
I Turned From The Villain To The Main Character

On the planet called Earth, lived an ordinary university student whose grades were a little above average. On one night, as he finished his daily reading session in his dorm, he decided to head out to buy some food. As he made his way to the local market closest to him, a speeding car crashed onto him. Just as the boy thought that he was going to die, he opened his eyes as he appeared in another world. Just as he was wondering where he was, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind as a screen appeared in front of him. [ MAIN QUEST ] [ TARGET : KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER ( HERO OF THE HUMANS ) ] [ DEADLINE : NONE ] [ MISSION REWARDS : CONTINUATION OF LIFE, 10000EXP , [???] ] Wang Qian : "Did I just get a system that threatens my life?“

SORROW · Fantasía
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241 Chs

Chapter 20 : The Wrath Of Wang Qian

Currently, Wang Qian is running in the forests towards the waterfall to hide in the cave. Behind him are royal guards who chased after him when they noticed Wang Qian dashing out to escape.


'I need to find kill these guards first, else they might find our hiding spot' he thought before abruptly turning out around and condense a sword to behead all the soldiers.

The soldiers were unable to react to Wang Qian's sudden reaction, causing them to die before they realize. Wang Qian then continued to run towards the direction of the waterfall. When the other soldiers from behind managed to reach the place where Wang Qian last was, they only saw the dead bodies of their comrades.

"Split up and search for that guy, he should still be around here." One of them said.

They then run in 5 different directions, with neither of them even getting close to where Wang Qian was. One of the soldiers who went alone saw the waterfall where Wang Qian was at, and saw the starry-like water , but he thought it was only because of the stars on the sky and continued to run to another direction.

In the cave, Wang Qian told Bai Lian to stay quiet until the morning. Bai Lian didn't reply and just sat in a corner with head down. Seeing so, he felt even more guilty to what has happened to the villagers.

The morning came quickly and the cave's entrance close up as expected. With there being no way for the soldiers to know where they are, Wang Qian sat down on the ground opposite to Bai Lian.

"Xiao Bai..."

"Don't call me that. Only my dad gets to call me so."

Wang Qian wanted to apologize to Bai Lian, but she rejected him before he get to say anything, not wanting to listen to anything he has to say.

"I know...but the village head asked me to take care of you. Although I'm not worthy to be your father, I still need to fulfill my promise with the village head"

"What's the use of fulfilling it? He's no longer here anyways" she replied in dejection, as if she already has lost all meaning to live after losing her father.

"..." Wang Qian didn't know how to reply to this. The silence between them continued on until he said something to Bai Lian.

"Bai Lian, although you might feel that you've lost all hope now, and want to die already , but I won't let you do so. Not until, I take revenge for the others and the village head. Even after doing so, I still won't let you die alone. So, please stay with me so that I can fulfill my promise to the village head"

Knowing that she wouldn't reply to him, Wang Qian decided to meditate inside the cave and recover as much strength as possible.


"How is it? Did anybody came out yet? The captain asked.

"Replying to captain, a person managed to escape the village to the forest with a girl that has white hair on his back" the soldier replied.

Hearing this, the captain was enraged and scolded the soldier.


The soldier was afraid and immediately went to pass the order to the others. Soon, the soldiers entered the forest and split into groups with 5-7 people in one group. After reorganizing into multiple groups, they started searching in different directions just like what the previous soldiers who entered earlier then them did. But they were even better, they not only cut down multiple trees so as to lower the chances of Wang Qian hiding in a spot where they can't see, they even set multiple traps that will launch something like a signal flare to the sky.

But what they didn't know was that Wang Qian is currently hiding in the rocks behind the waterfall where they went by multiple times...


After finishing setting up the traps, a part of the soldiers was sent back to continue surround the village and prevent anybody from escaping. The rest was stationed at the forest at different locations so as to better close off Wang Qian's escape routes. From time to time, a person will be sent back to report their current situation to the captain. This time, the captain wasn't enraged after getting multiple reports with no results he wanted. Instead, he gave a dangerous order. One that is determined to kill the two villagers who had escaped. He wanted to burn a part of the forest down , and use this to vent his anger when the villagers disrespected him last time.

The soldier who was in charge of the report then went back to the forest to pass the order to the other soldiers.

Soon, night fell. The cave entrance opened up as it should, Wang Qian then stood up and started walking out of the cave. Before he exited, he said to Bai Lian: "Stay here and do go out. I'll go out and hunt for food. I'll come back soon. Before that, please just stay there and don't make any noises or do anything that will hurt yourself "

Bai Lian also didn't reply this time. Seeing this, Wang Qian left the cave with a stronger will to achieve vengeance on the royal palace and make them pay for what they've done.


