
I Want Powers Too (Dropped)

Mc reborn into ATLA (Avatar The Last Airbender) and doesn't get bending, so he tries his best to survive.

Jay0Kay · TV
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15 Chs

Off to civilization

A/N: I found this guy on YouTube that made Minecraft music shoegaze and it's such a vibe you should check it out. It not important it's just really catchy and I thought I should share

I took me weeks before I finally was able to manage. His death hurt me more than I care to admit, but I have mourned and now it is time to move on. I could probably learn how to enter the spirit realm and meet him, but I don't wish to live in the past.

His death already made me miss out on the absolute treasure that is Wa Sh Tongs library. I could probably ask him to show me books about meditation and spirituality, but I don't think any of us were ready for that. We needed time to mourn.

Now that I have recovered it's time to move on and... and... Well now what? My entire life so far has been a game of cat and mouse with Bamba. I never bothered to think about my future in my entire 13 years. I can crush boulders with my bare hands and can probably kill any mortal enemy. I alone am unrivaled.

I could be a guard, but serving posh pricks would send me through the roof. I can't teach anyone my martial arts with our Jombie. Hit man wouldn't sit well with me and I don't think joining the war effort against the fire nation would work out. I might get wrapped up in the Dai Lee if they figure out my true strength. This would be so much easier if I was a bender.




Wait. I could fake being a bender. If I vibrate a certain part of my body fast enough I can pulverize stone. I could pretend it's a unique bending style only to me, and if I do it all over my body I have the perfect defense. Holy shit this might just work. I will be untouchable.

Then I can enter bending tournaments and rake in the cash, and at the same time fight strong people. This might be my best idea yet. I can even scam pretentious pricks being a grand master. Ha ha ha ha ha. This is going to be fun.

First things first though, I'm stuck in the desert and need to find civilization. All I found in my travels, were mostly criminals on the run and other bandits.

Bandits, yes bandits. That's it the, other bandits tribes. They use sand bending to travel all over the place at rabid speeds, they are probably faster than lizard cammels, and I can force them to navigate for me. How will I convince them though.




Well there is saying back in my world that the gun is the greatest negotiator, and I'm the equivalent to an automatic rifle with all the fixings. I'm pretty sure we can work out a deal that's beneficial to both parties. You keep your bones intact and I get a ride. Now all I need it find one.

It can't be that hard, can it?


Nevermind it's that hard. I've been searching for them for about a week, and only know found one in the distance, and it seems to be moving away from me. No way I'm hell am I passing up my ride that I've been searching for for an entire week.

I breathed in hard got into a stance and ran as fast as I could. I covered ground so fast I might as well been an F1 racecar. I never truly realized how fast I could go until now. I never tried it running at full speed. I guess I stopped after the first chase between me and Bamba ended with the worst beating I ever received, but now I could lap that fuck before he realized it. If only he was here to see it

As I got closet I saw them pointing at me and they began to go faster, but they were a fool to think they could escape me. So with shree determination I somehow managed to get faster. And soon enough I was upon them.

With a mighty leap I got into the boat. Causing it to shake from my landing. The occupants screamed with terror and abandoned ship in different directions. There resistance was futile.

Using shave as well as thunder breathing I caught them in second. By hitting pressure points I paralyzed them and had them fall to the floor. I grabbed them by the back of there clothes and dragged them all back to the sand sailor. On the way back they started crying and begging.

Throwing them on the sand sailor I shouted with all my might "SHUT THE HELL UP, ALL OF YA! I'm only going to say this once you will take me to the biggest city you know and you all stay in one piece. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!"

I looked at there quivering forms confused by there fear, but I used it to my advantage to get them more obedient. I may be abusing my strength, but they are bandits so it's okay. I almost feal bad about it. Almost.

I saw them whimper before one spoke in such a soft voice it could be almost mistaken for the wind. "Ye- Yes great spirit. We will do as you command."

Great spirit where did this shit come from. I'm human, what makes me look like a spirit. I'm covered in tattered rags, stained with blood, scared body from fighting with Bamba, unnaturally sharp nails I made for better claw arts, fast enough to catch up to a sand sailor, wait I'm starting to see it now.

They don't think something like me can be human. Chances are from all the Jombie I've been drinking I'm not human. My body probably has way to many alterations to be considered human. Huh something to think about. Well let's play along.

"You mortals are wise to realize my greatness. I am pleased. Now get up and ferry me to my destination." I said while shooing them with my hand.

Thier faces showed signs of relief, but as they tried to get up one shakily spoke "I still can not move great spirit would you be so kind as to release us from your power?"

Damn. Forgot to release my pressure points. This really kills my image doesn't it. I walked to the closest person to me and hit the release pressure points and to play it off cool I hit a pressure point to increase their energy and strength while saying

"I have given you a drop of my power so that you may walk unburned by my pressure and take me to my destination faster. It will return to me by the end of the night, but do this task well and I will let you keep some.

All they faces looked up at me in awe and bowed. While another person spoke in reverence.

"It is our honor great one."

And this we were off.

We sailed along the sands and I was sat in their biggest chair as to show respect. They set up a small tarp over where I sat to keep the sun off me. Lastly they assigned some one to fan me. I should have done this ages ago.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence as to not upset me. After a day of traveling we set up for a night. They started a fire to fight of the dessert chill and began to cook. One of the braver ones asked me in a soft voice

"Do you require food great spirit?"

I looked at them with the side of my eye before speaking "That would be appreciated." Truly it's been a while since I ate something. Maybe about a month. As to why I wasn't worried about poison is because while running from Bamba I ate many poisonous insects for food. After the first week and a half nothing bothered me anymore.

The person ran off and returned with a bowl. "It is but a humble meal great spirit, forgive us for not being able to offer you a meal worthy of your greatness."

Taking the bowl I spoke. "I appreciate your offering. In return take this" I said while handing them a single bottle of Jombie, sure it may be against the rules, but I'm really starting to feel bad about taking advantage they seem so scared. "Give this to the young and sick. It should make the strong and healthy again, but be sparing about it."

They bowed in thanks as they walked backed the crowd and chatted animatedly about the gift the spirit bestowed them. As the night continued they chatted about this and that while taking weary glances at me. As the conversation began to lull they walked to thier tents and headed in for the night.

also another thing why do ai plankton covers sound so good. I wan the voice actor of plankton to start singing. I would listen to a whole album

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