
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Cómic
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62 Chs

Encounter with demons

It has been 2 months since we are adventurers, there have not been many changes, since it is a short period of time, but what has been noticed is that both girls already have a healthier appearance, since at the time I bought them in the slave store, they were very thin and malnourished, plus they smile more and more, which makes me very happy.

I must say that the economic level of this country is good, as it has several stores and stores, also in the quality of the houses and other points, give to think that there is not much crisis in this area.

Seeing that there was no longer anything interesting in this place, we decided to leave again the trip, for the fact that I wanted to continue knowing this world, since, although I had seen it in the anime, only one or two kingdoms had been mentioned simply, and it is impossible that that is all there is in this continent.

"Girls, get your things ready, we'll start traveling to other places."

"Where will we go young master?" asked me Eva curiously, while Sara looked at me doubtfully.

"We will travel to other realms, to meet more talents and become stronger, regarding the direction we will go, well..."

When I finished speaking, I again grabbed a branch from a nearby tree and threw it while spinning it, the moment it fell, to the point in a North-East direction, so I looked at the girls and continued speaking:

"We'll head in that direction, plus from what I found out, there should also be another kingdom, but I don't know how far away, but don't worry, on the way we should keep training so we don't lose the habit."

The moment both girls heard me, they stared at me strangely, for the first time they started to believe that in some things I was not very reliable, but they could only sigh and follow me.

After finishing with all the preparations, we left the East city and headed to the next kingdom, I also took the opportunity to go to see Rina, who was the young woman who sold slaves in this city and told me that in all other cities, there are also slave sales, but its location will depend on the place where you are, as some kingdoms are very strict with these issues and have prohibited the sale of slaves.

So if I get the chance, I will stop by to see that place to try to get lucky and be able to find another talented girl.


We have been traveling for about 1 month, luckily we haven't had any accidents along the way, besides, I must admit that in this world, where pollution is very low, at least comparing it to my previous world, all the landscapes we have seen are very beautiful.

I thought that the girls would get bored on such a long trip, but I was very wrong, it seems that they also like to be in nature. When I asked them, they answered that they like to enjoy every moment as much as possible, because when they were in the cage, while they were sold as slaves, their lives were very difficult.

That is why they like to enjoy every place they are in, that is why they do not get bored of the trip.

Seeing that the Day was ending, we decided to look for a place to camp, so after a while, we were able to find a small hillside next to a river, so we decided to stay in this place.

So I quickly used the power of incarnation to create two tents for camping, in each of them there was everything necessary to have the best possible rest. Around the surroundings, I started to place some traps and small arrays that would help us to know if someone was approaching us.

After finishing this, we ate a delicious meal and went to rest.

But in the middle of the night, we felt that one of our traps had been activated, so we all quickly woke up and became alert. I activated my search sense and found that about 300 meters from where we were, there were about 6 people with a large amount of mana, mindlessly moving around.

We all looked around and headed towards that place.

By the time we reached a nearby tree, we could see 6 adult people screaming and moving weirdly, they had lost their heads, plus they had mana that gave a shivering feeling.

"What's wrong with those people?" asked Eva while whispering.

"Most likely one way or another they have been demonized, maybe they are experiments or something" I replied.

"What are demons?" asked Sara.

"This name is given to people by accident absorb a lot of mana into their bodies to such an extent that they become uncontrollable, but this case is different, since they have lost all trace of rationality" I said calmly.

Looking at those people, I remembered that in the anime, there were people who were helped to transform into demons, since this would bring them a great increase in strength, since there is still a little over 4 years before the plot starts, they should be in the experimentation stage for the time being.

"What kind of people could do something like that?" whispered Eva.

"Let's not worry about that for the moment, now what we have to do is to eliminate them, I will keep 5 of these demons and you two will worry about one, remember that although his strength is great, he has no reasoning, so, you should be able to defeat him. "

Both girls agreed and without waiting any longer, we decided to attack.

Quickly, I created demonic chains, which tied each of the 5 people holding them in one place, you could hear their screams as they tried to free themselves to attack me, I decided not to delay any longer and I killed each of them.

But at the moment I killed the last person, he could have a small trace of consciousness and said to me with his last strength:

"Please save my niece Miria."

After that, she took her last breath and died.

I was left wondering if it was really convenient to go rescue that girl, because of the fact that they might have also turned into demons. After thinking for a moment, I decided to go and see if I could help her niece.

I don't think I'm a good person, but I know I'm not someone bad either, so with my strength should be enough to take a look at the place, besides, that name sounds strangely familiar.

[Mission: Save people who are in danger of turning into demons is activated].

When the system voice dropped, a smile was generated on my face, since there are very rarely quests, so even if the rewards are not fantastic, it always makes me happy to receive them.

I turned my attention to the battle of the girls, I must say that they have been doing very well, remembering that they have only started training for a few months, I never imagined that training geniuses would be so easy.

As a few minutes passed and I saw that it was already hard to keep up with the demonic person, I decided to give them a little help, I used my coercion to make it difficult for this person to move so freely, seeing this, both girls quickly took the opportunity and killed the demon.

"You did very well girls, although you still lack practice, you have advanced very fast with your skills, so in the future I will teach you how to create these chains to deal with demons."

Both girls were very happy with my praise, and were thrilled when they knew that I was going to teach them another type of magic.

After tidying up this place and erasing all our traces, we went back to our tents, upon arrival I warned the girls about I will be going to investigate the surroundings:

"Sara, Eva, I will go to supervise the surroundings, to avoid some accidents, stay here and rest, but don't forget to be alert if something unknown approaches."