
I was in Night City and was picked up by a female V(MTL+Edit)

So First up there are only 354 chapters released so read it at your own risk. It's Maschine Translated but I tried my current best to edit it but I'm a human and that means I will make mistakes so I appreciate it if someone calls them out. Thanks in Advance. Patreon aka moodbooster: patreon.com/Caldex or https://buymeacoffee.com/caldex if you don't have a Patreon account. Patreon is currently without any benefits. Author: 里仁为美 Original Name: 人在夜之城,被女V泡了 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traveling through the world of Cyberpunk 2077, she became a girl who survived with the help of her "good sister" V. But even so, Bai Rui has her own ambition, which is to become a true legend of Night City. During the day, she is V's good partner and a cute girl in the eyes of her companions. At night, she controls various combat machines to run rampant in the streets of Night City. "Terminator" Arnold, "Samurai" Akechi Mitsuhide, "Miko" Kikyo... and the strongest [Legendary] machines, "Valkyrie" Valkyrie, "Sharingan" Uchiha Madara, "Warmaster" Horus... Relying on these machines with different forms and combat capabilities, Bai Rui weaves a big net in the heart-devouring Night City. Night City is full of street violence and exploitation by big companies. Just when Bai Rui is determined to tear apart everything that is sinking, she is caught by her "good sister" V at night. ??? "Bai Rui, you are mine, you can only look at me!" V's eyes were full of resentment of being ignored and a deep desire for Bai Rui. Bai Rui was scared to death when V held her hand tightly. What should I do if I am in Night City and will be brought to justice by the female V? Waiting online, urgent!!!

Caldex · Derivados de juegos
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33 Chs

Deadly "Cleaner"

(I think the title should be a joke about scavengers? since there were already cases where the word scavengers was translated to street cleaners)

"Well, let me take a look. It's not poisonous. The firewall is pitifully weak. Okay, opened."

A professional is a professional. The Bug's eyes glowed yellow, and the computer was cracked in less than three seconds. "Bai Rui, this level of cracking can be done by a street mechanic."

"Okay, thank you so much, bug." Bai Rui looked at the screen showing the computer desktop, her tone very excited.

"Remember, you'll have to pay next time."

With a beep, Bug went offline.

Bai Rui shrugged and said, don't worry, she will get it for free next time.

After retracting the data cable, Bai Rui stood in front of the computer and used the mouse to search for documents on the computer.

After a while, Bai Rui's eyes lit up and she found it.

Bai Rui found a suspicious email in his mailbox, which was about an email conversation between Charles and someone named LD Lawrence.

"...Lawrence, what about the share of the goods we got from Beehive? I took such a big risk, you should at least give me 30%."

"...Charles, don't forget your identity. You didn't rob the car. I'll give you 10% off. Go through the 'secret passage' below and get it yourself. I can't deliver it to your door."

The email was sent three days ago, which matched the time of the robbery.

So, the theft of the goods was indeed a conspiracy between Charles and the scavenger. They first said they wanted to trade and then robbed Bai Rui's goods. However, there seemed to be a conflict between the two families over the division of the spoils. Charles only got 10%, and he was very dissatisfied with it.

And he also mentioned the "secret passage" underneath.

There was a lot of information. Bai Rui rubbed her forehead and summarized the information she had collected.

It seems that the bulk of the stolen goods are with the scavengers, and Charles and the scavengers delivered the goods through a "secret passage". The key lies in this "secret passage". If we find the "secret passage", we should be able to follow the clues and catch the scavengers.

Bai Rui moved the mouse, trying to find more information about the "secret passage", but found nothing. Perhaps Charles had deleted all the records of previous transactions with the scavenger, leaving only the most recent one.

This "secret passage" might be very close, either in Charles's home or in an alley nearby. After all, no matter what, this city must abide by the laws on the surface, and Charles' transaction with the scavenger can only be done in secret.

Never mind, let's search Charles' clinic first. The email just now mentioned that Charles got 10% of the goods, but when he pretended to be a patient before, he said that there were no goods from Little Chinatown, which aroused Bai Rui's curiosity.

In this way, Bai Rui continued to search in Charles' small clinic.

The clinic was not big. Bai Rui searched for a while but didn't find any of the prosthetic parts she made. Finally, she found an empty cardboard box under Charles' bed.

This cardboard box is very familiar, with a small cocoa pattern painted on it. Bai Rui's goods are packed in those small cocoa boxes that she has left over, so how could she not be familiar with it.

Now the box is empty and the prosthesis inside is missing. It seems that either Charles sold it or it was completely destroyed. However, considering the Ripperdoc's nature of valuing money more than his life, the former is more likely.

