
My wife is my life.

A Happy married couple is living in a city . they had compleated 10 years of their marriege .

That man thinks about his wife , when she is with me . He thought every thing is with me . She is my identity. she is my peace . I am alone without her on this earth . But what happens always when i ask something to her she is replying no to every word. 10 years are compeated for my marriege but still her love is decreasing day by day for me.

Not a single demand is complete by her. She is try to behave defensive mode. in the reply of that i am also going in defencive mode . This competition is going on and onn .

I never think that i want to left her .

I will never try for it . in the sake of ego both are showing anger .

Really i love her allot but this is not the way to behave. I Agree that i am asking her always to make laughing face always . I Request her to stay Happy always. its not a big mistake. But why she denise to stay with me . i agree that if she is not speaking with me i share this sadness with my buddy. their i mistaken . I got irrited and given two options stay happy with me or let us stay separate but you stay happy always their thats the condition. I will die but not show my face to you.

why she has taken an option to stay apart instead of staying Happy with me .

Is their any chance that her love is distributed among 2 kids and not remain for me . may be or any other reason.

One day that wife again said 3 times that i dont have Intrust in you 1000 times . That day was bad . Husband requested 1000 times to stay happy with him and dont think about the past thinngs . Mistake is happening by everyones side . Let us forgive each and everyone . But wife is still steady she never listen. She was iriitating to her husband by making sadneas in the house .