
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Cómic
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62 Chs

I can't think of a title

Los abuelos me miraron en silencio, knowing that they couldn't deny it, but they also didn't want me to be too strict with Shin.

"Ryu, I understand your point, but you shouldn't be so strict with him, especially since this is the first time he's in this situation. It's understandable that he'll make mistakes," Grandpa Merlin said.

"I understand that, Grandpa, and that's why I'm so direct with him. This kind of message will get through to him better if I'm straightforward than if I were more lenient. I trust that Shin will overcome this little difficulty," I replied with a smile.

After that brief moment, we talked about other topics while also agreeing on the days when we would visit the girls' families, which would happen during the holidays or similar breaks.

The next day, I met up with the girls again, and we headed to school. It was quite chaotic as many people approached us, especially girls. This annoyed my companions, but I could only sigh since there was nothing I could do about it.

"This being handsome is really challenging," I thought cheerfully in my heart.

When we arrived in the room belonging to the Magic Research Club, we saw that all the guys were present, as well as two new faces. Many people had wanted to join a few days ago, and to narrow it down to those with the most talent, the minimum requirement had been set as the ability to use storage magic since all of us could do it.

"I know it's a bit late to ask, but what is it that our Magic Research Society does?"

"Did you really ask this at this hour... Well, there's nothing set in stone. Basically, things that aren't covered in class, something you want to learn in more detail, or people with the same interest conducting research... those are the most common," Rin said.

"Who knows? I just went with the flow at the time, so I have no idea what we're supposed to do," August replied.

"My recommendation is that you start by firmly establishing your basics to improve your magic and stop saying spells when casting magic. You could also work on improving your defenses," I commented.

Everyone nodded and then looked at Shin.

"Shin-kun, you seem to know a lot of different and powerful magic. So, no matter what, I want to cooperate with you to study them, for sure," Rin said.

"...So, are you all okay with researching powerful magic?" Shin asked.

"That's fine," the others said.

When I saw them decide on something so casually, I could only shake my head and try to think positively, as they would become stronger over time. Would they do it fast enough? Well, I couldn't be sure since I didn't get to read the entire novel, but I could only support them if something happened.

"Then, Shin, as the representative of the Magic Research Society, why don't you give a speech?" August suggested with a smile.

"Another speech, huh..." Shin muttered and then took a step forward.

"Umm, this time, I, Shin Walford, will be the representative of the 'Society of Ultimate Magic Research.' Because the research society was founded on a whim, and I suddenly became the representative, we haven't completely decided on what we want to do yet. Well, don't worry about it, and let's take it step by step."

I must admit that his speeches are horrible, but also funny for this very reason.

After that, both Mark and Olivia introduced themselves. They had simply joined because the grandsons of the Sage and Guru were in this club. I have to say that Olivia is very cute, she looks very kind, and she has that characteristic tone of a good mother and wife. But while I was thinking about that, I felt that the three girls were pinching me.

"What's going on, girls?" I asked with a smile.

"That's what I'm asking you. Why are you looking at Olivia so much? I warn you, she seems to be Mark's girlfriend, so it's impossible," Maria said.

"Fufufu, little Fierce Wolf, don't even think about getting involved with someone else," Yuri said with a smile.

As for Secily, she was looking at me with puffed cheeks, as if she were upset. I must say she looked very cute.

"Do you really think I'm like that?" I asked indignantly.


"Of course."

"You're just realizing it now."

"Don't worry because, even though she's cute, I have no intention of getting involved with someone who apparently already has a partner, so I won't interfere," I said while sighing, feeling slightly offended.

Because I didn't have much interest in her, and if we talk about girls, there are many in my organization who are very beautiful, so I don't need to get involved with someone else. Moreover, the girls with me are also very beautiful and have their own strengths.

While everyone was happily discussing the fact that two people from well-known businesses in the capital had joined, August looked at me before speaking.

"However, both you and Shin will become celebrities from next week."

"What do you mean?" I asked with doubts.

"Hmm? Ah, well, since your name wasn't revealed in the incident as you told us, it was still announced to the public that one of the grandsons of the Guru and the Sage killed the demon, so many people know that one of you two is the hero of the kingdom."

"But don't get alarmed. As we promised yesterday, you won't be used for any political purposes. However, it's impossible for your names not to be known. Even now, your names are already spreading," August said while looking at me and Shin.

Then, Shin began to show everyone the Vibration Sword, as he wanted to find a way to improve it further since it had many problems and depleted quickly.

After talking, everyone was impressed to know that both Shin and I knew two famous people like Seig and Christina. When they talked about her, I remembered that she owed me a date, so when I see her, I will remind her.

Finally, the school day was over, and everyone left the school. The guys decided to go with Mark to talk about the swords, while I went to talk to Grandma Melinda to ask her to accept Yuri as her student or at least give her a chance to showcase her talent, as it would help her a lot.

The only thing that surprised me was that the new girl, Olivia, kept looking at me all the time, which was very strange because in the anime, if I remember correctly, she was Mark's girlfriend. But I decided not to think too much about it because I didn't like being involved with anyone else.

When I arrived home, I went straight to where Grandma Melinda was.

"Hello, Grandma," I said with a smile.

"What do you need?" she replied directly.

"Why do you think I come to ask you something?" I asked with doubts, surprised that it's as if she had read my mind.

"It's very unusual for you to come home so early, and since you're almost always training, if you come directly to me, it's because you need something," she said while pouring herself some tea and looking at me intently.

"Haa... it seems that no one can deceive you. The thing is, I want you to assess Yuri's talent with magical enchantments, and if you're convinced, I'd like you to teach her as her master," I said directly.

"Why should I accept your request? Besides, what benefits would it bring me?" she asked again.

"As for why you should accept my request, it's because she is very talented, and you won't regret it. As for the benefits it would bring you, they are also obvious. You could pass on your great mantle to someone who is, so to speak, 'a normal person.' Even though you've always taught Shin and me, both of us have reached the point of almost collapsing with our inventions. I think it would be good if you taught someone who is normal in this sense but without neglecting her skill," I replied calmly.

"I'm surprised you didn't use the fact that you're my grandson to convince me," she commented calmly while sipping her tea and staring at me.

"It's not that I don't consider you important or anything like that, but if I did it that way, Yuri's value as a student and her importance to you would be very different, as it's not the same to accept someone because of their talent as it is to accept them because of their connections," I responded.

Hearing me, she nodded calmly while thinking about some things.

"It seems you've matured a lot during this time, Ryu... Bring her to the house in a few days, and I'll assess her talent," Grandma said with a smile.

"Thank you, Grandma," I replied while hugging her tightly.