
Chapter Ten

When Eden woke up, she was in an unfamiliar bed inside an unfamiliar room. It smelled clean. TOO clean.

Looking around, she recognized the monitor next to her. She was in the hospital. But why? A sharp pain in the back of her head wasted no time in reminding her.

Eden remembered she was trying to break up a fight between Gus and Oliver. Oliver had pushed her out of the way... a little TOO hard. She recalled face planting into the wall. Hitting the table on the way down. Gus' concern. Oliver leaving.

The last part hurt worse than the pain in her head. Gus had told him to leave. He listened. He didn't hesitate, he didn't look back. Just left her lying on the floor. He left her for Gus to take care of.

Gus. He must have brought her to the hospital. Was he still here? Eden looked around the room. Gus was sitting in the only chair, sound asleep.

What time was it? She checked the clock on the wall. 2 a.m.! She'd been out for that long?!

Just then, Gus woke up. He yawned, then noticed that Eden was awake and sitting up. He bounced up from his seat and went to her side, taking her hand.

"Eden, how do you feel?" he asked her anxiously.

"My head hurts," she said, wincing. "Can you keep it down?"

"Of course. Sorry."

He scooted the chair closer to her bed, not letting go of her hand. He sat back down when it was right beside the bed.

Gus held her hand in silence for a while. Then he asked, "How bad does it hurt?"

Eden thought about it for a second. That was a mistake. It made her concentrate on the pain, instead of on Gus and the way he was still holding her hand.

"Imagine," she said. "Imagine 9-inch long nails. Then imagine the hammer that would pound those nails. Now, instead of pounding nails, it's repeatedly hitting the back of your head." She winced for emphasis.

Gus squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry." His face darkened. "If it weren't for him..."

Eden squeezed his hand back. "Don't blame him. Please," she pleaded.

Gus looked up at her harshly. "He's the reason you're here. If he hadn't pushed you, you would be at home sleeping right now."

Sleeping. Right. She hadn't been doing much of that lately. Her thoughts had kept her up until early in the morning.

"I was pushed because I was trying to stop a fight. If I remember correctly, Oliver didn't start it. You did." Eden released his hand.

Gus's face turned red. "That's not the point here. The point is, Oliver-"

"The point is," Eden interrupted him. "You and Oliver don't get along for reasons far beyond me. And honestly? I'm getting sick of it. Whatever happened, it happened in the past. You're almost 22 years old now. Start acting like it."

Gus stared down at his hands for a minute before saying, "Don't you think you should do the same?"

Eden stared at him. How was she not acting her age?

"What?" she said.

"Dont you think you should start acting your age, too?" he repeated.

"I heard you the first time," Eden snapped. Gus was almost as bad as Oliver when it came to answering her questions. "What do you mean I should act my age?"

"You still follow Oliver around like a lost puppy. We aren't in high school anymore, Eden. He doesn't like you like that." Gus took her hand again. "Don't you think it's time to move on?"

Eden snatched her hand away as fast as he took it. "To who? You?"

"Eden, you know how I feel about you." Gus sighed. Eden could see the pain on his face. "I can't force you to like me, but I'll always be here if you change your mind."

With those few words, Eden got to know a new side of Gus. She could feel his pain. Because she knew what it was like. To be hopelessly in love with someone who would never love you back.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, hanging her head. "I'm sorry, Gus. You're right. I do know how you feel. But you also know how I feel. I'm sorry. I can't."

Gus stared at his shoes, not saying anything. After a long while, he finally looked up. He gave Eden a smile, but his heart wasn't in it. It struck Eden to her very core to see him trying to be strong in front of her.

"Well then, we're in the same boat, aren't we?" he said.

"Yeah," Eden confirmed.


"Eden, where were you!"

Eden was greeted by her mother's shout. She winced. She was holding onto Gus's arm for support, but the sudden pounding in her head almost made her crumple, even with his solid strength supporting her. However, before she could fall, Gus caught her. He put her arm around his neck and half-carried, half-dragged Eden to the couch.

Mrs. Richard looked on with a concerned face. "What happened?" she asked.

Gus took her aside and explained the situation. When they came back, Gus said his goodbyes and made his leave. Eden didn't miss the sadness in his eyes when he glanced back at her.

Mrs. Richard sat down next to Eden. "How do you feel?" she asked quietly.

Eden moaned in response.

Mrs. Richard sighed. "I told you he'd changed, Eden. He would never have done this before."

"Not his fault." The doctors had given Eden more painkillers before she'd left. Their effect was kicking in. She was going numb all over. And she was so tired...

"He's bad news. Everyone's been telling you that. Maybe it's time you listen. Before something worse happens."

"Nothing will happen," Eden mumbled.

"You can't be sure of that. It's too big of a risk to take. You shouldn't have to go through what I did." Mrs. Richard's voice was heavy with sadness and regret. Eden understood. Her mom was afraid that what had happened to her would happen to Eden.

"He won't," Eden promised. "Oliver's nothing like him."

Eden's eyes began to droop. She lost all feeling in her body. She couldn't have moved if she wanted to. Before she lost consciousness, she heard her mom whisper one last thing.

"Honey, he's EXACTLY like him."