
I Was Adopted Into The Duke's Family

In a world where kings and queens exist and where witches are hunted to near extinction lives a girl named Elaine. She was small and scrawny and at the age of 5, when she should be receiving love and care from her parents. However, Elaine was nothing but an orphan struggling to live for another day. That is until she was taken in by a kind old man. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "What do you think of me as your grandfather?" asked the old man. "But aren't you already grandpa?" she asked back. The bakery was filled with his jolly laugh not long after. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She was very grateful to him, so she did her best not to disappoint him. "You've grown to be a very fine lady, my child." He brushed her cheeks with his frail hand. He looked at her tenderly. "I wish you could see yourself in the way I see you." She placed her hand on his and smiled. "I still haven't done enough to proudly call myself your family." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Little did she know who he really was, or better yet, who she really was. "How could I have not realised this?" Her voice cracked. The agony was clear to hear in her voice. Regret filled her as it was already too late. She would never be able to tell him now. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ But she found herself back in time just when her grandpa was looking for an heir. "W-What?" She looked around confused. she could tell by the surroundings that she was in her old room. She held a box in her arms, and she knew very well what was inside. This was just before her sister barged into her room. "Is this really... Is this for real?" Will she be able to redeem the mistakes she has made?

rosa_alya · Fantasía
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22 Chs

The Peace Treaty

Jumping to a few weeks later, Zyair sat in his office going through a pile of documents like usual. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. There was one document left to do then he could retire for the day. But before he did, he always checked on his grandchildren before going to bed. He would fix their blankets and kiss them on the forehead. His day wouldn't be complete without seeing them at least once.

Someone knocked on the door and he called them in. It was Heinrich. He held a tray with letters and placed them on the Duke's table. It wasn't often a letter arrived so late. Zyair wondered who had sent it. He looked at the letter and found the crest of the royal family in front of it.

"Good evening, your Grace. The invitation letters for the upcoming ball have arrived."

Zyair read through the last sentences on the document and signed it. He placed it on top of the pile. He stood up and looked at the letter. He didn't have to read the letter to know what was written on it. It has been a big topic for a while now and it was only natural to receive an invitation since he was a Duke.

"I'll tell the children about it tomorrow at breakfast," Zyair said as he grabbed his cane. "You should retire for the day as well, Heinrich."

"Yes, your Grace."

The next morning after breakfast, Zyair cleared his throat to catch the children's attention. Elaine and Jared looked at him at the same time and Dezmond took his time drinking his juice before looking. Amelie was gracefully wiping her mouth with a napkin so she placed it down on the table.

"I'm sure you've already heard of the upcoming ball that will take place in the capital," Zyair began. "It is to celebrate the anniversary of the peace treaty between our country and the country of Suarin."

Elaine nodded. She had learned about it in her lessons. Once they found out the Goddess had made the land fruitful and habitable, a few of the neighbouring countries began vying for the land and had wanted to claim it as their own. However, it proved to be difficult for they had to pass through the mountains and forests that were home to the beasts.

The people of Zailea were oblivious to the danger that was lurking beyond their borders until they were alerted by the merchants from Tegra. They informed the King that Klazanian knights had tried to march through their country to enter Zailea. Moreover, Klazal had made an alliance with the country Suarin that was another one of the six countries that bordered Zailea. They had made a deal to share half of the land.

However, Klazal had betrayed their trust. It wasn't clear how the dispute started but the tides turned for Klazal when Suarin decided to change sides and formed a friendly relationship with Zailea instead. That was how the peace treaty was signed between Zailea and Suarin after two hundred long years of war. A month and a few weeks from now would mark the hundredth year anniversary since the treaty had been signed.

Heinrich handed Jared and Elaine an envelope. They looked at it with surprise on both their faces. They didn't expect to be invited after all. Usually, one had to make their debut before being invited to an official ball.

