
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · Fantasía
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84 Chs

Chapter 72

Chapter 72: Facility Tour

After that, while conversing with Ronny and Potzpotz, I ate a sandwich, and the modest party came to an end.

I feel a bit tired.

"Now, we will provide facility tours by class. Let's start with Class A."

This school is divided into five classes, with Class A being the class for high-ranking nobility, Class B for middle-ranking nobility, and Classes C and D for lower-ranking nobility. Class E seems to be for knight barons and commoners.

At the moment, the people from Class A are being guided outside by the staff. As I idly watched them, I realized that someone was looking in my direction.

I wonder who it is? To get a better look at the person, I squint my eyes. Hmm... Martine!?

It seems Martine noticed my gaze because when our eyes met, she seemed satisfied and walked towards Lord Stefan.

No one noticed that just now, right...? I cautiously look around, but no one seems to have noticed. Safe.

I've been told that Martine and my connection must remain a secret. We can't reveal the reason we met was because she cured an illness.

At first, we should behave as if we're meeting for the first time, and it's okay to have a connection through Lucian. The connection between Lucian and me is not something to hide but rather something to flaunt.

Still, I wish incidents like just now would stop; they're bad for my heart...

After that, we were guided through Classes B, C, and D, and it was finally our class's turn.

Finally. About thirty people are left. There's quite a difference in the number of students in each class; Class A only had about ten people.

"Now, everyone from Class E, please follow me. I will guide you through the facilities. First, the building we are in right now is the training ground, where we have classes for swordsmanship and dance. This training ground is the building located at the far west."

Exiting from the entrance in front of the training ground, there is a corridor-like structure connecting the buildings.

On the left side, there is a square-like open area. I wonder what this is for?

"The square on the left is the magic training ground. We use it for magic classes."

When the teacher said this, Ronny, who was walking beside me, turned pale.

"What's wrong?"

"We have magic classes? I'm not good at magic. I only have a magic power level of one, so I can hardly use it..."

"I see. But even nobles with low magic power levels exist, right? Maybe only those with high magic power levels have magic classes."

"In that case, it's fine, I guess..."

Certainly, if you only have a magic power level of one, it wouldn't make much sense to have magic classes. Maybe there are elective classes or something.

Thinking about that, I continued down the corridor and arrived at the entrance of a magnificent building.

When I saw it from the main gate, there was a long and luxurious building in the middle, a slightly smaller old building to the right, a small but luxurious building to the left, and the training ground.

So, this building is a bit smaller but still luxurious. The staff members seem to be going inside this building.

"This building is the dining hall. The first floor is a special dining hall for high-ranking nobles, so it is unlikely that you will use it. The second and third floors are a large dining hall that anyone can use. Students can have lunch for free, so please make use of it. Now, let me guide you to the large dining hall."

Saying that, the staff member went up to the second floor. I wish they had given more details. What exactly is a special dining hall? I'll have to ask about it when I get back today.

On the second floor, there were many tables and chairs, with a counter at the back. It seemed like you order food at the counter and then take it to your table to eat, just like the cafeterias in Japanese universities. However, you don't need to clean up your dishes; there are specialized staff for that.

The third floor had many tables and chairs lined up, and if the second floor was full, it seemed like you could use the third floor.

There probably are unspoken rules, like commoners should use the third floor. For now, using the third floor should be fine, and no one will complain.

"Leon, lunch is free! It's amazing!"

Ronny seemed quite excited as he announced this. Well, considering Ronny's history of not being able to eat properly, I understand why he's so thrilled, but he's being a bit loud. There's bound to be someone who makes fun of us if they hear!

"Ronny, you're being too loud."

I whispered that to Ronny. He immediately covered his mouth, but it seemed a bit late.

"Poor people are really pitiful. To make such a fuss about having a free lunch, you must be ashamed of being a commoner."

It's the guy who was sitting on my left earlier. I knew he would say something.

"Plus, isn't your outfit too shabby? Don't come near me; poverty is contagious."

What? I bought this outfit with the money the orphanage people scraped together. That's what Ronny told me. I won't tolerate anyone making fun of it!

I was about to speak up when Ronny beat me to it.

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Ronny! You don't need to apologize."

