
A Working Man

It seemed that most of the older nobles had dispersed and what was left were people around Henry's age. He knew instantly that he wouldn't be able to relate to any of them other than that. 

Lunch was the easy part. All he had to do was sit quietly and eat while only answering questions if people asked them to him directly. Otherwise, he mostly shared words with the princess or focused on the light meal.

It wasn't until they were situated in a sitting room with large windows as their backdrop and a fireplace in front of him that Henry realized it was going to get a lot more difficult that day. 

Most of the other nobles had filtered out but there were a few others sitting amongst the comfortable couches and cushions, enjoying the fire on such a cold winter day. Tea and small desserts had been set out for everyone but Henry was waiting to use the food and drink as a diversion if he ever felt awkward so his remained untouched.