"The Suarin Princess is ten years of age and she will be coming with the Envoys," Zyair continued talking as if it wasn't anything unusual. "Meaning she will be at the ball. Their King requested that children of similar age to be invited as well, as not to let her feel out of place so children from age ten to twelve are invited to come."

Elaine looked at the envelope in her shaking hands. She wasn't sure if she was ready for that yet. She was worried that she was still lacking in many aspects and that it was way too soon to go. What if she were to make mistakes?

"I'll go," Jared said with certainty in his voice. "I accept the invitation, your Grace. This is nothing for me, an Elsher."

Zyair smiled, feeling proud of his grandson. Jared reminded him of his first son. He was just as energetic and eager.

"How about you, Elaine?" Zyair turned his head to face her. He could see the worry on her face as clear as day. He had anticipated this reaction, although he wished she would have more confidence in herself.

"I-I'm not so sure, Grandfather." She placed the envelope down on the table carefully, as if she was holding something fragile. Just the thought of being in a room filled with important people who might possibly judge her made her hands grow cold.

"I've yet to learn so many things, I-" she bit her lower lip and clasped her hands together under the table. "I'm not confident I wouldn't make any mistakes."

"My dear Elaine," Zyair said gently. "You have no need to worry about such things. You children were simply invited to make the place livelier and to welcome the princess. No one would expect such things from you nor from the others."

Elaine fiddled with her fingers. She didn't need her grandfather to say that to know. But she didn't want to make any blunders. She wanted to make her grandfather proud. Moreover, she didn't want to let anyone talk badly about him for taking her in. So if she were to make even a tiny mistake...

"I'm sure you'll do wonderful, sister." Amelie smiled brightly while slightly tilting her head. "If anyone could do it, I'm sure you could too. I've seen how hard you've worked for it."

Dezmond nodded. Elaine looked at them. She knew Amelie didn't really mean what she just said. What Amelie really meant was she should be able to do such simple things and that she would be stupid otherwise. But she also knew Dezmond truly believed she would do alright.

"it's a good opportunity to make new acquaintances," Zyair added. "Who knows, maybe you'll even make new friends that would help you in the future."

Elaine stayed silent as she tried to make a decision. She was sure Feanix and Kayden would come. Maybe Olivia as well. She would love to meet them again. She heard Jared scoff so she looked at him. He gave her a look and immediately looked away after just a moment of eye contact. It was as if he was trying to tell her how disappointing she was.

"...Alright," she finally said. She didn't want to let anyone down. She also wanted Jared to accept her and backing down like that wouldn't help. "I'll attend the ball."

Zyair grinned widely. He reassured Elaine that all will be well and that he would be there for her too. He didn't let it show, but he was excited. He had been bragging all around how wonderful his grandchildren were and now he can't wait to show them off.

And so the preparations began. Zyair summoned a tailor, who brought a catalogue to choose a style from and all types of clothes with different colours. Zyair gave a clear order to deliver their clothes to their mansion in the capital once they were finished, so all they had to do was wait. But of course they took extra classes on ballroom etiquette. They learned how to greet people as well as practiced different dances together. Jared couldn't help but be surprised to see how fast Elaine could learn and felt frustrated every time he made a mistake.

"Again," their instructor would say whenever someone made a mistake. She never said who it was, but it was quite clear who did.

"You did wonderful, Lady Elaine." She praised Elaine after every lesson. Not to make Jared feel bad, she would add, but not with as much enthusiasm, "You did good as well, Lord Jared."

Time passed by and they decided to leave for the capital and arrived a week before the ball. Zyair had some business to take care of as well as the other six dukes. It was a meeting to see how things currently stand, Zyair explained to Elaine.

Jared often went out to meet his acquaintances, leaving Elaine to be alone in the mansion. So she thought she could have some nice time alone reading her books in the library or in the garden. As she did so, Sophie, her personal maid, handed her an invitation from the princess. The letter stated that the tea party would be held in three days time and the theme colour was red, orange and yellow since it was autumn.

