
I Transmigrated Into This Hell-like Heaven

Kristina got reincarnated into the body of a man after her stepfamily blamed her for her mother's death and eventually drove her to her death. Kristina could start over in the body of Alec's friend, Tristan. However, she couldn't forgive or forget their mistreatment. How will Kristina deal with living in the male body? What would happen if someone found out that Tristan wasn't himself anymore? And most importantly, who is now in her body?

Schrecklich · LGBT+
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27 Chs

6. Uninvited guest

You can't fear what you understand, but what if you don't have enough time to understand?

Rain pounded against the windows, creating a steady drumming rhythm. The air felt more delicate - as if nature showed its vulnerable face.

"Dinner's ready!" Millen's voice called from downstairs.

They all sat down to eat dinner. Kristina savored the familiar scene: her family gathered around the table, the scent of food filling the air. Laughter and conversation flowed as easily as a gravy. Then, a quiet knock shattered the tranquility.

"Are we expecting anyone?" Henry murmured, exchanging a confused glance with his wife. He set down his fork and stood up. 

"Stay here. I'll see who it is," Henry said as he walked to the front door.

He looked through the peephole and opened the door. Two drenched figures entered the house.


At the mention of his name, Alec strode to the door, his expression a mixture of surprise and concern.

"Tristan? And who is-" 

"My sister," Tristan interrupted Alec, "Mr. Henry, could we stay the night?" 

They sat on a couch as Millen patiently dried their hair. She left the towel on Tristan's head. He sat there stiffly, water dripping down on his face, his usual vibrancy replaced by an evident exhaustion.

"How could you even go out in this weather? Gosh, look at you both, shivering and drenched." Millen dried the girl's hair gently.

"So young and reckless."

Kristina stood there, wondering what happened. Tristan never came unannounced. However, no one asked what happened. It was as if they all silently agreed on this.

Alec sat on the couch next to Tristan, watching him without a word. Kristina didn't know what he looked for in his mannerisms or eyes. Or maybe she knew - he looked so tired, fed up.

Anne, Tristan's sister, resembled him in every way. Anne's long blonde hair and tender eyes - she looked like a copy of her brother. The only difference was her ocean-blue eyes.

Tristan never talked about his family. Even his sister was a mystery till now. Kristina never pried, although she wanted to many times.

Millen served two new plates full of food as they sat back to finish their meal.

"You must be hungry, eat up."

Tristan opened his mouth to say something, but Millen stopped him, "No complaining. I want to see the plates cleared."

"Thank you for the food, ma'am," Tristan murmured gratefully, his smile faint yet sincere.

As the night went on, Kristina couldn't find a trace of the broken man in Tristan - he smiled happily. Everything seemed normal - as if the scene unfolding just hours prior was nothing less than a fever dream. 

However, Anne still held her aura of bitterness. 

"So, that's what I'm saying! How could he be so dumb to brag about his crimes on social media." Alec crossed his arms on his chest.

They were watching the news. Kristina found it amusing how he could get invested in such a thing.

"You're talking like you would've gotten away with murder," Tristan laughed heartily.

"If you would be my partner in crime, of course," Alec smirked.

Tristan smacked him. "Keep dreaming."

Millen washed the dishes with Anne. 

"Sweetheart, I told you to let it be. I can take care of the dishes on my own."

"It's my way of saying thanks," Anne said slowly.

"There's no need for this. In this house, you and your brother are welcome anytime. So remember that," Millen said while patting her head.

Days flew by, and their 'sleepover' was prolonged. Kristina observed Anne with a great curiosity. Every word she spilled, every faint smile she spared Millen. The palpable surprise as Millen called Anne her new daughter. Shivers ran down her back as Anne turned around and watched her silently. Was it a threat?

They left as suddenly as they came. Anne and Tristan left after three days. Kristina watched them go, the unanswered questions swirling in her mind. She never learned the reason behind their sudden visit. 

It looked so much like an act of desperation.