
I was Reincarnated as a Puddle of Water

This description also doubles as a prologue: At the pinnacle of my life, I was a well renowned personality. As I am now, I'm just an old man on my death bed reading a childish novel. I feel a deep darkness all around me. As I sink into the depths of my end I realise that I'm still alive. Rather, saying I'm still alive is misleading as, while I cannot be sure, I feel that I'm no longer human. It may just be a last delusion caused by the childish novels I read before falling unconscious, but I can vaguely feel things periodically going over myself, yet its not painful... More like, I have lost my sense of pain itself. Along with the five basic senses, I've also lost the sense of direction, and all spatial awareness. About the only sense I've retained would be a vague sense of self. And I sense that I am no longer humanoid. Then, I feel myself grow larger, along with the feeling that countless small me's were falling from the sky on me. I heard saw some text floating in front of my eyes. I should not have, as I cannot see. [Due to the mass of dihydrogen monoxide content of puddle Gavan's body increasing beyond pre specified amount(1kg), the level cap for puddle Gavan's abilities has gone from zero to one. Also, puddle Gavan has gained a new ability {{Flow} level 1}. Would you like to gain the details of this ability?] I understand that I should be happy to have been granted a new life. I won't ask to be born in my old world. I won't even ask to be born as a human or in a world where humans exist. However, is it too much to ask for to not be reincarnated as a non-living thing?

DRao · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Risk vs Reward

[Due to the mass of dihydrogen monoxide content of puddle Gavan's body increasing beyond pre-specified amount (1000kg), the level cap for puddle Gavan's skills has gone from three to four. Also, puddle Gavan has gained a new skill {{Compression} level 1}. Would you like to gain the details of this skill?]


Good lord. I can now easily leave the hole anytime I want. I simply choose not to.

The compression ability helped me powerlevel further by reducing speed of evaporation. The increase in level cap for {Absorb} and {Flow} really helped.

I'm just going to sit here and powerlevel my abilities to level 4, and get to level 5.








Not gonna happen.

I reached an equilibrium position today where using {Flow} + {Absorb} caused a larger loss of water due to evaporation than it got me. The rain still helps, and since groundwater is replenished every time it rains, for the short time it takes me to absorb everything, it helps, so while I won't be streching my supply lines any further, I won't be removing them either.

Although my progress now is painstakingly slow as all the water within a certain distance of me is gone, the timely rains still mean my weight is constantly increasing.

In fact, {Information}, current weight please.

[Solution: Your current weight is 7386.3 Kg.]

Almost there.

I don't have any hope of reaching level 6 here, but level 5 should definitly be possible.

I've started to notice trees around me dying, probably due to sense leveling up enough for me to see color.

I tried to suck the water directly from the dead trees.

Not nearly as efficient as getting water from the ground, but what do I have to lose...

Since this is a goblin village, I tried to drain a goblin earlier as well.

It was even slower than the tree, and the goblin was so terrified that he ran, meaning I didn't get too much from him.

It was still quite entertaining.

Thus, I extended a supply line into the heart of the goblin village.

Entertainment, something sorely missing from my first month or so of being reincarnated as a puddle, was suddenly a thing.

Suffice to say, I wasn't earning anything from this endevour, outside of the ire of goblins.

In fact, I was losing water.

But it didn't matter.

This is what "Having fun feels like..."

[Took damage from external attack. Lost 1.2 kg water.]

[28 kg water disconnected from Puddle Gavan]

Holy mother of the holy lord!

It's been ages since this happened.

I didn't really see anything, outside of a bright light.

Information on the attack?

[Solution: The attack was comprised primarily of heat and light, with substantial amounts of blunt force as well.]

A fireball? Probably, it was aimed at a point in my supplyline into the goblin village, making me lose connection to the rest of the supply line. Granted, 28 kg isn't too much water to the current me, but still, big loss.

Goblins, wash your necks and wait. You will suffer the wrath of a puddle of water. Once I get out of this hole obviously...

But still... A fireball, huh? I sure don't want to be hit by that again...

[Due to fear of heat detected in puddle Gavan, puddle Gavan has gained a new skill {{Heat Intolerance} level 1}. Would you like to gain the details of this skill?]






Refund! Refund! I don't want it!

Put it back!

[Due to skill {Heat Intolerance}, evaporation rate increased.]

[Lost 3245.7 kg water]

I just lost all my supply lines. Apparantly, they're too thin to handle current evaporatio rates.

This day literally could not get any worse.

[Took damage from external attack. Lost 128.6 kg water.]

Another fireball? @#$%! The goblins are attacking!