
How we meet

Joe had always been a quiet and introverted student at Tega Niva Bilingual School. He was never the top of his class and often struggled to keep up with the rigorous curriculum. Malisi, on the other hand, was a confident and outgoing student who excelled in her studies.

During one of their final exams, Joe found himself seated next to Malisi. He was nervous and fidgety, struggling to keep his focus on the test in front of him. Malisi, noticing his anxiety, offered him a reassuring smile.

"Hey, don't worry," she whispered. "We got this."

Joe was surprised by her kindness and felt a strange sense of comfort. As they began to work on their exams, Malisi occasionally glanced over to check on Joe, offering him encouraging words and helping him through difficult questions.

After the exam, Joe found himself thinking about Malisi. He had never really spoken to her before, but she seemed so kind and genuine. He mustered up the courage to approach her in the hallway.

"Hey, Malisi," he said nervously. "Thanks for helping me during the exam. I don't think I could have done it without you."

Malisi smiled. "No problem, Joe. I'm always happy to help a classmate in need."

From that moment on, Joe found himself drawn to Malisi. He started to pay more attention in class and work harder on his studies, hoping to impress her with his newfound determination.

Malisi noticed Joe's efforts and was impressed by his progress. She started to strike up conversations with him during breaks and even invited him to join her and some friends for lunch.

Joe was hesitant at first, but Malisi's friendly and outgoing personality put him at ease. They started to spend more time together, studying and hanging out outside of school.

As the school year went on, their friendship continued to blossom. Joe found himself opening up to Malisi more and more, sharing his fears and insecurities with her. She listened patiently and offered him words of encouragement.

One day, during a particularly deep conversation, Joe realized that he had developed feelings for Malisi. He was terrified to admit it to her, fearing that he would ruin their friendship.

But Malisi surprised him by confessing that she had developed feelings for him as well. Joe was overjoyed and they started dating.

Their relationship wasn't always easy, as Joe's shyness and insecurities sometimes got in the way. But Malisi was patient and understanding, helping him to overcome his fears and gain confidence in himself.

As they approached graduation, Joe and Malisi were inseparable. They had both grown so much over the years, thanks in large part to each other's influence.

On graduation day, Joe stood at the podium, delivering his speech to the graduating class. He looked out into the crowd and saw Malisi, beaming with pride and love. He knew that he had found the one person who truly understood him and accepted him for who he was.

As they walked across the stage, receiving their diplomas, Joe and Malisi felt a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. They knew that they had each other to thank for their success and were excited to embark on their next adventure together.

The future was uncertain, but they were confident that they could handle anything that came their way, as long as they had each other.

Suddenly alarm bell rings, and joe just woke up with dream of malisi and these is how joe meet malisi first time ever in dreams . Sooner joe realise today is his exam.