
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantasía
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241 Chs

Chapter 54 : Creating A Inner World ( part 2 )

Wang Qian continued to control the flow of mana in his body. Just as he was finally about to create a small space in his heart and thus fulfilling the need of creating an inner world. Bai Lian tapped on his shoulder lightly as she said.

"Papa, it's nighttime already."

Hearing her words, Wang Qian knew he had to stop as he let go of his control over the flow of mana in his body. The mana in his heart started flowing like normal again, but what was different was that the overall density of mana in his body increased. 

Wang Qian opened his eyes as he saw the night sky outside the window. He then turned towards Bai Lian as he asked

"Were you bored when I was meditating?"

"A little. I was looking at papa meditating before falling asleep."

"Looks like I really need to buy some games for you to play with when I'm meditating. Let's go, we're going to have dinner now." Wang Qian said as he got up and extended his hand towards Bai Lian. Bai Lian held his hands as they exited the room.


Currently, Bai Lian is sitting on Wang Qian's should while looking at the crowd that surrounded them. They already finished their dinner as they started looking for desserts. Wang Qian looked around before asking Bai Lian

"Which direction should we go?"

"Let's go there. That dessert seems delicious." Bai Lian said as he point to the 2 o'clock direction. Wang Qian then walked over to the stall there. What was sold at the stall was cotton candy with different flavors.

'There's cotton candy in this world?' Wang Qian was in shocked as he thought that all of the food here was different to the one back at ours. 

"How much for one, boss?" Wang Qian asked the uncle at the stall.

"1 copper quins for two." the uncle said.

"Then give me the pink one and the blue one." he said as he took out a copper quins and gave it to the uncle. The uncle took it over as he passed the two cotton candy over to him. Wang Qian took it over and passed the two to Bai Lian.

"You can have the red one. Just give me the blue one. Since I'm carrying you, I can't eat it yet so you'll need to feed it to me." 

"Okay papa." Bai Lian replied as he ate hers and turned the blue one upside down and let Wang Qian eat it. He took a bite off it, Bai Lian then turned the cotton candy back up as they continue to walk. 

In the end, the only desserts that interests them was the cotton candy. There were other delicious foods, but those are nut suitable for them as they have already ate dinner. So, they decided to end the day here and back to their room.


As Bai Lian jumped on to the bed, Wang Qian closed the door behind as he sat on the side. Bai Lian looked at him, wondering what was Wang Qian doing. Noticing her gaze, Wang Qian smiled as he explained to her.

"Well, I need to do some meditating again. So, I won't go to sleep. But don't worry, I'll be next to you and you can just call me if you need me."

"Okay." Bai Lian replied as she nodded.

"Goodnight then, my little princess."

"Goodnight papa." Bai Lian said as she closed her eyes. Wang Qian then sat cross-legged on the bed as he started circulating the mana in his body. Just like in the afternoon, Wang Qian controlled the flow of mana in his body to be denser in his heart while lowering the density of mana at other parts of his body.

Probably due to the overall increase in density of mana inside his body, it took a bit longer to make an imbalance of density of mana in his body compared to the afternoon. After he managed to create an imbalance of mana and leaving some parts without mana, his constitution's passive ability, the auto-absorbing mana function activated and filled up the empty spots.

Wang Qian then circulated the newly entered mana as he directed it towards his heart, leaving the place empty again. Soon, the small crack that wiggled around appeared inside his heart again. This time the crack was noticeably bigger than the last one, Wang Qian also noticed the crack as he placed more attention in controlling the flow of mana. 

As more mana was directed towards his heart and getting compressed by the small space in it, the density of mana in his heart was getting higher and higher, as the crack was getting bigger and more stabler. At last, the crack became stable as it doesn't seem to be closing anymore. Mana was then getting sucked away by the crack. 

'I succeeded!' Wang Qian celebrated in his mind. Now that the crack has stabilized, Wang Qian has stopped circulating his mana as he let the crack absorb all of it. Right now in his body, a weird competition has happened. The passive ability of his constitution was absorbing the surrounding mana crazily as the crack continued to suck away all of the mana that entered his body.

'Now that the crack has stabilized, I should have created an inner world already right? But the system didn't sent a message, so does that means it's incomplete?' Wang Qian thought. He then tried to peak what was at the other side of the crack in his heart. Half of his consciousness was then sucked away by the crack as it appeared in a void. He saw that his mana that got absorbed was concentrated at a point. The mana gathered and formed a ball, the ball continued to grow as more mana was gathered onto it. 

"Is my mana forming a world? If so, am I supposed to form it for the side quest to be counted as completed?" Wang Qian muttered. 

"It doesn't matter, does it? Since that the system didn't said I've completed the side quest, I should just focus on forming the world first. I might finish the quest this way." 

His consciousness then exited the space in the crack. After his consciousness returned his body, he started circulating the mana in his body again as he directed all of it to the crack. His auto-absorbing mana function was crazily absorbing mana from the surrounding to fill up his body as it tried to keep up with the sucking force of the crack.

But the crack contained a space in it, so it was totally impossible for the passive ability of his constitution to keep up with it as the sucking force got stronger every moment. Wang Qian had to stop the sucking force sometimes just so that his auto-absorbing mana ability can fill up his body. 


"It's finally finished." Wang Qian said. 



Wang Qian opened his eyes to see the sun that was rising slowly, the sunlight shone on him as he felt a warm feeling embracing him. The sun also shone on Bai Lian as it woke her up.

"Sorry, did the sunlight made you wake up?" he asked.

"mhmm." Bai Lian replied as she nodded her head and turned to the other side, wanting to continue sleeping. Seeing this, Wang Qian smiled as he closed the curtains and laid on the bed with Bai Lian, taking a small rest from meditating the whole night...

well, this is a note from after this chapter was post.

I'll be posting late for the next chapter cuz i'm having some otehr school activities. I'm very sorry bout that but i'll definitely post it today.

SORROWcreators' thoughts