
Chapter 3. Showbiz (1)

Chapter 3. Showbiz (1)

In front of the plane, a man in a pilot uniform greeted them.

"My name is Chu Lan . I am the Co-pilot of this plane. Nice to meet you young master Ren.

Ren smiled and nodded at that.

When they entered the passageway, they didn't see any airplane seats. Instead, a room arranged like a living room was revealed.

It was the first time Ren had seen the interior of a private plane. So, he was looking around every nook and cranny of it with his eyes.

As he was looking around a old bearded man come out of a room. He was approximately 45 years old. When he saw Ren he bowed his head slightly and said.

"Young master Ren, nice to meet you. I am Tu Shi, the main pilot of the plane."

Ren also nodded at him with a smile.

"Young master Ren, we will reach Liankou city in about 3 hour, so you should sit comfortably and asked for anything you want."

As he said that, Ren asked him.

"Is there a multimedia room here where I can watch dramas."


"Yeah, TV dramas"

"Yes, young master there is a multimedia room in the plane. Come this way"

They were both led to a wide multimedia room with a large TV.

'I had never seen such a big TV'

Both the captains left but they were still surprised that their young master liked to watch dramas but they didn't think too much about it as there were a lot of young and old people these days who like dramas.

But the more surprised was Ran jing who was beside Ren all the time. She never thought that Ren had interest in dramas.

For a while she thought that Ren knows that she liked watching dramas but then shake off the thought out of her head as she hadn't told anyone about it.

Ren really knows that she liked dramas. When he was thinking about the information he had on Ran jing, he suddenly remembered the one line he had written when he was describing her.

'She liked watching dramas'

Ren had casually wrote this line and he had never thought that he will be able to use this against Ran jing.

Although Ren was still somewhat scared of her, he thought that, now that they will be together for some years, why not take this chance to get closer to her.

And the best way to get closer was to share similar hobbies. People with similar hobbies were able to easily connect to each other by talking about their hobbies and interest.

So, he figured out that by using dramas, he will able to get close to her.

"Do you really wanted to watch dramas"

Ran jing asked confused as why am I suddenly interested in dramas.

"Well, we have three hours until we reach Liankou city. So, why not watch dramas until we land and I had also heard that a popular drama was going on"

"But I don't remember the name of that drama, what was it...."

Before he could finish Ran jing spoke.

"«Royal family»"

"Oh, So Ms. Ran jing also watched dramas"

".....Well I sometimes watch it...."

She spoke but her voice was very soft and her cheeks were also red.

"So, why don't we watch this drama, then"

He spoke and she nodded.

Ren switched on the screen and switched to «Royal family».

After three hours they had watched three episodes of the series and Ren admit that they were good, they were really good.

The plot and acting of the actors were really good, the male lead was really giving off the image of a rich young master and second male lead was hilarious.

It was expected of a drama that was very hot these days. It's rating a made a record.

As he watching the drama, he was also secretly glancing at Ran jing and she was completely immersed in the drama. Even after our plane had landed, she hadn't taken her eyes off the screen.

'She really liked dramas'

While watching the drama, he had also noticed that the actors were someone he had never heard of in his previous life.

So, he came to a conclusion that the entertainment industry of this world was not same and after checking with internet, he found that not only the entertainment industry but famous books like Harry Potter series, Lord of the rings and The hobbit are missing.

He also found no information on Marvel or DC.

Guess that GOD007 really made it a parallel world.

'Well, I can use it to earn money'

After the plane landed on the airport, we both say our goodbyes to the pilots and headed outside.

While we were walking out, I noticed Ran jing was taking glances at me.

Seeing me looking at her, her cheeks got red for a second but she maintained her cold look. She asked somewhat hesitating.

"Are you interested in dramas because what your father told you to do"

"No, I am honestly wanted to watch the drama and also found it enjoyable"


"Yeah, really"

She nodded with her cold look but I can feel that we have gotten closer than before.

After he and Ran jing exited the airport, they were greeted by a enthusiastic man who was here to pick him up.

He came running towards us after he sees us and introduced himself.

"Young master Ren, I am Cai Ming, I am here to pick you and Ms. Ran jing."

He was a young, very young almost the same age as Ren. He had black hair and brown eyes and he was also handsome but in front of Ren, anyone will only think of him as normal.

Ran jing was already notified that he is coming, so they immediately got on the car.

Cai Ming was talking nonstop in the car and trying to flatter us. Ran jing was just listening with a cold face whereas Ren was looking outside the car to see the city.

He is somewhat excited to see a city that he had created.

When Cai Ming saw Ren looking outside, he immediately started talking to him.

"Young master Ren, if you want to see the city, then I can show you later"

"It's okay but first tell me about the company"

Hearing Ren said that Cai Ming usual expression worsen and a frown appeared on his face. He said with a sad look.

"Young master Ren, our company is not doing well right now. We are on the verge of collapse. Most of our idol groups and actors had flopped and had left the company. There are very little amount of people left in the company. My father health had also gotten worse because of this"

"It's worse than I thought"

At his words, Cai Ming just nodded.

Before coming here, Ren's father had told him about their company in Liankou city and wanted him to take charge of it.

Ren wanted to refuse but his father told him that the company is on the verge of collapse and it didn't matter how he handle things there, so he had agreed eventually but after knowing that it was a entertainment company and most of the dramas, movies and songs of his previous world are missing in this world. He decided to try his hands on this company.

It didn't matter if he failed but if he succeeded then he will have a secure source of income and he will also be able to meet celebrities anytime he wanted.

'Maybe I will be able to date one of them'

It's been Ren's dream to date a celebrity, he had several dreams of dating stars like Selena Gomez and Angelina Jolie.

In the car, he heard all the inside and outside news of the company and made a conclusion.

