
Ch 16

As we walk to the Kobayashi's residents from the train station I remember I haven't looked at the relationship status of Natsuki for a while and I should also look at Spade and Lucoa's relationship status while I'm at it.

--- Natsuki Nanahoshi ---


(<-) Pet 60% (->)

Perks: (1) Unforgettable Classmate (Classmate Perk (Inactive))

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--- Spade ---


(<-) Pet's Familiar 54% (->)

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--- Quetzalcoatl/Lucoa ---



(<-) Wife 100% (Lockable) (->)

Perks: (1) True Love (Lover Perk (Passive)) (2) Wedding Vows (Wife Perk (Passive))

Title: Soul Mate

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Seeing the relationship status of everyone I was quite shocked at Lucoa's status while the others are understandable.

The percentage raised much faster compared to before on Lucoa's relationship status as it only took a day for it to reach 100%.

Seeing the new changes I focused on everything in her status to see if I can get any answers from it.

When I was focusing on the Perks and the new Title status windows started to appear in my head.

--- True Love ---

Type: Love

Source: Lover Perk

Affects: (1) Those affected by the True Love Perk (Shouta Magatsuchi and Quetzalcoatl/Lucoa) will have unconditional love between each other seeing each other as their other half an important part of themselves and they will never want to end their relationship no matter what as they truly love each other no matter what happens. (2) This Perk when in a Passive state will speed up the progress of any love-related relationship by ×3.

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--- Wedding Vows ---

Type: Love

Source: Wife

Affects: (1) Wedding vows are promises made between lovers in a ceremony showing their undying love but the Perk Wedding Vows make these promises of undying love true making their love follow them even in death to the next life and even until their last life. (2) This Perk when in a Passive state can allow a vow to be made once a day between the Husband (Shouta Magatsuchi) and Wife (Quetzalcoatl/Lucoa) if this vow is fulfilled a random blessing will be granted to the pair for a day but if the vow is broken misfortune will follow the pair until a new vow can be fulfilled.

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--- Soul Mate ---

Type: Love

Requirements: 2(+) Love-related Relationship at 100%

Affects (1) Soul Bond: No matter what happens your souls will always be able to find each other and sense whatever feeling they are feeling. (2) Undying Love: Love that will never die and follows the soul until the soul itself disappears.

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After looking at the information I was a bit surprised that the perks had such effects but I didn't put too much thought into it as I feel if I start focusing on perks and their benefits I will lose sight of the relationships I'm trying to foster.

Once I finished thinking for a bit I decided to lock Wife in the relationship status of Lucoa and stopped playing with her status.

--- Quetzalcoatl/Lucoa ---




(<-) Familiar 59% (->)

Perks: (1) True Love (Lover Perk (Passive)) (2) Wedding Vows (Wife Perk (Passive))

Title: Soul Mate

--- ---

After locking the relationship I stopped paying attention to the relationship system and started to look around to see how far away we are from the Kobayashi's residents.

Once I finished looking around I saw the apartment building is in front of us so I moved a little faster as I want to see if Kanna is home.

Reaching the Kobayashi's residents' door Lucoa knocked on the door and after a bit, Tohru opened the door to greet us but when she saw Natsuki she entering an attacking stance opening her mouth with a fireball forming in it.

Seeing her ready to attack Natsuki Lucoa head chopped Tohru making a bump form before talking to her.

"Bad Tohru, Natsuki is mine and Shouta's maid so don't worry he isn't here to steal your job." Lucoa

Tohru hearing Lucoa's words stopped her attacking stance and scratch the back of her head before apologizing.

"Sorry about that, I'm still on edge when I see an unknown maid gets near Miss Kobayashi or our home. Haha, again I'm sorry. Why don't you guys come on in? Natsuki right you don't have to worry, I won't try to attack you again, I promise." Tohru

After Tohru apologize we entered the apartment but Natsuki hid behind Lucoa as Tohru scared him too much with the fireball she was making.

I felt scared to but I was okay as I know Lucoa will protect me.

