
I was reincarnated as 'Kenja no mago'.

A very ordinary young man suffers a tragic and embarrassing accident, at the moment he meets God he realizes that he can't go to heaven or hell, so God decides to reincarnate him in another world with some gifts. Join him in his journey to another world. In this story there is Harem, since many people apparently do not find the label that I have put, so I emphasize it. ------------ Important: I hope you enjoy this story, there may be many things that don't make sense, but it's normal since it's not a perfect story, it has several things that didn't have in the original story. The main character will generally follow the story, but he won't get carried away with it since he has his own issues. Sorry in advance if there is a grammatical error or something like that, English is not my first language. None of the characters belong to me, only the main character. New chapters will be uploaded every 2 or 3 days.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Cómic
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62 Chs


When that being looked at me, I heard a voice that seemed to come from the surroundings.

"Since the beginning of time, I have forged my presence in the fabric of the universe, manipulating space and time at my whim, creating illusions that challenge the mind. I am the bearer of balance, the protector of existence, and the forger of dreams. I am the essence of infinite illusion, the one who controls the world, and my power surpasses any mortal understanding."

"You, my spokesperson, shout and make my name known to the world..." said that being.

When the energy ball was about to touch me, I opened my eyes and shouted:

"Release, Kurogami!!"

As I spoke those words, I felt as if everything around me vanished into black and white. Everything slowed down, and every move I made generated waves that distorted my surroundings. I felt like I could control everything I wanted.

I moved away from the demon that prevented me from moving and noticed that my new zanpakuto had changed slightly. It had the same design, but some golden runes could be seen on the sword blade.

I wanted to test the power of my sword, so I took it and injected my energy, forming a small black hole. As it was created, it generated an extremely strong suction force that drew everything around me, including the barriers of the place, and animals and people with demonic energy. Everyone was dragged toward the black hole, and the last thing I could see on their faces was great panic.

As I saw that this wasn't stopping, I started to worry. If things continued like this, it would be dangerous. Quickly, I approached and with my sword, I made a vertical cut that destroyed the black hole. If someone else had tried, obviously they would have failed and been sucked in, but as I was the creator, nothing happened to me.

After that moment, I started to see the information of my zanpakuto's new power. I was very excited because what I had done was very OP, it could even be too much.

{Zanpakuto Kurogami

Shikai Ability:

Kurogami's main ability is distortion, allowing it to alter everything that can be imagined. You can distort space-time and reality, you can turn the real into something unreal and vice versa, etc.

In addition, the owner will have better control of space-time.}

Seeing the powers that my zanpakuto allowed me to use, I was impressed and very happy. I didn't know how to describe my power, it was simply incredible. Now, I felt truly invincible.

However, my happiness didn't last long, as suddenly I fainted right there. An attack had drained a lot of my energy and my body couldn't take it anymore. When I finally woke up, I found myself lying on a wide bed. My whole body hurt and I couldn't move much. I realized it was a bad decision not to use my healing magic during the fight, but I don't blame myself. It was the first time someone could actually harm me, even though I had held back on some occasions. But it had been worth it.

Worried about my situation, I didn't want a fat, wealthy woman to kidnap me and want to take my virginity. I wished to lose my virginity to a beautiful girl. While lost in my thoughts, I heard the door of the room begin to open. I quickly got up, prepared to run away if necessary, but to my surprise, I heard a pleasant and flirtatious voice say:

"Fu Fu Fu, it seems you're feeling better waking up."

When I saw the person speaking, her beauty surprised me. She was a beautiful girl, apparently my age, with a spectacular body, a beautiful face and orange hair that fell over her shoulders. Her blue eyes were simply fascinating.

"How did I get here?" I asked her softly. Who could mistreat a beautiful girl I just met?

"Fufufu, it's better if you lie down. You can hurt yourself more and we can talk calmly when you feel better," she replied without giving more explanations.

I didn't think much of it and decided to lie down. Although my body could heal whenever I wanted, I felt it wouldn't be so bad to wait a little to know more about the situation. When I lay down, she put a small plate of food on the bed in case I was hungry. Out of habit and without realizing it, I put magic around the food, fearing it might be poisoned.

"What are you doing? If you're worried that there's something wrong, calm down. There's nothing wrong with the food. If I wanted to do something to you, I would have done it when you were unconscious," she said with a smile on her lips.

Realizing there was no problem in what she said, I could only feel embarrassed and apologize for my lack of manners.

"Sorry, it's just a habit," I said.

"By the way, why am I in this place?" I asked, changing the subject.

This is the Carlton family's house and my name is Yuri Carlton. When my family and I were returning home from a trip, we felt a big explosion. We approached carefully to see what was happening and when we arrived at the scene, we could only see a big hole in the middle of the ground. The trees around were destroyed and only you were in the middle of this big hole, very injured and with the top of your clothes torn."

"We thought you were dead, but we noticed that you were still breathing, so we decided to bring you to our house to heal you. That's why you're covered in bandages."

When I heard what had happened, I could fully understand what had occurred. They brought me to see them after I was injured in a fight with those demonic beings. I couldn't help but have a good first impression of them. I was also quite surprised to learn that the beautiful girl in front of me was one of the important characters in the story. If I remember correctly, she had a great talent for fire magic and enchantments, and also became a disciple of Grandmother Melinda.

"Thank you so much for saving me. My name is Ryu, you can call me by my name directly," as I introduced myself, I used the power of incarnation to create a bouquet of roses out of thin air.

Many of you may be thinking, "Hey, why don't you use your power more intelligently in battles and create super powerful weapons instead of creating a bouquet of roses to impress a girl?" Well, it's very simple, my little virgin friend. First of all, it's not my fault, it's Author-san's. Also, there's nothing so far that forces me to do so. Plus, what common man wouldn't want to impress a girl?

When Yuri saw a bouquet of roses appear in my hand, she was very surprised, as it was the first time she had seen someone do something like this.

"Where did you get this bouquet of flowers from?" she asked as she took them. I could also see a slight blush on her face.

"It's a secret," I said mysteriously.

Seeing that she didn't want to press the matter, she asked me again, "Where are you from? I've never seen a person with such a unique eye color before."

I smiled at her and looked directly into her eyes. "As for where I'm from, I can't say much about that, but as for the color of my eyes, I don't know what to say. Do you like their color?"

Upon hearing me, I could see how she blushed a little, but impressively nodded her head. After thinking about it, I remembered that this girl's personality in the future is very bold, so I decided to tease her a little.

"Do you know why my eyes are so beautiful?"

I could tell that she didn't understand my question very well, but she still shook her head while asking, "I don't know, can you tell me why?" as she looked at me.

"Well, it's simple, it's because you are reflected in them," I replied with a smile.

I noticed how she blushed and decided to look away. It's important to remember that in this world, it's not very common to compliment girls, as people usually care more about becoming stronger. Therefore, any compliment, no matter how stupid it sounds, or even a shitty compliment, is much better to say in this world. Besides, they can't make a Twitter thread exposing you here.

Seeing that she continued to look at me, she couldn't help but try to change the subject, "Why were you unconscious in that place?"

I thought of a way to give her a credible answer, since obviously I wouldn't tell her the truth. After a while, I came up with something.