'The company is finished'

Most of the singers has left the company, there is no songwriter to write songs and the trainees quality is very worse.

His father company would be able to easily invest capital in the company and make some films on its own and also invite songwriters.

But his father had already lost money on this company and didn't want to lose again. He had originally wanted to close it but he gave this company to Ren to manage thinking that it will be a good experience for him.

He also didn't have any expectations from him.

Ren told Cai Ming to don't worry and that he will visit the company tomorrow.

He was then led to his new home which he will be living in for 3 years.

He was surprised to see his new home which was the top floor of a high rise building.

Ren father not only have invested in entertainment but also in real estate and had the largest real estate business in Liankou city.

Ren's room was the entire top floor of the building. It was very spacious with all the facilities. He immediately fell asleep on his soft bed because of fatigue.


The next day after breakfast which was made by Ran jing who live in the floor below him, they both left to visit the company.

The entertainment company was called Rock entertainment and like his name, it's value is same as a rock.

When he entered the building, Cai Ming greeted him and escorted him to the president office.

On the way, he can hear whispers of some of the trainees.

"Is he a actor? He's so handsome"

"He looks so handsome"

"Maybe he is a rookie actor"

"I wish that he was my boyfriend"

Ren just shrugged it off as it was not the first time it had happened. Wherever he goes, there were always some people looking at him because of his face. So, he was used to it now.

When he entered the president office, he saw a middle aged man sitting there. He had black hair but there were traces of white hair. He also had wrinkles on his face. He was Cai Zong, the current president of the company and Cai Ming father's.

When he saw Ren he immediately sat up from his seat and greeted him but there was worry in his eyes.

After the greetings, they sat on the sofa to discuss about the company.

"Young master Ren, Our company condition is not good at all. All of our good trainees have been taken away from us by other companies and our top star Zhang Ruoxin had also signed by our rivals. If we don't do anything, then we have to close our...."

He said with a frowning face. He had been the president of the company for 10 years and now that the company is on the verge of collapse, he was very worried.

"I understand, Do you have the information about the trainees with you"

When Ren said that, Cai Ming gave him a document containing the information about the trainees.

Ren didn't know much about the entertainment industry of this world but when he was writing the novel, there was a chapter in which a heroine who was a star had invited the mc to a award show.

In that chapter, he had made up various celebrities names and now he was trying to test his luck to see, if one of them was in their company.

He searched through various introductions and finally found a familiar name but when he remembered who the name belonged to, he had a frown on his face.

'Why is she here'

Cai Zong who was sitting opposite Ren had a confused expression when he saw Ren who was just reading the trainees name had suddenly stopped and started reading the information about a trainee.

'Did someone caught his eyes'

He didn't have much expectations for Ren at first as he didn't think that 16 year old will do something about his collapsing company, he also looked down upon him somewhat.

At first, when he heard that Ren was coming here to take control of the company. He had many thoughts. He just thought that he will play with some of the pretty girls here and be on his way. He didn't think favourable of the so called young masters. He thought that all of the young masters are just spoiled brats.

So, he was surprised when Ren personally came to his office to know about the company. When he saw Ren asking about the trainee resumes, he thought that maybe he is not like the spoiled young masters but when Ren just started flipping through the resumes, he thought that he is just playing around.

He was more surprised when Ren asked him about a young trainee.

"What do you know about Xia Nan"

"Well, I think she is a young trainee who has just joined our company last year. She is currently training in our idol program"

'He didn't have eyes for a girl that young, right'

If Ren knew Cai Zong thoughts, he would have surely wanted to beat him up. Ren didn't have thoughts about her, he was surprised to see her here.

Xia Nan

She and Ren were very similar, they were both mobs who died by the hands of the mc.

He had first introduced her as the rival of MC's love interest who was a celebrity. Both her and the heroine were rivals in the entertainment world. They both were top stars. He had introduced her as someone who will try to win against the heroine but ultimately her career was destroyed by the mc.

Her scandals with her agency directors were revealed and her career was destroyed. She later commits suicide.

He had given her a tragic story.

In his novel, he had written her as a selfish and jealous woman who will sleeps with anyone for her career.

He had never thought he will meet her here. Although her personality was not good, she was still a top actress, so he could use her.

After two hours, Ren had finally decided what to do from now on and hearing Ren's suggestions both Cai Zong and Ming were flabbergasted.

"So, young master you are saying you will like to make a album with Ms. Song Xue and train Xia Nan as an actress?"

When nodded at the question, the father-son duo was completely shocked.

They were both thinking that Ren must have a screw loose. Even Ran jing was thinking that Ren mental problems were getting worse.

"Young master, can you explain to me, why do you want to make a album with Ms. Song Xue. It is still fine when you say that, you want to train Xia Nan as a actress but Ms. Song Xue is currently 27 years old, don't you think she is little old to make a debut."

Cai Zong asked with uncertainty.

"You don't have to worry about it. I choose Ms. Song Xue because of her determination. She is 27 this year but still had not given up her dreams to become a star. That's shows how much she wanted to be a star"

"But...but she didn't have anything special, her singing and dancing is just so-so and her star quality is also low"

"You don't have to worry about it, talent is not everything. She will definitely become a star"

Ren said with a tone said that he was determined.

Cai Zong can only give it up as he know he will not be able to persuade Ren and the company is already on loss, it didn't matter if he fails.

"Oh, first we have to change something"


Cai Zong said wondering what Ren wanted to change.

"Name, the name of the company is not good. What Rock entertainment, due to such name, the company value is of rocks"

"So, what name do you think will be good"

Cai Zong said thinking that the young master personality is really different. He even wants to change the name of the company now.

"White Wolf, White Wolf entertainment will be good"

With that, the name of the company which will dominate the entertainment industry later was decided.