
The King Will Hear

The mage was practically inconsolable and Henry looked at her helplessly as he tried to pull her hands from her face. Without his voice, he couldn't tell her to stay in the tent or assure her that he would stay guard until the other mages returned. 

Not knowing what else to try, he sat her down on the stone stool and went to the book with blank pages where he had written his message before. 

This time his writing was less neat as he stood and tried to write quickly, not sure if more goblins would come out of the forest. When they saw their own get killed they usually ran in the opposite direction. He hoped they would continue that trend. 

On the page, he wrote: 

"Stay inside. I will guard the out-side of the tent until the other mages return. You are safer in here than you are out there." 

Henry gently placed the note in her lap and hoped it would be enough for the time being.