
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantasía
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241 Chs

Chapter 31 : Giving Bai Lian The Plot

[ LEVEL : 25 ]

[ EXP NEEDED FOR NEXT LEVEL UP : 1300/ 250000 ]


[ MAGIC VALUE : 88400 ]

[ STRENGTH VALUE : 88400 ]




[ SHOP ]




[ COINS : 13 ]

'It really increased! [ Magic Condensation ] also got its level raised. Moreover, [ Dark Curse ] is now recognized by the system and it's already level 2! ' Wang Qian exclaimed in his mind as he walked slowly on the street with Bai Lian on his shoulder eating the last dessert. 

"Bai Lian, do you have anywhere you want to go?" he asked

"No, we've already explored the city once. There's nothing left to see anymore.." she replied

"You're right.... Since we have nothing to do, let's go back and read the book written by that mage and learn more spells. I need to return the book two days after this." Wang Qian said

"Okay! I've also been wanting to learn more spells."

After entering their room, Bai Lian took the book and sat beside the table. She then took the paper and pen and started to copy the text about the following spells. She noticed that Wang Qian was not doing the same and asked

"Are you not going to write, papa?"

"Ah, sorry. I was thinking about something. You can continue to write on your own."

"Is that so? Then I'll also write down the texts about papa's spells." she said

"Thank you, Bai Lian. What a kind daughter I have." Wang Qian said as he patter her head


He then turned his attention back on to the system, and started thinking 

'Let's start with the first thing, Since when did the system start to corrode a plot?' he pondered over this question.

'Could it be that time that I killed the plot? Yes, it should be. The plot did say something about a new program and it containing a bug. I guess it was saying that a new plot was being created and the system corroded it the moment it did.' Wang Qian deduce after thinking back on his experience.

'Well that explains how the system even start to corrode the plot. Now that I've received the plot's blessing, does that make me the MC?' he thought

'What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I am! If I'm not the MC even after receiving the plot's blessing, I might as well leave this planet and go reck it apart! Anyways, now that I've understand what happened, what should I do with the extra plot?'

Wang Qian then started to think of ways to use it, before deciding that it will be better to give it to Bai Lian. That way, she won't get kidnapped again. 

Yes, you guys saw it. The dude just gave the plot to Bai Lian so that she won't get kidnapped again. But then again, this will help Bai Lian in becoming stronger so she doesn't need to be constantly protected by Wang Qian.

"System, can the plot be given to Bai Lian" he asked softly



"Yes" he said firmly

The next second, Wang Qian felt that something came out from the insides of his body before entering Bai Lian's though her glabella. He then felt a unique aura coming out from her body, and the aura seems to be resonating with the energy inside of him.


Bai Lian who was copying the text, suddenly felt stronger all of a sudden. She then looked over to Wang Qian and felt that she became closer with him as her mana started to react. Confused, she asked him

"Did you do something, papa?"

"Did you feel it? Your strength increasing." Wang Qian replied with a question

"I did. I was copying the texts before it suddenly happened. So, was it you who did that?"

"Yes, I had something with me that could increase a person strength and luck at the same time. So, I gave it to you since I already applied one on me." he said

"Thank you papa! I'll work hard to increase my strength in the future" she said as she jumped towards Wang Qian and hugged him 

"You don't have to work too hard, just train a little daily." he said as he patted her head


They then turned back and started copying the text together. Instead of learning while copying, they decided to copy all the text about the spells for their magic before they return it. Soon, night fell. Despite copying the text since afternoon until now, Wang Qian only managed to copy a fifth of the total basic spell there is for Dark and Holy magic, while Bai Lian wasn't even able to copy a tenth of the basic spell there is for her magics. 

Don't think that Bai Lian copied less than Wang Qian, in fact she copied more than him, a lot more. This was due to her having affinity with 4 types of magic, while Wang Qian only had two. So in the future, Bai Lian will probably have more spells than Wang Qian and stronger in the field of magic.

After resting for a while, they then took a shower while taking turns. When Bai Lian came out she was wearing the yellow dress, making Wang Qian wanting to hold her high up.


The pair then headed downstairs to have dinner. They ordered the same meal but with some juices this time. Wang Qian ordered orange juice while Bai Lian ordered apple juice. After they finished, they decided to go and have a walk outside, despite Bai Lian sitting on Wang Qian's shoulder every time they do so. 

They laughed and joke about the stories they heard from the others, like how someone said they loss their quins only to realize that he spent all of it on the bar before coming back at the night to order while being penniless.

Just as they were having lots of fun, they heard a scream. When they turned their heads, the two saw a building on fire at the end of the street. Wang Qian immediately dashed to the building and place Bai Lian down. He then contacted Jian Ze

'Jian Ze, are you there?'

'Replying to my lord, your loyal believer is here'

'There's a building on fire over here, I'm gonna go inside to save the people, but I don't want to leave Bai Lian alone outside. Can you come here quick and take care of her in my stead?'

'Understood, my lord. I'll be there soon'

It took around 5 minutes for Jian Ze to reach here. He then bowed slightly to both Wang Qian and Bai Lian.

"Paying respects to my lord and the princess"

"Just skip the formalities, I'll be going now, Bai Lian. Stay here with Uncle Jian Ze, okay?"

