
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Cómic
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62 Chs

First missions

When I reached the center of the court, I was greeted by the voice of the evaluator:

"So you are the little guy who wants to move up in rank, I advise you to level up like all the other people."

When I saw him, I could see a middle-aged man, very burly and with an axe as a weapon, when I saw him I quickly knew the type of person he was, he was one of those who are cold on the outside, but they are a sweet bread inside, if I remember correctly this type of person had a name.....to see, it seems they were called....Tsundere?, or something like that.

"Don't worry, I'm sure of what I'm doing" I replied calmly.

"Ah... It seems that the little lamb is not afraid when entering the tiger's lair, well boy, I will teach you the strength that a C level evaluator must have" This person said arrogantly.

Ena won as a referee to stop the confrontation if necessary.

When the battle began, the evaluator quickly approached me and used strengthening magic, or something similar, since it had a much weaker effect than mine and my familiars. I calmly dodged his axe attack, at least to my eyes, his speed is really slow.

Seeing that no attack with his axe worked, he tried to use some magic, I saw him whisper some spells, and from one moment to another stone thorns appeared on the ground, which I evaded without any problem, when he noticed that nothing worked, he lost his patience a little bit and tried to tell me some things to try to make me angry:

"Was that all you got? I'm already bored with this fight. If you can't do something more exciting, you better go home and let the real fighters do their job, don't bother anymore, until you can at least give me a fit."

I was already starting to get bored of this fight, I really thought that a C-ranked fighter could at least push me back or something, but it's really disappointing, even Shin at 8 years old was more powerful, I could only shake my head and end this assessment.

From one moment to the next, everyone saw me disappear and appear again behind the C rank evaluator, I didn't use any weapon and with simply my hand, I lightly hit his neck so that he fainted.

When they all saw this scene they were very surprised, since they had never seen someone pass the evaluation in such a simple and crushing way, since it is noticeable that the difference in strength between the two is a lot.

Then, I slowly walked to the place where my followers were and turned to speak to Ena:

"When will the change of rank be ready?"

The moment she heard my question, she quickly came out of that trance-like state and smiled broadly at me, as she answered, "Don't worry, in a few minutes the rank change will be ready, plus I want to congratulate you because you are the youngest C rank in History."

Said and done, I only had to wait about 15 minutes and they gave me my rank C adventurer card, when the people that were at the entrance of the guild hall found out that the new guy had advanced to rank C by defeating the evaluator, almost everyone was surprised, obviously there were also going to see jealous people, but no one can control that.

Having everything ready, I went to look for some quests and found two, a C rank quest to kill a pack of wolves in a nearby town and a D rank quest, which was to kill some small beasts that cause disorders.

[The more beasts you kill, the higher the reward will be].

When we signed up for the quests, we headed towards the market to look for some materials needed for the trip, although they wouldn't be necessary, since I have the incarnation bow skill, I really wanted to be able to have the full experience in this first quest, so this time we bought everything that should be normally occupied, for this kind of trips.

The only thing we didn't buy, were weapons, since they are very expensive and I can create and improve them myself with magic inscription.

After finishing our shopping, we all headed to the place where we were to complete the quests. On the way I took the opportunity to teach some basic things to the girls, while Sara was taught the use of hidden weapons, Eva was taught fencing and how to start using magic with thunder affinity.

I must say that they really are geniuses in their fields, since they easily learned what I taught them, perhaps this is what grandfather Merlin felt when training Shin and me.

A week later, we finally arrived at the village where the girls would fulfill their D level mission, they would take this opportunity for both of them to get some battle experience, for my part, I will be in the back and only act if both of them are really in danger.

The mission says that there is a small herd of magical beasts of the rodent type, which has been bothering some villagers, so we went directly to the supposed place where they appear.

"Sara and Eva, remember to try to eliminate as much as possible their presence so that their prey won't find you and escape from the place" I reminded both girls.

"Yes young master" they answered me.

I could see how Sara started to place traps all over the place, besides placing thin strings all around, which are connected with a bit of magic, this is the new trick I had taught her, which allows her to feel everything that happens to touch these thin strings, it fulfills the same functions as a spider's web.

While Eva, pulled out her low grade sword that I made for her, obviously I would not give them something so valuable quickly, besides they are still learning, so they already have is enough for a while.

Seeing that everything was ready, they started with their plan to kill all the rodent beasts in this place, so they launched a small attack strong enough to alarm all the prey.

As expected, they all started to come out of their holes and hiding places, so both girls started their first fight. I must say that some of the movements they make are too many, or that they don't take advantage of their strength, but it's not necessary, they will learn this little by little.

After almost 15 minutes passed, they finished eliminating all the rats that were in this place, they looked very tired, full of blood stains and with a very strong smell, so they quickly saved the necessary materials to demonstrate that the mission had been accomplished and went to bathe and change clothes.

Before arriving at the village, I took the opportunity to give them a low grade space ring, with a space of about 30 cubic meters, to keep all their personal belongings, in addition to this, I took the opportunity to leave them a mark to know where they are at all times, for anything.

As for me, I was very relieved, since their first mission went very well and there were no accidents half way, so to celebrate I made a delicious meat, full of spices and natural juices, besides that I created some very delicious desserts from my previous world.

The moment they saw the dinner, both girls were very happy and their eyes were shining with excitement, as the food looked very appetizing.

By the time we finished eating, we decided to rest for a few hours, the girls started doing the training I had given them, while I continued studying science and also meditated in order to find the connection with my zanpakuto.

I did not expect that doing this would be so difficult, it seems that I will have to keep looking for an opportunity to release it.

On the morning of the next day, we headed to the next village to fulfill the mission of hunting some wolves that were causing many problems, the distance between the two villages was not much, so in 3 days we could get there very well.