Once we entered the apartment Tohru went to make us tea as Lucoa, Natsuki, and I sat down at the dinner table.

After sitting Lucoa started to talk to Tohru as we waited for the tea.

"Tohru honey, how's your relationship with Kobayashi doing." Lucoa

"We're doing great but Miss Kobayashi still won't eat my tail meat, even after I go through all the work to cook it and I even clean all the poison from it." Tohru

"Oh, that's nice to hear but you should stop doing that, if you want Kobayashi to eat something that came from your body you can do what I do to Shouta." Lucoa

Hearing Lucoa I was stunned as I don't remember eating anything that came from her body so I looked at her with a questing gaze and was about to ask her about it but Tohru beat me to it.

"Really, what is it!?" Tohru

"When Shouta is asleep he's just like a baby so I started to breastfeed him for fun and started to enjoy it as well. Also, as Shouta is entering puberty my breast milk will help him grow into a tall, strong, and handsome man." Lucoa

Hearing Lucoa's words I felt strange as I don't know if I should be mad at her for doing such a thing without me knowing or be happy that she let me suck on her breasts every night, I should tell her to let me suck on them when I'm awake as I'm missing out.

As I was thinking about whether to be mad or not about Lucoa night activities Tohru and Lucoa continue their talk.

"Oh, so I should start making my breast produces milk and feed it to Miss Kobayashi when she's asleep!" Tohru

"Umm, no, Kobayashi might not be a heavy sleeper so giving her a glass of milk in the morning or you can make food with your milk as you do with your tail." Lucoa

Hearing the two go on how to sneakily feed Kobayashi breast milk makes me wonder how long will it take Kobayashi to find out but in most likelihood Tohru will probably reveal it herself in excitement if Kobayashi asks her what's in her food.

After a bit of the two still talking about how to sneakily feed Kobayashi Tohru's breast milk, the front door was opened and a familiar voice came in from its direction.

"Lady Tohru, I'm home." Kanna

Hearing that voice I got up and went to welcome Kanna.

After going to welcome Kanna I came back to the room with Kanna in my arms and started to head to the living room to play games with her.

Natsuki seeing he was alone decided to follow Kanna and me as he felt scared around Tohru.

After Natsuki joined us we played a game of four-person poker as Spade decided to join in after seeing us use playing cards.

We played for a while until I noticed that it's about time we headed home as I didn't want my mom to question why we were out so late.

After putting the playing cards down I started to talk to Lucoa who was drinking tea while looking at us play as she's still talking to Tohru.

"Lucoa, it's about time we head home. If you don't mind, can you open a portal to my room? We need to put away all the stuff we bought and so Natsuki can change back to his school uniform. Natsuki should head home after changing as well, I'm sure his parents are worried about not returning home despite school ending a while ago." Shouta

Hearing my request Lucoa nodded her before getting up to open a portal that we entered after we said our goodbye to Tohru and Kanna.

Once we entered the portal we found ourselves in my room so I had Natsuki put all the manga we bought in my closet as Lucoa and I went downstairs to let Natsuki change back into his school uniform.

After coming downstairs I looked around for a bit and didn't see my parents so I sat in the living room and turned on the tv.

While watching the tv Lucoa sat next to me and laid her head on me as we watch some tv idol show that's airing.

As we watched tv Natsuki came downstairs and said goodbye to us as he has to go home fast before his parents get worried.

Once Natsuki left my parents came home after a while and my mom was the first one of the two to speak when she came home.

"Shouta, I had an interesting talk with your teacher when we for the parent-teacher conference today. It seems you haven't chosen a career path." mom

Hearing her question I remember that the parent-teacher conferences are happening right now as the semester is almost over.

As for the career path the old Shouta just wanted to live his life in the supernatural world so I had to explain to her why I didn't bother to tell anyone even the teacher of a future career path I'm thinking of as it's not suitable to tell them what career path I'm thinking of.

After my mom was satisfied with my explanation she went to make dinner as my dad joined Lucoa and me to watch tv as we waited for dinner.