
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Cómic
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62 Chs

going back to travel

"Let me tell you, your response has surprised me, but don't be so happy just yet, because you should know that a family cannot survive on love alone. What can you offer to our daughters?"

Upon hearing Secily's mother's question, I couldn't help but remain calm, as it seemed that the hardest part was already over.

"As for the standard of living I could provide for your daughters, I must say it doesn't concern me at all. I am aware that my financial situation is not a problem. I have multiple skills and resources at my disposal, allowing me to generate significant income from various sources, of which I prefer to keep reserved for now," I responded calmly.

"What if we don't agree with your relationship?" Maria's mother asked seriously.

When I heard her question, I remained composed because the answer is obvious. However, the girls hiding behind the door were very nervous since they wouldn't know what to do if their families disagreed.

"Well, it's simple... I would take them with me, although I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that extreme," I said confidently.

The room fell into silence for a while. Maria and Secily were nervous but also very happy to hear my response. However, they didn't want me to fight with their families as it would put them in a difficult situation.

"Hmm... I approve," Cesily's mother said, as my response truly convinced her. Furthermore, she wasn't overly concerned about our relationship; she simply wanted her daughter to be happy, but she did want to meet her future son-in-law.

"Me too," Maria's mother said, as she was very satisfied with my answers and my character.

Both the girls and I sighed with relief, as this was a significant step in the relationship. It would be very challenging to continue if they opposed it.

"So, when are you two going to get engaged?" Maria's mother asked.


I couldn't help but choke and cough at the sudden question. On the other hand, the door quickly swung open. Both girls were blushing, while Maria looked at her mother and spoke:

"Mother, what are you talking about? We're still too young to get engaged."

"Perhaps, but it's better to be sure so that no one regrets it later," her mother said as she observed me.

"I assure you, I won't regret it, but as Maria said, we're still very young. Besides, I'm still in my training period, so it's inconvenient to commit right now. Why don't we wait until we turn 15? By then, we'll all be adults, and just like them, I'll be attending the advanced magic academy, where you can meet my family."

When they heard me, they agreed because they knew it wasn't the best time. They also needed to meet my parents and other things, so they decided to postpone the event.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I was still young and didn't want to commit yet. My mind is now more focused on becoming stronger. However, I still care about these girls, which is why I need to become more powerful to protect them in the future.

After that moment, we continued with our routine in the following days, but the atmosphere among the three of us was more harmonious since there was no longer a need to hide it as their families had already agreed.

Days and weeks passed until we realized it was the end of the third month, and it was time for me to leave.

On this day, we didn't practice magic; instead, we enjoyed each other's company. We went out to eat and took a walk around the city. Just like before, we stayed out late. After that, we went to a small hill secluded from the city to stargaze.

Since there was no one else around, I hugged the two girls. They didn't resist this time because they had already started accepting this relationship in their hearts, and nobody was stopping them, so they had no problem with it.

Once again, I set off fireworks to surprise them because as they say, what works once can work twice.

Seeing the atmosphere, I hugged the two girls a little tighter, and they looked at me with blushing faces for a moment because they already knew what was coming. Both closed their eyes, and without hesitation, I kissed each of them.

After that moment, they were both very embarrassed because they never imagined themselves in such a situation. Although it didn't bother them, it didn't mean they weren't embarrassed. They hid their blushing faces in my chest.

We continued spending the night enjoying the stars. Nothing else happened besides kisses because they weren't ready yet, and we were outdoors. If they already feel embarrassed about kissing, you can't imagine them doing other things.

But I didn't rush anything and just enjoyed the moment, not thinking about anything else.

After a few hours had passed, I noticed that both girls were sleeping, so I could only smile. I continued looking at the stars for a while before deciding to take them back home. I created a dimensional portal that connected to my room.

Then, carefully as not to wake them up, I laid them on my bed and covered them up because I didn't want them to catch a cold. After that, I created two more storage rings with beautiful designs and different colors. I placed them on each of their ring fingers and left two letters, one for each of them.

After finishing preparing things, I gave them one last look and created a dimensional portal that would take me to a forest far away from this place.

When the portal closed, I couldn't help but sigh once again. It seems that the saying about an invincible and powerful being being destined for solitude, as the price for their power, was not a lie...

I tried not to dwell on that thought and found a cave to stay for the night because even though I was practicing with my zanpakuto in its realm, my real body was still in this world, so it would be bad if something happened to me.

The next morning, both Maria and Secily woke up at the same time. They were a bit surprised to find themselves in their own beds but realized what had happened when they didn't find me.

Both remained silent for a moment until they noticed the letters I had left on the desk. Without wasting time, they picked them up to read. As they took the letters, they noticed the beautiful rings in their hands, and blushed upon realizing where they were placed.

Then, they each took their respective letters. The letters contained some advice for continued practice, as well as some magic tricks they could start learning after completing the previous ones. Finally, I mentioned that we would meet at the magic academy when we turned 15.

The only thing both letters had in common was the postscript:

"P.S.: Most likely, when we meet at the magic academy, you will have another sister. Love you."

Upon reading it, their reactions were different. While Maria complained and burned the letter, Secily had a terrifying smile on her face as she tore the letter apart.

Only fate will know how I will survive when the three girls meet, but that's for later. The important thing is that despite everything, neither of them took off the ring. When they went to have breakfast, Secily's mother narrowed her eyes, quickly noticing the rings on the girls' fingers.


Wooooooo, my people, they rejected me :(, I haven't had much courage these days to write.

Sorry for not uploading anything these days.

At the moment I am with a serveza in the hand while I write.....Wooooooo, cheers!!!!!

she didn't deserve me.

If you're reading me, I don't need you, I have people who like at least what I write and tell you.