When night came, minority of the soldiers in the forest was sent out to search for Wang Qian. They were also given another task, that is to go to a certain place in the forest far from their camp, and light a fire using magic. Before that, they all walked quietly and looked around trying to find the shadow of Wang Qian.

One of the soldiers whose camp was the closest to Wang Qian's hiding spot went towards the waterfall, wanting to laze around and admire the view there. When he reached there, he was dazzled by the starry-like water falling from the top. Just as he was about to sit down and take out his beer, he suddenly heard sounds of rustling from the bushes. He then pulled out his sword and walked slowly and cautiously towards where the sound came from. When he finally finish walking over there, he slashed the upper part of the bushes, only to see that there was nothing there.

"Looks like I was just being paranoid.." the soldier said before turning around. Just then, he suddenly find that the world turned upside down and that his view was lowering every second. He then saw a person suddenly appearing in front of him. The person then said : " Go to hell " with a cold tone. It was only then that he realized that he was beheaded. 

"One down... it's not enough... I need to kill more of them... else I can't take revenge for them.." Wang Qian muttered before dashing towards the direction where the soldier came from, intending to kill all the soldiers that was over there. 


Back at where the captain was, a soldier is kneeling with one knee on the ground in front of him, reporting the situation in the forest to him. Just as he was about to finish, another soldier rushed in shouting "CAPTAIN!! SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED IN THE FOREST" 

"Where are you manners?... Never mind, tell me what is the bad thing you're talking about?" the captain asked.

"The multiple camps in the forest are destroyed with multiple bodies of our comrades lying on the ground. We suspect the culprit might be the person who ran out with the girl in the morning" the soldier said after calming down.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" the captain suddenly shouted.

"I said... that multiple camps....have been.....de...destroyed, sir. There should....be fi....fi..five left that are...are currently..safe." the soldier replied to the captain while shivering.


"Ye...yes sir!" said the soldier. Just as he turned around, his head fell off and hit the ground with a loud thud. The body also fell down afterwards, revealing a man standing there.

"Wh...who...are...you?" the captain asked. He, a captain in the royal palace, didn't even sense the presence of the guy in front of him. Although he was just a lowly captain in the palace, but his strength should be at top in this place and the village.

"Who am I you ask? I'm the demon lord that you all been searching for. Now that I'm here, you should be happy right? Why are you here shivering then? " Wang Qian said coldly while using [ MAGIC PRESSURE ] on the captain.

"I...I...I, please.... please spare me!! I'll .... I'll do anything you say, so" the captain knelt down towards him.

Even so, Wang Qian didn't even bother to consider sparing the captain. Instead, he hold the captain's neck and lift him up, while condensing a pair of claws on his other hand.

"When the others said that to your soldiers and you, did you even consider sparing them? No right? So why should I spare you after what you all did to them?" Wang Qian said to the captain. He then use his other hand with the claws to pierce the stomach of the captain.

"AAAHHHHHHH!!" The captain screamed in pain.

"It hurts right? Well, this is what you deserve" he said before slicing his right arm off.


"Scream, SCREAM MORE FOR ME!!!" Wang Qian said before slicing destroying his liver, his legs , his manhood, every organ except the heart that a human body would need to have, and every time he did so, the captain screamed even louder.

"Don't think you'll finally be able to escape from torture after death" he said before penetrating the captain's heart. The blood then gushed out and stained his face and shirt.

"Now, let's finish off the others" Wang Qian said


In the cave, Bai Lian fell asleep after Wang Qian left. Her body then laid on the floor. She would sometimes say "don't go" in her sleep and some tears will fall of her face. When Wang Qian came back, he immediately saw Bai Lian who was lying on the floor. He made her sit up and tried to wake her up.

"Bai Lian wake up now, I've brough the food back" Wang Qian said with the softest and kindest tone he can to Bai Lian. When Bai Lian opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was her dad that woke her up to see the stars at night when she was small. After being a little energized, she finally saw Wang Qian, who had some blood stains of his face.

"Where.. did you get these blood stains from?" she asked.

"Oh, there's still left? I should have cleaned it properly. Don't worry it's just the blood of some scums. Moreover you should wash your face and get ready to eat." he said. 

"mhm" she replied. Although she is still very sad, she started to feel better after reminiscing some good memories of her with her dad when she was small. She starts to unconsciously feel closer towards Wang Qian as he resembles a little like her father.

Under the moonlight, the teenager and the girl was eating their first meal after escaping into the forest. Despite it being not as good as the food in the village, it was full of warmth, and that was enough for the two whose hearts was already cold...

well this will be third, gonna start writting the fourth. please continue to support the story!

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