
Almost A Perfect Moment

Henry already felt he was going to hell for lying to the king so there was no reason not to continue. 

He had kept his black riding gloves on throughout the feast but he finally pulled them off and revealed his hand to the king. 

"As you can tell, your majesty, I was burnt badly during the run-in with the dragons," Henry said. "There wasn't time to think of getting something that seemed relatively less important than surviving. Lava started flowing in Polona and we had no choice but to escape quickly." 

He put back on his glove, not wanting anyone else to ask about it. 

"The mages didn't buy them off of you?" the king asked suspiciously. 

"You know I wouldn't give in to what the mages want," the commander uttered. "They were equally as disappointed that we weren't there hunting for magical monster parts."