
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantasía
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241 Chs

Chapter 56 : Incoming Beast Tide ( part 2 )

Wang Qian and Bai Lian are now increasing their strength in their own way. Since the beast tide was about to come, they didn't do anything else except eating, taking a bath and sleeping. The rest of the time was used to increase their strength. Soon, the day has come. Tie Feng contacted Wang Qian through their link.

'My lord, are you there?'

'Is it time already?'

'Replying to my lord, yes. The beast tide has finally reached the perimeters of the city. Soon, the battle will begin between us humans and monsters.'

'I see. By the way, I've changed my mind. Bai Lian wanted to tag along with me so I allowed her to do so.'

'Does my lord intend to bring Princess Bai deep into the forest?'

'Yes, I want to try fighting the strongest monster among them all.'

'Understood. Then I'll be waiting for my lord's order to assist.'

'That will be appreciated. I'll be going to the city gate now.'

Wang Qian then ended the conversation as he turned towards Bai Lian, who was deep in thought while reading the texts.

"Bai Lian, it's time."

"Okay." Bai Lian said as she place down the text and stood up. Wang Qian then stood up too as he walked towards Bai Lian and extended his hand. Bai Lian held it as they exited the building together.


At the city's entrance, there gathered a large group of adventurers. The average rank of the adventurers here was about a normal C-rank adventurer. Of course, that was just the average level. Some of the D-rank adventurers also toughen themselves up as they decided to take up the mission.

Currently, Wang Qian and Bai Lian are alone sitting next to the wall. They have took their potions and other useful items that might come in handy later. What they got was healing potions, some rations, some oil, monster trapper and etc. These items were given to them for free by the city. It was then, a soldier from the city mansion came over. He then said.

"All adventurers are ordered to head outside of the city's entrance now. The beast tide is estimated to reach us in 10 minutes."

Hearing his words, all the adventurers stopped talking as they quickly grabbed their weapons and headed out of the gate. The city's army was already stationed outside, getting ready to rush in to the battle when needed. They also built tents for people with healing magic like Bai Lian to heal others.

It was then that the adventurers form two different groups. There was a large amount of adventurers in the group on the right. The group on the right only consists of 7 people, with two of them being Wang Qian and Bai Lian. 

Apparently, the city mansion once the C-rank and below adventurers to join their army in fighting off the beast near the city's entrance. The B-rank adventurers were left to fight as much as they wanted. 

After everyone settled down, the city lord stood in front of everyone. He has a gold hair with a mustache on his face, he was wearing something like a work uniform in our world, as the people all look at him with reverence. 

"Hello to all of you adventurers and soldiers. First of all, I'm very grateful to you adventurers who are willing to assist the city in fighting off the beast tide. To express it, the city has decided to give potions and are other things that might come in handy to all of you. If you haven't get it, you guys can collect one set later."

"As you can see, the beast tide is nearing us every second, so as the start of the battle." The city lord then pointed to his back. The people subconsciously looked to where he pointed, but what they saw scared them. One of the adventurers shouted as he pointed towards the field behind the city lord. 

"Look! The monsters... they aren't there anymore, but there is still soil in the air and it keeps coming closer to us!"

Hearing what he said, the others looked again and saw that he was right. Despite not seeing any monsters, there was still soil that flowed in the air as it seems that something was running through it. The city lord immediately restored order in the adventurers as he said.

"Silence, we might not be able to see any monsters on the field, but there is no doubt that they are still running towards us from the soil flying in the air. B-rank adventurers, you guys are allowed to do what you want as long as it doesn't affect the city."

"To the other adventurers, I want you all to get a torch and try to burn the bodies of the..."

Before the city lord could finish what he wanted to say, multiple balls condensed from fire appeared on the sky. Each one of them was at least the size of a house. Everyone looked towards the B-rank adventurers and saw that Bai Lian, who was holding Wang Qian's hand, raised her right one as she condensed the giant [ Flame Balls ].

She then fired the balls on to the field. As it landed, multiple fire walls was created as it turned into a barrier and envelope something before disappearing. After the fire barrier disappeared, multiple bodies of monsters was seen lying on the floor. 

Their skins was scorched black as smoke was given off from the bodies. Just from that attack, a big group of monsters had died and formed a line that curved a little on the perimeters of the city. 

Wang Qian: "...."

Other B-rank adventurers :"....."

The city lord :"..."

The other adventurers :"..."

The soldiers :"..."

Silence prevailed the entire place, they didn't know what to say after seeing a little girl condensing multiple fire balls the size of a house and firing them to the field, killing multiple monsters in a single second.

Noticing that everyone was looking at her with their mouths slightly opened, Bai Lian quickly lowered her hand as she turned around and tug her face into Wang Qian stomach. Seeing this, everyone was even speechless. If Wang Qian could read thoughts, he would definitely hear a large group of people saying "You only feel embarrassed now after interrupting the city lord's speech?"

The city lord was even more flabbergasted, he was just about to order the adventurers to grab a torch and burn the bodies of the monsters so that they can see them. But Bai Lian just launch fire balls on to the field, killing them all. The soil was not even kicked into the air anymore after the deaths of the monsters.

This made the soldiers and adventurers who prepared themselves for death very confused as they didn't know what to do anymore. Some of them even said something like "I'll marry you after I come back" to their loved ones. Now, they can't even go back. Who goes onto the battlefield and comes back without any injuries or being clean?

Just like that, everyone stood there and looked at the girl who was the mastermind behind all of this as her ears got even redder every passing moment...