
I was in Night City and was picked up by a female V(MTL+Edit)

So First up there are only 354 chapters released so read it at your own risk. It's Maschine Translated but I tried my current best to edit it but I'm a human and that means I will make mistakes so I appreciate it if someone calls them out. Thanks in Advance. Patreon aka moodbooster: patreon.com/Caldex or https://buymeacoffee.com/caldex if you don't have a Patreon account. Patreon is currently without any benefits. Author: 里仁为美 Original Name: 人在夜之城,被女V泡了 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traveling through the world of Cyberpunk 2077, she became a girl who survived with the help of her "good sister" V. But even so, Bai Rui has her own ambition, which is to become a true legend of Night City. During the day, she is V's good partner and a cute girl in the eyes of her companions. At night, she controls various combat machines to run rampant in the streets of Night City. "Terminator" Arnold, "Samurai" Akechi Mitsuhide, "Miko" Kikyo... and the strongest [Legendary] machines, "Valkyrie" Valkyrie, "Sharingan" Uchiha Madara, "Warmaster" Horus... Relying on these machines with different forms and combat capabilities, Bai Rui weaves a big net in the heart-devouring Night City. Night City is full of street violence and exploitation by big companies. Just when Bai Rui is determined to tear apart everything that is sinking, she is caught by her "good sister" V at night. ??? "Bai Rui, you are mine, you can only look at me!" V's eyes were full of resentment of being ignored and a deep desire for Bai Rui. Bai Rui was scared to death when V held her hand tightly. What should I do if I am in Night City and will be brought to justice by the female V? Waiting online, urgent!!!

Caldex · Derivados de juegos
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33 Chs

Fighting Body

"Jack, thank you so much, is this what you mean by needing help?" V said with gritted teeth.

Next to Misty's shop, Jack and V were struggling to carry a large surgical chair into the store.

"Hey, life isn't all about street gunfights, V. This is everyday life." Although Jack was also sweating profusely, he still had the mind to joke.

"Thank you for your hard work, 'volunteers'. Come on, just put it here." Misty, with her fluffy hair and still dressed in purple, was making way to allow the two to put down the imitation leather recliner.

"Huh!" After carefully putting down the chair, the two stood up, wiped the sweat off their foreheads, and felt relieved.

"Does anyone need water?" Thoughtful Misty brought over two glasses of water.

"Thank you." V took the cup of water and took a sip. This chair was heavier than three people stacked together. She really needed to replenish water now.

"Mm, sweet, really sweet, much sweeter than the water in Heywood!" Jack didn't seem to be tired at all. He was still pretending to taste the water. Then he tilted his head back and drank it all in one gulp, giving the drinking water the same treatment as whiskey.

"Haha, really?" Misty couldn't help but laugh at Jack's funny look. "But the water in the whole city comes from the same reservoir, so how can the taste be different?"

"Well, maybe it's caused by the special atmosphere?" Jack scratched his head and smiled, "Like you said before, some kind of field energy? Or is it spiritual energy?"

"Hehe..." Misty covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes narrowed with laughter. "No, Jack, field energy doesn't have that effect."

V, who was standing by, had just caught her breath when she saw Jack and Misty being so affectionate with each other. She felt a sour taste in her heart and felt like she was somewhat redundant.

"Ahem." She pretended to cough to interrupt the two people who were chatting animatedly.

"I say, you two..." V looked at Jack, then at Misty. "Can't you please consider the feelings of a bachelor like me?"

"Hey, uh..." Jack laughed out loud, as if he just remembered that there was a V next to him. "Haha, V, I told you to find a partner."

"Screw you." V nudged Jack with her elbow, not liking being picked out for fun. "By the way, does Mrs. Welles know about you two?"

V asked curiously, leaning against the bar as she saw that Jack and Misty seemed to be spending some time together.

"Um, how should I put it? V..." Jack's head shrank when he heard his mother mentioned. "She seems to have some misunderstandings about Misty. In short, it's just a basket of troubles. It's hard to explain."

"Mrs. Welles, maybe thinks I'm not doing my job properly?" Misty leaned on the counter, looking thoughtful.

"Oh, sorry." V ​​raised her hands to show that she meant no offense. "But good things come to those who wait, right?"

"Oh, it's no big deal." Jack waved his hand to show that he didn't care, but his eyes turned to V, revealing a gossipy expression. "But, V, what about you?"

"I've been in the city for a while now, but haven't you taken a fancy to any boy? Or girl?"

After hearing what Jack said, Misty also shifted her gaze to V. Although she didn't say anything, anyone with a discerning eye could see the curiosity in her eyes.

"Uh, this..." Seeing that she had gotten into trouble, V tried to laugh it off. "It's nothing, actually. I'm not thinking about it right now."

"That won't do, V. We are in Night City, so we must be brave enough to explore." Jack patted V's shoulder with his big hand, looking like he was in charge. "Tell me who you like, and I'll help you get in touch. I, Jack Welles, have some influence in the city."

