a feigned offended expression."I'm just trying to appreciate the art of bad conversation, Finn. Honestly, it's more interesting watching you two insult each other than listening to you try to talk about battle tactics." Lucas shrugged with a mischievous smile."Bad conversation art, that's an accurate description." Evelyn chuckled.Finn turned away, but a smile still lingered on his face."Okay, okay. I accept. But I bet Lucas doesn't have anything better to talk about than his sword. What was it? Blade of Illusions? Boring.""Oh no, Finn. Don't make me talk about my sword again. I don't want to make you jealous because this sword is sharper than your dull jokes." Lucas laughed.Kael almost choked on his food from laughing."Alright, enough. Finn, if your jokes were as sharp as Lucas' sword, maybe you could defeat Morrigan on your own.""You're all mean. I'm just trying to bring a little humor into this serious group." Finn shook his head, laughing."Humor? Is that what you call it?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "I'd rather be attacked by goblins than hear any more of your humor."Lucas leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. In his mind, he opened the System Window to check his Gacha Points."Hmm, it's been a while since I've tried my luck with gacha. Maybe now is a good time," he thought.System Window - Gacha Points: 300Lucas smiled to himself. Quietly, he chose to do three gacha rolls without telling the others. In his mind, he hoped to get something useful.System Window - Gacha Roll| GACHA ROLL RESULT || Gacha Roll #1: Rusty Dagger (Tier E) || Gacha Roll #2: Lesser Healing Potion (Tier D) | | Gacha Roll #3: Scroll of Dance (Tier F) (A spell that forces the user to dance) |Lucas looked at the gacha results with a flat expression on his mind."Of course, a Rusty Dagger and a Lesser Healing Potion," he muttered to himself, feeling disappointed. Then his eyes fell on the last scroll. "Scroll of Dance? Seriously?"Lucas sighed inwardly, realizing that this scroll was a useless joke."Seems like this is a very unlucky gacha. This scroll forces the user to dance? What the hell?" Lucas stored the scroll in his inventory. "Unless we're really desperate and this is the only option, maybe this will stay hidden," he thought resignedly.Before Finn could return the previous taunt, a waiter came carrying additional food to their table."Congratulations, heroes of Eldoria! Eat and drink as much as you want, everything is on the house," he said with a wide smile."At least someone appreciates us." Finn smiled triumphantly, looking at Evelyn."Of course, because we don't know them as well as I know you." Evelyn looked at Finn with a flat tone, making everyone at the table laugh again.Lucas laughed softly and raised his mug again."Hey, all of you, despite all this, I just want to say that I'm glad to be here with you." He smiled, looking at his friends."Wow, Lucas, who knew you had a sentimental side?" Finn feigned surprise."Maybe he's just a little drunk. We know Lucas rarely talks about his feelings." Evelyn added, raising an eyebrow."I'm pretty sure he's drunk. Or maybe he just lost a bet in his mind." Kael nodded in agreement.Lucas laughed softly and raised his mug again."To our victory and... Finn's terrible jokes.""To victory and Finn's bad jokes!" they all shouted together, raising their mugs.They continued to laugh, share stories, and tease each other throughout the night. It was a much-needed moment of relaxation after their long and dangerous adventure. Although they knew that other threats might lie ahead, for now, they were just happy to be together and celebrate their victory.