"But I can't cause a scene right now, and if I apologize, it might smooth things over."

Certainly, we're still in the middle of the facility tour. Realizing that, I also calmed down a bit.

"If Ronny says so..."

I'll definitely get back at him someday!

As I made that vow, it seemed the dining hall tour had ended.

"Next, we will proceed to the next building."

Descending to the first floor of the building with the dining hall, we exited from the door opposite to the one we had entered. There was a short corridor, leading to a more luxurious door.

This was the building that stood in the center when viewed from the front. It was quite extravagant and long.

The staff members entered this building. Oh, it seems there isn't that much discrimination here, as this building isn't reserved only for high-ranking nobles.

"This building is the main building. The first floor contains the private rooms of the teachers. If you wish to visit a teacher, please knock and request permission before entering their room. The spacious room at the far end belongs to the staff members who work at the Royal School, so if you encounter any inconvenience, please inform them."

The first floor seems to be the workspace for those working here. The school staff seems to handle various administrative tasks, similar to office workers in Japan. However, there are more staff members here, and their responsibilities appear to be diverse, making them seem more like servants of the Royal School.

It seems that the teachers' only job is to teach, and they don't handle other miscellaneous tasks. The teachers I saw earlier were probably lined up for the entrance ceremony. They all left the building as soon as the party ended.

Perhaps the teachers are nobles or semi-nobles, while the staff members are commoners.

"Now, let's go to the second floor. On the second floor, you will find classrooms for Class A and Class B, but there are no other facilities here, so we will proceed directly to the third floor."

The staircase was located in the center of the building. The building extended to the left and right of the staircase and ultimately became a dead end.

So, Class A and Class B are here, which means Lucien, Martine, and Stefan are in this building.

"This is the third floor. On the third floor, you will find classrooms for Classes C, D, and E. Since you are all in Class E, I will guide you to the Class E classroom."

The classroom for Class E was the farthest room down the hallway that continued to the left after going up the stairs. There were about eight similar rooms, so there must be classrooms for other grades as well. It seems that the seniors are off today.

The size of the classroom is slightly larger than Japanese classrooms. In front, there were desks and chairs that seemed to be for the teachers, and desks and chairs for the students were arranged to face the teacher.

The desks and chairs were simple, made of wood. I wonder if the quality varies by class? I'm curious... I'll ask Lucien.

"From now on, you will primarily attend classes in this classroom. The classroom next door is for second-year Class E students. When classes start tomorrow, students from other grades will also come to school."

So, it's indeed classrooms for other grades. It seems that this school gathers noble children in one place, which might be for security reasons.

"Now, let's proceed to the next building."

The next building, seen from the front, was a somewhat old-looking building located to the right. It wasn't very luxurious; it had a modest and practical feel. It reminded me of Japanese elementary school buildings.

"This building is the research building. Some students gather here for research activities after school. There are many research clubs, such as the Fire Magic Research Club, Swordsmanship Research Club, and Magical Equipment Research Club. You can join a research club if you have the permission of the supervising teacher, so if you're interested, please feel free to join."

It's like extracurricular activities or clubs! This world has them too. The Magical Equipment Research Club sounds particularly fascinating.

But I wonder if they easily distribute magic iron and magic stones? If they do, I'd like to join! The Swordsmanship Research Club also sounds fun. Do they train every day? I'll ask Lucien which one to join.

"Now, this is the last building we'll visit."

Saying so, we arrived at a building behind the main building. It was quite large... What could it be?

"This is the library!"

A library!! There's a library here!

"As a student, you have free access, so you can enter by showing your brooch at the reception. If you want to read books inside the library, it's free, but if you want to take books outside, you'll need to pay a deposit. The deposit is one silver coin per book. We will return the deposit when you return the book, so you won't spend any money unless you lose it."

Fantastic! Since coming to this world, this is the first time I've seen so many books in one place. I didn't read many books in Japan, but that was because there were so many other forms of entertainment. In this world, where entertainment is scarce, books are incredibly precious.

The library is amazing. I'll definitely come here soon.

"Now, the facility tour is complete. Your class teacher will provide you with information about the classes, so please return to your classroom. Thank you."

My student life is really about to begin! I'm getting excited!

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