
No Time To Rest

In the short amount of time the princess and Henry were able to spend with one another, they ate lunch together and wandered around the common areas of Commander Lothian's fortress considering it was too cold to go outside. 

Regrettably, Henry had other duties to attend to so the visit was cut short. He eventually walked her to her carriage and helped her inside. 

As her ocean-blue eyes looked down at him from where she stood in the carriage, a small frown appeared on her face. 

"What is it?" he asked. 

"I'll see you before you leave," she said with conviction. "I'll throw a party if I have to. Promise me you'll see me before you leave on the expedition." 

He promised with all his heart that he would.

Though her words were hopeful, the job of the knights became far more demanding for two solid weeks. There was hardly time to sleep much less go visit the princess because she sat at the forefront of his heart.