"Depend on!"

Seeing that the clue was broken again, Bai Rui punched the wall.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Bai Rui didn't believe that this dirty kidney-stealing deal could have no clues at all.

She turned around and looked at the clinic in front of her that she had already searched twice. She didn't believe that the clue would be cut off here.

Charles' clinic is not big, with only one consultation room, a lounge, and a toilet, and Bai Rui has searched them all, but.

wait a moment

Bai Rui suddenly stopped.

She quietly walked to a corner of the consultation room and reached out to lift the blue plastic film.

An old door appeared before her.

Hmm? Hidden door?

Bai Rui couldn't believe that she hadn't noticed anything strange here just now.

However, it is still not too late to remedy the situation.

Bai Rui quietly touched the door handle and pushed it a little harder, but it didn't move at all. It seemed to be locked.

Looking again, the metal door looked old, with many red rust and black stains, and the door handle was also mottled, but there was not a speck of dust.

It's old, but not dusty, which means the door has been used recently.

Bai Rui was suspicious and subconsciously associated this door with the "secret passage" mentioned in the email.

No way, is Charles, that evil doctor, so bold that he has a secret passage in the clinic?

Bai Rui became alert and slowly tightened her grip on the gun.

Whether it is or not, she will know once she opens it.

Let Arnold go forward and provide cover with a kinetic shotgun in hand. Bai Rui squatted down, took out the wire, and drilled it into the keyhole.

She had learned a few tricks while helping people clear out their homes of unimportant possessions.

With a slight click, the door lock opened.

As the door slowly opened, a cold and fishy wind rushed out through the gap in the door.

Bai Rui frowned. She finally understood why there was a lingering smell of blood in Charles' clinic. It turned out that it was coming from behind the door.

It seems that she did find the so-called "secret passage".

It was extremely dark behind the door, with only a staircase leading downwards. In the deep darkness, it seemed as if there was a wild beast lurking there, ready to devour anyone. Faint howling sounds could be heard, and just seeing them gave Bai Rui goosebumps all over her body.

To be on the safe side, Arnold walked in quietly with a gun in hand. As the scene below became clearer, Bai Rui tensed up.

"…This guy stinks. Where did Adam drag him back from? He is the one who got into trouble."

"...Just be quiet, finish your work quickly so I can go up and take a few puffs."

Arnold walked to the end of the stairs and turned left to see a room where he could hear conversations and intermittent sounds of cutting meat.

I carefully stuck my head out. The incandescent light in the basement was blindingly bright. Blue plastic films were hung every few steps, fluttering in the wind, like a scene that could only be found in a freezer.

Through the film, Arnold could vaguely see the stacked shelves and several operating chairs. Two or three scavengers were busy cutting, complaining as they worked.

"Fuck, they're up there hugging girls and playing BD(Braindance), and they're asking us to do this here. Why?"

The person who was dissatisfied just now was still complaining, and he pulled out a handful of dark red stuff and threw it into the bucket full of ice at his feet.

"This is an order from Boss Lawrence. If you are unhappy, go and tell him."

Another person was dissatisfied with his complaining accomplice and started to retort.

"Hey, I just said that, why did you mention the boss?"

Hearing the title of the boss, the guy shrank back and dared not say anything.

The three of them were still chatting there, but no one complained anymore. It seemed that their boss had a lot of power.

At this time, Bai Rui remembered the origins of the scavengers.

The scavengers have no particular beliefs and only care about their own life and money.

They are ruthless, morally corrupt, and unsophisticated, and they do all the dirty work - but this extremely loose gang has monopolized the trade in human body parts.

Scavengers have no fixed "area of ​​business". Their organizations are spread all over the city, often using tags and graffiti to make their presence known. Due to their scattered organization, scavengers tend to gather into small gangs, without any distinction between seniority and juniority and are often led by the most unscrupulous, brutal, and cunning guys among them.

Despite their lack of organization, the Scavenger Group should never be ignored or taken lightly. Their only asset is their reputation for terror, and they will ensure that anyone who dares to cross them or steal their lives is "cut to pieces".

The group of scavengers who offended her should be a similar gang, a small gang managed by a cruel leader, but this gang has recruited a Ripperdoc to sell their stolen goods, and they have also offended Bai Rui.

What to do next, Bai Rui thought.

The answer is simple, blood debt must be repaid with blood. If someone dares to take your goods, you must be prepared to lose your teeth.

Bai Rui manipulated Arnold to sneak behind an empty box.

She is about to take action.