
Dragon's Truth

The commander was silently observing but he couldn't resist adding his own comment. 

"Perhaps that's why it seemed to pull magic from the environment when you used it to finish off the dragon," Callum explained, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he stared into the fire the mage had created. 

Siverly looked at Henry with newfound shock yet a bit more admiration as well. 

"Dragons?" he asked. "I'm not misunderstanding, am I?" 

The commander didn't seem like someone who joked around, but he couldn't be sure. 

Being in Polona, could change a person. 

"You're hearing him correctly," Henry admitted quietly. "An underground dragon tried to make us a meal after we stayed in a cave inside of his mouth. I'm certain I still have a bump on my head from the falling rocks." 

The wizard scratched his pale chin thoughtfully.