
I transmigrated to a mafia character from a BL Dark novel!

Lee Fei is a normal 30-year-old man who has a good job as a librarian at the National University in China. He is an avid reader and has always read everything, including BL and GL, even though he declares himself 100% straight. He died just like that. There was no truck. There was no car accident. No deadly disease. Lee Fei reincarnated and transmigrated to the world of the book he had read days before he died. Unfortunately, a BL Dark Book. The worst, he transmigrated as an insignificant side character! Lee Fei became Emery Darcy, who is the third child of a powerful duke. Your life should be full of wealth and happiness, right? Unfortunately, Emery Darcy followed the path of an exorcist! Yes, Emery Darcy is an Exorcist Bishop! To make the irony of his situation worse, this side character had a worse fate than the villain. What an injustice! As the knowledge of the plot of this world, Lee Fei intends to return to the home of his rich family and live a good life! So, what if he has divine powers and MANA from nature? He just wants a rich and peaceful life! Ehhhh? Is the MC making a honey trap for me? Is ML no longer a possessive demon, but a tsundere that is following me? Is the fallen archangel a shameless voyeur who spies on me even in the bath? A guardian knight who thinks I'm the reincarnation of the god of nature? Stay away from me, I just want a peaceful life! Does apocalypse come far? No matter, I'm rich enough to protect myself! Let's have a happy and rich life as a good nobleman should be. NOTE: 1. R 18 2. Chapter Auxiliary with the main characters of the harem so far; 3. Harem Romance 4. Follow my Ko-fi for news and weekly calendars: https://ko-fi.com/post/Calendar-1001--1601-L4L27V5L9 and Ko-fi.com/take_the_moon. Thanks for your support in the 2021. Hope we're together in 2022 too.

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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Ranking (Church of Light and Divine Warriors )

There may be changes in descriptions or additions as more characters with these stats appear. This is a summary of the class just to give an idea of the characters' position within the plot. Other religions and temples may not follow the same structure.

Ranking of the Church of the God of Light (Scholars, Exorcists, Ruins Explorers, they do not perform a physical battle role.)

1. Novice (students)

2. Priest (may have subclasses, such as doctors, researchers, exorcists, etc.)

3. Bishop (can also have subclasses)

4. Abbots (an administrative position that may have the same status as the bishop, but lack "real" combat power; low holy power)

5. Archbishop (may have subclasses, but is more seen as a church administrator or teacher for some special priests)

6. Cardinal (There are 8 Cardinals, they are chosen based on missions accomplished, family support, successful disciples, and the quantity and quality of the sacred power in their body)

7. Pope (Candidates are chosen by the amount of sacred power and then voted on by the cardinals, there is usually a ritual to identify talents and power level, it must be known the greater the sacred power the greater the approximation with the god of light, supposedly)

Note: Each promotion requires a baptism that reinforces the sacred power within them;

Note 2: Starting from Archbishop Ranking, they gain a divine item that comes with Celestial Baptism.

The following class promotions are more difficult for people to rank up, there are several minimum requirements and rituals needed for ascension.

Warriors of God (Political persuasion and war force to threaten other countries or maintain "peace") 

1. Knight's Apprentice (they can be selected among the nobles, among the novices, and even among orphans)

2. Holy Knight (usual weapons are swords, spears, and halberds, but culturally long swords are the most appreciated; Unlike normal Knights, Holy Knights go up to the circle 5)

3. Holy Paladin (powers similar to normal knight's sixth to eighth power circle)

4. Archers of Light (the same status as Paladin; this ranking includes assassins, senior investigators, battle exorcists, in short, everyone who does not carry "heavy" weapons, but who has real battle power)

5. Celestial Incorporate (in this case you need to be baptized again and be lucky enough to be selected by an angel)

6. Holy Warlord (It also takes a strong blessing, usually a ritual is done to promote archers and paladins to this class and go to war)

7. Holy Warrior (selected by "angels")

8. End of War Saint (received an oracle from the God of Light and a divine weapon, comes up to be the chosen saint to be the war leader)