"I want to help too! I can use my water magic to put out the fire." she said

"The fire is too big to be put out. We should focus on saving the people inside first"


Wang Qian then turned towards Jian Ze and said

"I'll be leaving her in your care"

"Be at ease, my lord. I will give my all in protecting the princess"

Wang Qian then ran inside the building, while shouting "Can anyone hear me? If you can, shout out as loud as you can. I'll come and save you!"

As soon as he said so, a shout came from above him. He then condense a hammer a smash it towards the ceiling on top of it.

"Ahh!" The boy that was shouting just now screamed in fright as he thought he was gonna fall to death.

"You're okay now. Go outside the building. Your family should be outside waiting for you"

He then shouted loudly again. "Scream if you can hear me. I'll come to your rescue soon." His sound reverberated in and out the building

The people inside who heard his voice started cooperating and scream as loud as they can. Hearing their scream, Wang Qian jumped as high as he can while smashing the ceiling that blocked his way. Soon, he reach to the closest person to him.

"What the..." the person was shocked by his actions, but before he can finish his sentence, Wang Qian carried him and jumped down the hole he made.

He then put the person down on the ground and told him to get out of the building, before jumping back up through the hole. By repeating this, the people who got save increased every moment. Bai Lian, who was outside with Jian Ze, finally couldn't hold it anymore as she tried to condense a giant [ Water Ball ].

Unable to understand why she put up her hand suddenly and closed her eyes, Jian Ze asked

"May I ask what you are doing, princess?"

"I'm trying to condense a giant water ball to put out the fire. Protect me while I do so"


More and more people got out from the building as Bai Lian was closer to condesning the water ball.

"It's ready!"

Hearing her words, Jian Ze shouted

"Everyone stand aside!"

Although being confused by Jian Ze's words, they did as he said. Bai Lian then immediately condensed the giant water ball that she was trying to condense a few moments ago. Water vapor started to appear and merged into a small drop of water. The water started to expand quickly until reaching the size of a small building. Bai Lian then controlled the water ball to be moved on top on to the building.

"Tell papa and the people inside to hold their breaths. I can't hold on for long"

Jian Ze, immediately contacted Wang Qian through the link

'My lord, the princess wants you and the people inside to hold their breath. She's about the release a giant water ball on top of the building to put out the flame'

'Okay, tell her to hold on as long as she can.'

Wang Qian then shouted again

"To the people inside the building, hold your breaths. A giant water ball will be released soon"

Right after he said so, the people who were screaming just now turned quiet as they held their breaths.

'Now!' Wang Qian told Jian Ze through the link

Hearing his words, Jian Ze nodded to Bai Lian, signaling that she can release the water ball now. Seeing him nod, Bai Lian unleashed the water ball, letting it fall. When the water touched the fire, sizzling sounds was made while smoke can be seen. The water dropped quickly from the top to the bottom. The extra water then flowed past the bystanders feet wetting some of their shoes, but they didn't mind. Instead, they started clapping for Bai Lian's heroic action of putting out the fire and saving the lives inside the building. 

Seeing that the people were applauding for her, Bai Lian lowered her head in embarrassment. Jian Ze then said to her 

"Thanks to you princess, the people in that building got saved."

but that just made her even more embarrassed to the point one might even see smoke coming out from her head.


In the building, the people were very nervous as they waited for the said water ball to drop down and put out the fire. Soon, the said water ball dropped. The people experience the feeling of being trapped in water while being above the ground for the first time. But that feeling didn't last long as the water continue to drop. The people let go of their breath as they repeatedly took deep breaths, but the became nervous again after hearing sounds of wall being smashed apart. 

The first person screamed when he noticed Wang Qian jumped next to him from below.

"There's no need to be afraid, I'm here to help. Can you walk?" he asked


"Good. The fire is already put out. Just use the stairs and exit the building."

Wang Qian then faced up as he shouted

"To the people inside the building, if you can walk on your own, just use the stairs and exit the building. If you can't just sit there and wait for someone to help you down."

"Well, I'll be leaving now" he then said to the guy before jumping up and smashing the ceilings that blocked his way. Surprisingly, most of the people can still walk on their own. There was only a few that was press on to the ground by shelves and some other stuff. Wang Qian then brought them out one by one. 

Soon, everyone inside the building that was burning just now survived. When Wang Qian came out from the building with the last casualty, the bystanders and the people who he saved gave him a big round of applause. 

Wang Qian was stunned by their actions before coming back to his senses and waving back to them. Bai Lian and Jian Ze then walked slowly to him. Jian Ze took the casualty from his hand and said.

"I'll be taking my leave first, my lord." 

"Okay, thank you for your hard work"

Wang Qian extended his hand and patted Bai Lian's head while saying

"You did a good job condensing that giant water ball."


The two then laughed for a bit

"Let's go home"


Wang Qian then carried Bai Lian on his shoulder and dashed back to their inn. The people waved at their leaving shadows, while some lowered their heads to show their respect.. But what the pair didn't know was that, their actions of saving the people inside that building, was the same as digging back the hole that they just filled, while making it bigger at the same time...

this will be the second chapter. chap 3 will be out around half and an hour. might be longer though.

SORROWcreators' thoughts