

"I know you're watching that one is probably the last one, I don't care what you do I just want the owner and the half-orc that you bought." Augustus spoke but unfortunately The Mad Doctor is no longer watching as he's currently busy abandoning the place and escaping through a secret passage.

As Augustus proceeded, there's bunch of cages containing human experimentation where most of the human doesn't resemble humans anymore and all of them are ecstatic when they saw Augustus.

"Kill me please!"

"End my suffering!"



Augustus reminiscence of the Goblin King situation and he sighed, as he passed through them he used Froze Qi to freeze all of them, giving them quick and painless death as warmth leave their body.

Then as Augustus continued to walk, he noticed Urga and Owner in the cages, both were unconscious, but they look normal, at least none of their body parts was changed like the others. 'Where is the Mad Doctor?'