Elaine felt a bit nervous. She would love nothing more than to reject the invitation, but it was not just anyone who had invited her. She hasn't seen the princess in a long time but if she remembered correctly, they got along quite well. She didn't have many friends in the capital nor generally so maybe she could make a few more. And having more connections would certainly be useful in the future if she wants to be of help to her grandfather.

Elaine tried to encourage herself and took deep breaths. She reluctantly sent a reply on the same day and immediately planned for an outing to purchase a dress

Sophie accompanied her to the main square. Elaine was amazed with how big and wide it was. The floor was out of silver grey bricks which made the place look as if it was gleaming. The square was bustling with noble people shopping here and there. A fountain out of white marble was placed in the centre. It was so tall Elaine had to bend her neck to look up.

They went from shop to shop to find a perfect dress for Elaine. However it was proving to be difficult for most shops were already out of stock. Elaine was in a predicament.

"My lady, if I may," Sophie said. "There is a shop a bit more outskirts from here. They make good quality dresses but they aren't very well known since not many people know where their shop is situated. Shall we go see if they might have a dress for you? Although we would need to walk quite a distance."

Elaine nodded. She didn't want to show up wearing a dress that didn't align with the theme.

"Are you sure the area will be safe for Lady Elaine, Sophie?" Miles asked. He wouldn't want to lead her somewhere unsafe.

"Yes, I'm sure. I've lived in the area before myself you see."

Elaine's feet were beginning to hurt. Miles asked if they should take a break but she insisted on continuing. The streets were clearly less crowded than the main square and the people didn't wear clothes as extravagant. Elaine assessed that these people were either lower to middle class nobles or wealthy commoners.

"The shop is just around that corner, my Lady."

The shop came into view and it wasn't as eye catching as the shops in the main square. There were only some simple decorations on the outside and a sign that read Boutique Laurel. They entered and the bells rang, alerting a young woman fixing the dresses on a mannequin.

"Welcome," she said with a gentle smile. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"Hey there, Camille." Sophie grinned as she waved her hand.

Flustered and confused, the woman took out her glasses and took a good look at Sophie. "Good heavens, Sophie! What are you doing here?"

Camille came over and hugged Sophie. Elaine felt a bit awkward but put a smile on her face.

"Well to buy a dress of course. For my Lady that is." She chuckled. "We are looking for a dress in either red orange or yellow. Do you still have some?"

"Why yes of course," Camille fixed her glasses and sized up Elaine in just one glance. "Please take a seat while I bring out a few choices."

While Camille was still away, Elaine looked over to Sophie who looked around the shop with nostalgia in her eyes. Elaine opened her mouth. "How do you know her, Sophie?"

"She is a childhood friend of mine," she replied. "I used to help her out in her shop when I had some time in my hands."

"I see," Elaine nodded. "Does this shop belong to her?"

"Yes, it had been passed down to her from her mother and her grandmother had passed it down to her mother," Sophie explained. "Laurel was her grandmother's name, hence the boutique's name."

Camille came back with dresses in her arms. She hung them on the clothes valet and presented them to Elaine. She took out some of her favourites and tried them on.

"The yellow dress suits you the most, my Lady." Camille said. "I will have to make a few adjustments, but it shouldn't take too long. If you don't mind waiting for a bit, I can do it right now."

Elaine nodded. She changed back into her dress with Sophie's help and waited. She took a sip from her tea.

"Does she manage the shop alone, Sophie?" Elaine asked.

"Ah yes, she isn't able to hire helpers since doesn't get enough customers. She wouldn't be able to pay them their wages. It's also why her shop is all the way out here and not in the main square. To open a shop there would be too expensive."

Elaine thought it to be a waste. The dresses she made were so beautiful and of good quality. She told herself she would buy her dresses here again if she were ever to need one again.