"Or let Misty use tarot cards to predict your marriage. I tell you, it works great."

"Yeah, V, do you want to give it a try?" Misty nodded in agreement.

"This..." V originally wanted to refuse, but before she said that, a black-haired figure flashed through her mind, and she hesitated again.

"How about giving it a try?" V hesitated but agreed.

The three of them leaned against the bar, and Misty quickly pulled out a stack of tarot cards.

"V, think carefully about what has happened to you recently and your expectations for the future." Misty, who got the cards, became mysterious and serious, making Jack and V nervous.

The tarot cards were not big, just a square stack, which were shuffled in Misty's fair hands. V was very nervous, holding her hands, and her beautiful blue eyes swayed with the shaking of the cards. No one knew what she was thinking.

Soon, the shuffling was complete and Misty pulled out a card and turned it over on the table.

"The Reversed Pope." Misty took a look. "The Reversed World. You are at the starting point of the journey. It will be completely different from what you imagined, and much longer."

Next "The Lovers Reversed. A force will challenge you and surround you. You will also conflict with another inner force."

Misty continued to draw cards. "The Star, also reversed. You will need to overcome unknown desires and become closely connected to something. I can't tell what it is." It was obvious that Misty was also a little confused.

"Death reversed. Your opponents will turn you into your own enemy. This journey will bring transformation or destruction." This is the last card.

The four tarot cards determine your fate for a period of time in the future, and all of the V's are reversed.

Looking at the four cards that had nothing to do with good luck, the three of them fell into a brief silence.

"…Oh my God, that doesn't sound good." Jack was the first to interrupt the silence.

"Well, it's not good... But don't worry, it may be that I explained it wrong." Misty took back the cards.

"It's okay, I still have my buddies to support you!" Jack suddenly raised his voice and shook V's shoulder with a smile. "No matter what trouble you have, I'm here, sister. Before fate can trouble my brother, it has to get through me first."

"Thank you, Jack, and Misty." V ​​forced a smile, but her mind was thinking about another person.

Don't I have a chance?

This is the first time V has formally faced this issue.

On the other side, Skyscraper No. 10, garage maintenance room.

"…Victor, come in and take a look. This is the masterpiece I was talking about."

Victor, the cyborg doctor, carrying a black bag, went around in circles before finally finding the maintenance room mentioned. As soon as the door opened, Bai Rui, with a happy look on her face, invited him in.

There were all kinds of tools, lathes, robotic arms, and even a few freezers inside. Everything was piled up so tightly that there was no place to step. Most of V and Bai Rui's money was exchanged for these.

"Oh my god, Bai Rui, what did you create?"

Even though the other person was wearing sunglasses, Bai Rui could see Victor's surprise.

In the middle of the huge maintenance room, there was a three-dimensional door-like shelf, on which were mounted various robotic arms, with drills and files hanging on them, and in the middle of the "door" stood a robot.

His whole body is made up of various exposed wires and metal tubes. The battery pack in his chest is clearly visible. His skull-like head is drooping. From a distance, he looks like a person made of a metal skeleton. No wonder Victor, a prosthetic doctor, is so surprised.

Victor thought that this was a person with metal prosthetics all over his body, but later he found that his head was also made of metal, and then he realized that this was just a robot.

Bai Rui also looked at the robot with admiration in her eyes.

V and her money did not disappear, they just stayed with them in a different way.

And thanks to the huge sum of money that V gave me this morning, the last few materials have now been packed, except for the things that were previously ordered from Dr. Victor.

After installing that thing and covering it with her customized simulated human skin, a multifunctional combat robot will be born.

That's right, Bai Rui's big plan first requires sufficient combat power.

The best way is to create a fighting body without flesh and blood and without any flaws.

"Haha, no wonder you said you needed a projectile launch system. It turns out it is installed on it." After all, Victor was a man who had seen the world, and he quickly calmed down.

Then, he looked at Bai Rui with admiration. "Bai Rui, you are amazing."

"I said that if there was a chance, I would ask you to come and learn some prosthetics installation from me, but now it seems that I have to take you as my master."

"Hey, Victor, stop praising me. I'll be proud." Bai Rui said modestly, but she couldn't hide the proud smile on her face. "Let's install the projectile system quickly. I can't wait to finish it."

"Okay, let's do it." Victor was also interested. "I've never given a robot a prosthetic. This is my first time, a precious first time."

Victor unzipped the package and took out the projectile system, an arm-shaped prosthesis with countless wires and tubes. When this system was installed, it could fire powerful shells from the arm, which could easily knock down an armored vehicle in one go. The one in Victor's hand was military-grade, and its power would be even greater.

Yes, that's right, Bai Rui is penniless and can't afford the military-grade prosthesis. In fact, what Bai Rui wants to buy is a civilian imitation version. But who says that the transaction must be equal? ​​Old Victor likes to give big discounts to those he likes.

"Come on, let's see if you have all the tools here!"

Victor injected a sedative into his arm, pushed his lens, and reached out his hand to the skeleton-like robot.